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On the other hand, the fertility testing uses the ovulation prediction tests. These test kits use test strips for the detection of specific hormones. These tests are mostly performed at home recently using the user-friendly test kits. These tests are used by women to determine the time in the monthly cycle when getting pregnant is most likely.
An extensive study of the product application and services conducted by subject matter experts assessing the market will help product owners to make a wise decision.
Fertility test market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to account to USD 719.34 million by 2027 growing at a CAGR of 7.25% in the above-mentioned forecast period. The growing rate of first-time pregnancy age will help in driving the growth of the fertility test market.
Launch of advanced, easy-to-use fertility monitors with high accuracy, growing awareness about fertility testing, declining fertility rates across the globe will likely to accelerate the growth of the fertility test market in the forecast period of 2020-2027. On the other hand, emergence of combined kits for dual testing of pregnancy and ovulation will further boost various opportunities that will lead to the growth of the fertility test market in the above mentioned forecast period.
AdroitMarketResearch.com just released a new market research report focusing on the “Fertility Testing Devices Market with Global analysis and forecasts until 2025” to its database.
Due to the escalating first-time pregnancy period, the advent of revolutionary fertility monitors with high-level accuracy, the global fertility test market is rising at a substantial pace. In the coming years, the industry has encountered strong demand for ovulation predictor kits due to minimal charges relative to fertility sensors, and lower costs and high performance.
The Global Fertility Test Market is expected to reach USD 681.86 million by 2025, from USD 382.32 billion in 2017 growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025.
Global Fertility Testing Devices Market is expected to reach USD 6,285.0 million by 2024 from USD 3,788.3 million in 2016, at a CAGR of 7.5% in the forecast period 2017 to 2024.
“Global Fertility Testing Devices Market is expected to reach USD 6,285.0 million by 2024 from USD 3,788.3 million in 2016, at a CAGR of 7.5% in the forecast period 2017 to 2024.
The global fertility test market size was valued at USD 498.28 million in 2021. It is expected to reach USD 1,004.2 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period (2022–2030). The medical and physical examination known as "fertility testing" determines whether or not an individual is naturally capable of conceiving children and carrying them to term. For more info @ https://straitsresearch.com/report/fertility-test-market
Fertility testing devices market research @ http://tinyurl.com/jkgmj5o . It is highly competitive, with a large number of small market players. As of 2014, the global fertility testing devices market was dominated by SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH (Switzerland), Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (U.S.), and Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), which accounted for a market share of more than50% in 2014. Other players in this market include Geratherm Medical AG (Germany), HiLin Life Products, Inc. (U.S.), Fairhaven Health, LLC (U.S.), and Fertility Focus Limited (U.K.). New product development, partnerships, agreements, and collaboration are the major strategies adopted by most of the players to achieve growth in the fertility testing devices market.
The global fertility testing devices market was estimated at USD 151.0 Million in 2015; it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period to reach USD 216.8 Million by 2020.
The global fertility testing devices market was estimated at USD 151.0 Million in 2015; it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period to reach USD 216.8 Million by 2020.
The global fertility testing devices market was estimated at USD 151.0 Million in 2015; it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period to reach USD 216.8 Million by 2020.
The global fertility testing devices market was estimated at USD 151.0 Million in 2015; it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period to reach USD 216.8 Million by 2020.
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