MYELOME FACTEURS PRONOSTIQUES ET TRAITEMENT Christian ROUX Christophe HUDRY Service de Rhumatologie H pital Cochin Paris QUAND ? La d min ralisation osseuse ...
Xavier Troussard CHU Caen. DONNEES DE LA LITTERATURE. Index de plo die : facteur ... par cytog n tique conventionnelle : m diane de survie 33,8 mois ...
Arm C: Thalidomide 400 mg/day on d 1-28 ... 9 x 6-week cycles (54 weeks) in both arms ... Patients: Symptomatic multiple myeloma/CRAB with measurable disease ...
University of California, Davis. 2. Abstracts [73] Bortezomib (Velcade )-Thalidomide-Dexamethasone (VTD) vs Thalidomide ... Median # of apheresis. 1 (0-5) 2 (0-4) NS ...
S paration magn tique des plasmocytes dans le cadre des my lomes multiples Elodie DAVID Equipe Onco-h matologie en cytog n tique Prolonger votre offre de soins ...
LE SYNDROME NEPHROTIQUE C est un ensemble de sympt mes, qui correspondent une atteinte du glom rule r nal. Le syndrome n phrotique comprend deux versants: 1 ...
LES HEMOPATHIES MALIGNES CLASSIFICATION les diff rents types de leuc mies my lo des aigu s repose sur l aspect des blastes et leur expression vari e d ...
VAKA SUNUMU Do .Dr.A.BAK KUMBASAR HASEK E.A.H 3.Dahiliye Klinik efi Sinuzoidal yerle im oldu unda Portal hipertansiyonun n planda oldu u bir klinik ...
Atteinte des art res de moyen et gros calibres. Atteinte segmentaire et multi-focale ... typique. Quels examens paracliniques aident au diagnostic ? Biopsie de ...
Title: Aucun titre de diapositive Author: casper Last modified by: Boumendjel Created Date: 10/16/1998 6:59:20 AM Document presentation format: Affichage l' cran ...
Les r flexes ost otendineux sont normaux, il n y a pas de d ficit sensitivo moteur. Traitement actuel: ADALATE 2/ j pour HTA (1988), lexomil 1/2-1/2- 1.
Neuropsych. vor. 6 PTE OK Pszichi triai Klinika Bewegungs- und Krankheitsverhalten Moderate Bewegung f rdert die Immunkompetenz, extremer hochleistungssport ...
Actif sur levures et filaments = Candida sp., Candida r sistant au ... Peu actif sur les agents de mucormycoses. Denning et al: invasive aspergillosis: clinical ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: HASU Last modified by: Ankara Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3)
Title: Sn mek 1 Author: l Last modified by: prof. MUDr. Anna Va k , CSc Created Date: 4/14/2004 7:34:32 AM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
Title: Sn mek 1 Author: l Last modified by: prof. MUDr. Anna Va k , CSc Created Date: 4/14/2004 7:34:32 AM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
Patofyziologie krvetvorby P edn ka z patologick fyziologie pro bakal e Slo en a funkce krve objem krve - 6-8% t lesn hmotnosti - 5,5 l hematokrit - 46% ...
PD Dr. med. Ansgar Schulz: Antik rper in der Krebsbehandlung Klinik f r Kinder- und Jugendmedizin der Universit t Ulm: Tagesklinik der Onkologie, Immunologie und ...
... zur Beschleunigung der Schleimhauterneuerung ME200 PBPCT PEGFilgrastim Kobbe et al., ASH 2006 ME200 PBPCT PEGFilgrastim Palifermin station r station r 21 ...
Title: Sn mek 1 Author: JAROSLAVA - LA KOV Last modified by: Lankova Created Date: 11/5/2002 12:18:26 AM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
Immunologie in der Labormedizin Konteptvorlesung 2 Themenblock 8 Beda M. Stadler Diese Folien stehen auch als PPT Files zum download bereit unter: http://www.iib ...
In general, foods that cause gout are high in fat, which is why dietary ... food category, lentil beans and yeast increase one's chance of gout flaring up. ...
Indikace k transplantaci hematopoetick ch kmenov ch/progenitorov ch bun k Prof. RNDr. Ilona Hromadn kov , PhD. Odd len molekul rn biologie a patologie bu ky
Title: Pediatric nephrology Author: PEDIATRIE Last modified by: J S Created Date: 10/10/2002 7:40:43 PM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
PALLIATIV V RD/SM RTA 70-90% av ca-pat har sm rta Sm rtanalys Sm rtdiagnos- nociceptiv eller neurogen sm rta Sm rtbehandling-l kemedel, str lbehandling,TENS ...
Title: PowerPoint Sunusu Author: Yahya Last modified by: Hema Created Date: 8/6/2003 11:03:35 PM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi Other titles
Instabil hemodynamik: Ge 50 mg Actilyse i.v. under 30 minuter och d refter 50 mg i.v. p 90 minuter. I kritisk situation 0.6 mg Actilyse/kg i.v. under 5-15 minuter ...