LIGHT BULB Joseph William SWAN invented the light bulb. VOCABULARY Light bulb:Amp l VOCABULARY Rabies:Kuduz RABIES VACCINE Louis PASTEUR invented the rabies vaccine.
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: ULKUMEN LODOPLU Last modified by: ulkumenrodoplu Created Date: 4/11/2000 11:12:27 AM Document presentation format
Title: A ILAR Author: Emre Alhan Last modified by: Emre Alhan Created Date: 10/23/2002 1:26:19 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
A ILAR Dr. H. lkay AYDEM R Aile Hekimli i A.D. 02 Haziran 2003 Sa l k Slaytlar AMA Bu sunumun sonunda kat l mc lar n ...
Title: Hikaye alma ve sorgulama Author: yusuf akcan Last modified by: YA Created Date: 11/22/2000 5:01:57 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi
Title: SALGINLARIN EP DEM YOLOJ K NCELENMES Author: t Last modified by. Created Date: 5/9/2005 8:49:09 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi
AC L SERV STE ANT B OT K KULLANIMI Uz. Dr. LK MEN RODOPLU KAYNAKLAR ACEP, Annals of Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine, Tintinalli ...
Title: Kan Transf zyonu Author: user Last modified by: hbs Created Date: 3/2/2006 11:16:43 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Other titles
Title: Son Anadolu Panteri Author: d hekimi yal n ergir Last modified by: dh Created Date: 1/17/2006 8:24:26 AM Document presentation format
Di er protozoal enfeksiyonlar Microspora Ciliophora Myxozoa Encephalitozoon cuniculi D nya'da yayg nd r. Fare, rat, hamster, kobay, tav an, karnivorlar, maymun ...
M.K. . Veteriner Fak ltesi Parazitoloji A.B.D. nsan ve hayvanlar (Evcil-Yabani) aras nda devaml olarak bir ba lant vard r. Bu ba lant , ciddi sa l k ...
Prof. Dr. Adnan Y ksel G r z E. .T p Fak. Parazitoloji AD. KAYBOLAN MI, ARTAN MI? Kamuoyu g ncel hastal klara duyarl , kan ksad klar na ise umursamazd r ...