Title: Figury geometryczne na p aszczy nie Author: Christopher Last modified by: Justyna Created Date: 6/11/2003 2:23:39 PM Document presentation format
Realizat de prof. TIT CUPRIAN GEOMETRIE CLASA a VI-a Semestrul I + II Capitole: 1. Figuri si corpuri geometrice 2. Dreapta 3. Unghiuri 4. Congruenta triunghiurilor
The Cathedral of Siena (Italian: Duomo di Siena), dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian church and now to Santa Maria Assunta (Most Holy Mary of Assumption), is a medieval church in Siena, central Italy. The cathedral itself was originally designed and completed between 1215 and 1263 on the site of an earlier structure. It has the form of a Latin cross with a slightly projecting transept, a dome and a bell tower. The dome rises from a hexagonal base with supporting columns. The lantern atop the dome was added by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The nave is separated from the two aisles by semicircular arches. The exterior and interior are constructed of white and greenish-black marble in alternating stripes, with addition of red marble on the façade. Black and white are the symbolic colors of Siena, etiologically linked to black and white horses of the legendary city's founders, Senius and Aschius.
The Albert Memorial was commissioned by Queen Victoria as a tribute to her late consort, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The high-gothic monument was completed in 1876, 15 years after prince Albert died at the age of 41. The Albert Memorial is situated in Kensington Gardens, London, England, directly to the north of the Royal Albert Hall. It was commissioned by Queen Victoria in memory of her beloved husband, Prince Albert who died of typhoid in 1861. The memorial was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the Gothic Revival style. Opened in July 1872 by Queen Victoria, with the statue of Albert ceremonially "seated" in 1875, the memorial consists of an ornate canopy or pavilion containing a statue of the prince facing south. The memorial is 176 feet (54 m) tall, took over ten years to complete, and cost £120,000 (the equivalent of about £10,000,000 in 2010). The cost was met by public subscription.
PENTOMINO. Jeste my 4 grup , kt ra przygotowa a projekt pt.: PENTOMINO . Autorzy projektu to: Oliwia, Zuzia i Karolina, a teraz zapraszamy do ogl dni cia ...
U AMKI ZWYK E Podaj przyk ad u amka, kt ry ma: Licznik taki sam, jak mianownik, Licznik dwa razy wi kszy ni mianownik Licznik o trzy mniejszy ni mianownik ...
Acad. Prof. Dr. Honoris Causa Ion Irimescu (1903 – 2005) was one of Romania's greatest sculptors. His works have been exhibited around the world (Paris, Moscow, Belgrade, Budapest, Istanbul, Warsaw, Rome, Prague, Oslo, Tokyo, etc.). By commission, he painted the interior of the Opriseni Orthodox Church in his native town. In 2003, upon becoming a centenarian, he was distinguished with a remarkable celebration by the Romanian Academy and Romanian Ministry of Culture. General School No. 2 in his native city (where Mihail Sadoveanu had studied) was renamed in his honor. The Center for Study and Creation in Fălticeni also bears his name.
(E. Allan Poe i Lautremont ... Lucida Handwriting Monotype Corsiva Wingdings Arial Rounded MT Bold Aharoni Times New Roman Algerian Arial Black Bookman Old ...
Publicarea datelor statistice pe mai multe canale (publica ii electronice i baze de date) Experien a Finlandei Seminar privind diseminarea datelor statistice ...
BRAINSTORMING METODA DE REZOLVARE DE PROBLEME SPECIFICUL METODEI Este o metoda a discutiei in grup, initiata de A. Osborn, preluata din budismul Zen ( concen-trarea ...
PODSTAWY ANIMACJI KOMPUTEROWEJ W RODOWISKU FLASH mgr in . Piotr Szczuko Animacja komputerowa Wy wietlanie wielu (16) r nych obraz w na sekund , w celu ...
CAPITOLUL 6 CONECTIVITATE SI INTERDEPENDEN A IN SISTEMELE ADAPTIVE COMPLEXE 4.1 Ce sunt re elele complexe? 4.2 Tipuri de re ele complexe 4.3 Propriet ile ...
S owo mandala oznacza w sanskrycie centrum, obw d lub ko o magiczne. Jej magia i si a wynika z jej wszechobecno ci. Rytmy dobowe i roczne, ruchy gwiazd, s o ce ...
Sei Giovane Pensieri da un altro mondo Sei giovane... libert , giustizia, verit , sono dentro di te, sono parte di te. Li desideri come il mangiare il respirare, l ...
title: zonele de protectie pentru captarile de apa destinate potabilizarii componenta a registrului zonelor protejate drinking water protected areas register ...
Title: Slajd 1 Author: piotrek Last modified by: wojtek Created Date: 9/26/2006 8:12:39 AM Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie (4:3) Other titles
Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Mitla is the second most important archeological site in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico, and the most important of the Zapotec culture. However, what makes Mitla unique among Mesoamerican sites is the elaborate and intricate mosaic fretwork and geometric designs that cover tombs, panels, friezes and even entire walls. These mosaics are made with small, finely cut and polished stone pieces which have been fitted together without the use of mortar. No other site in Mexico has this (Wikipedia).
Psychologie II Historie zkoum n komunikace v antice P EDN KA 2 Tvrzen s logick mi chybami a fale n mi argumenty Argumentum ad hominem (m sto o v ci ...
Nije dopu teno umna ati ili bilo kako ispravljati bez dopu tenja autora. Autor: dr.sc. Ivan Karli SVRHA: Isklju ivo kao pomo pra enja predavanja; obrazovna.
Aproximaciones est ticas INTRODUCCI N: Est tica y teor a del arte Est tica: A partir de Aesthetica (1750) de Baumgarten. Focalizada en la subjetividad: la ...
CIOCOLATA 1. Dozarea, amestecarea componen ilor la prepararea masei de ciocolat . Rafinarea masei de ciocolata Se execut cu diferite ma ini, cele des nt lnite ...
(Maybelline) TO DZIA A! CZYLI O CZASOWNIKU Czasowniki wyst puj ce w reklamach nie nak aniaj wprost do kupna towaru, a jedynie delikatnie podpowiadaj : ...
Tradition says that the Christmas tree must be adorned on the night of December ... The carols are way of bringing cheer, health and fulfillment of all wishes. ...
Anna Kucharek Marzena Chronowska Krzysztof Lasota 1. Definicja inteligencji: W psychologii inteligencja to swoisty zesp l zdolno ci umys owych umo liwiaj cych ...
Emotiile in HCI. Proiectarea pentru persoane cu dizabilitati. Calculatorul HCI curs 2 Memoria Memoria de lunga durata Discuri Magnetice: dischete, hard-discuri ...
c) Els camins de servei o d'acc s, de titularitat p blica o privada, constru ts ... L'obertura d'aquests camins a l' s p blic es pot acordar per raons d'inter s ...
i inne wierszyki z zabawami logopedycznymi Drodzy Rodzice! Aby mowa Waszych dzieci rozwija a si prawid owo, bawcie si i piewajcie z nimi, rozmawiajcie i ...