OLGU SUNUMU Dr. ESRA AYDIN KARAKAYA KL N K(Raporda belirtilen) .G , 53y, E T m v cutta, skalpte 25-30 y ld r multiple lezyonlar varm , ve giderek t m ...
RECIST Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors yi Yan tlar * * T m r Cevap Kriterleri Tan mlama? Hastalar n tedaviye verdi i cevab tan mlamak i in ...
Title: PowerPoint Sunusu Author: a.vural Last modified by: Users Created Date: 2/1/2002 8:03:46 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company
ELEKTR K AKIMINA BA LI YARALANMALAR Do . Dr. Nadir ARICAN 25.04.2005 Tarih e 1866 Siemens Dinamo Sestier 600 olgu ( Y ld r m) lk deneyler 1880 Fontana- Mara ...
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Still, these lasers are primarily hair removal ...
Leishmania tropica-kutan z formda lezyon parazitin girdi i yerle s n rl kal r. Genellikle dudak ve g z kapaklar nda derin olmayan deri lserleri ekillenir.
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Meram Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Other titles
Title: Sindirim ve Genital Kanal Kam l Protozoonlar Author: a Last modified by: M kremin zkan Arsla Created Date: 10/7/2005 5:16:25 PM Document presentation ...
Still, these lasers are primarily hair removal lasers and should be purchased on the basis of their hair removal capabilities. So how does laser hair removal work?
Title: SANTRAL VERT GO AYIRICI TANI Author: SINAN Last modified by: alemdar Created Date: 9/14/2006 7:15:39 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3)
Vaskulitler Prof.Dr.H.Reyhan E ilmez Cumhuriyet niversitesi T p Fak ltesi Patoloji Anabilim Dal Vaskulit Damar duvar n n yang sal reaksiyonu Patogenez ...
PED ATR SABAH TOPLANTISI OLGU SUNUMU OCUK G S HASTALIKLARI QuentiFERON-TB Gold testinin avantajlar : nvitro artlarda uygulanmas uygulanan ki ilerde ...
GASTR T VE GASTROPAT LER Mide mukozas n n inflamasyonu anlam na gelir Baz mukozal zedelenmelerde inflamatuvar h crelerden daha ok epitelyal ve vask ler ...
BEN GN KEM K T M RLER Dr. Kadir Geylani KORUR skelet sisteminden k ken alanlar Kemik yap daki di er dokulardan k ken alanlar Eklemlerden k ken alanlar ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: seminer01 Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi Other titles
Title: PowerPoint Presentation - Quicktime and the Web Author: Guy Mullins Last modified by: www Created Date: 11/15/2000 8:46:09 PM Document presentation format
Paraziter Hastal klar Yrd. Do .Dr. Ayhan KILI ntestinal Parazitozlar Az geli mi ve geli mekte olan lkelerde g ncel sa l k sorunu ocuklarda Bedensel ...
akut romat zmal ate akut romat zmal ate , a grubu beta hemol t k streptokoklarla olu an st solunum yolu nfeks yonundan sonra ortaya ikan nflamatuvar ...
Title: PowerPoint Sunusu Author: mehmet Last modified by: PAU Created Date: 11/25/2002 7:36:01 PM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi Company
ANJ YOPLAST DR. M T BELET ONDOKUZ MAYIS N VERS TES RADYOLOJ ANAB L M DALI Fig. 4 Rupture of the renal artery during balloon angioplasty of a stenotic ...
RESTR KT F AKC ER HASTALIKLARI Dr. Sefa L. z ahin Restriktif Ventilasyon Bozuklu u Vital kapasite (VC) Total akci er kapasitesi (TLC) Akci er komplians ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: user Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Other titles
Ama ve hedefler Tiroid Embriyoloji, Anatomi Histoloji, Fizyoloji T RO D HASTALIKLARI Tiroid Fonksiyon Hastal klar Tiroid Kitleleri Guatr Soliter Tiroid Nod l
ST SOLUNUM YOLU OBSTR KS YONU VE TRAKEOTOM Do .Dr. .Faruk NAL st solunum yolu - Burun ve oral kavite - Farinks (nazofarinks, orofarinks, hipofarinks ...
Endometriosiz, inflamasyon ve hormon resept rleri Orhan Bukulmez, M.D. Associate Professor and Division Director Division of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility