Georg Cantor (1845-1918) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Georg Cantor (1845-1918)


Title: Georg Cantor (1845-1918) Author: Ralph Kaufmann Last modified by: Department of Mathematics Created Date: 2/10/2004 3:25:30 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cantor | georg | hilbert | space


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Georg Cantor (1845-1918)

Georg Cantor (1845-1918)
  • Founder of modern set theory.
  • Introduced the concept of cardinals.
  • Two sets have the same cardinality if they are in
    1-1 correspondence.
  • The cardinality of N is called (aleph
    zero). A set with this cardinality is called
  • The cardinality of R is called c.
  • Cantor proved that
  • Q is countable
  • R is uncountable
  • The algebraic numbers are countable
  • The cardinality of Rn is equal to that of R
  • He thought that there are only two types of
    infinite subsets of R
  • Those that are countable, like the natural
  • Those that have the cardinality of R, like an
  • This is a version of the continuum hypothesis.

Cantors Cardinals and Ordinals
  • Abstracting from the particular nature and order
    of the elements of a set, we can consider two
    sets to be equivalent if there is a 1-1
    correspondence between them. Cantor defines this
    abstraction to be a cardinal.
  • Question what is the relation of the cardinality
    of the real numbers and the natural numbers?
  • Abstracting from the particular nature of the
    elements of a well-ordered set, we can consider
    two well-ordered sets to be equivalent if there
    is a 1-1 correspondence preserving the order
    between them. Cantor defines this abstraction to
    be an ordinal.
  • He thinks of cardinals and ordinals as numbers
    and defines the usual arithmetic operations ,x,
    for them. He also believes that like numbers one
    can always compare two ordinals or two cardinals
    a and b in such a way that one of the following
    altb, ab or blta holds. This is called the
    trichotomy principle.
  • This is true for ordinals, but for cardinals it
    turned out to be equivalent to a new axiom.

Georg Cantor (1845-1918)
Founder of modern set theory.
  • Mittag-Leffler was first a supporter and then
    thought it would not be a good idea to publish
    his papers.
  • Turned to philosophy, theology and history in
    1885, but back to mathematics in 1895.
  • His last major papers on set theory which are
    surveys of transfinite arithmetic including the
    definitions of ordinals and cardinals appeared in
    1895 and 1897, in Mathematische Annalen
  • Acknowledged at the 1897 congress by Hadamar and
  • Acknowledged by Hilbert at the 1900 congress.
  • His theory was attacked by König at the
    Heidelberg congress 1904
  • Depressions first appeared 1884 and became worse
    later in life.
  • Had avid interest in theology and the
    Shakespeare/Bacon controversy
  • Started on the problem of the uniqueness of
    trigonometric expansions (1870-1872).
  • Defined real numbers as limits of rationals
  • Showed that rational and algebraic numbers are
    countable (1873)
  • Showed (1874) that there is a 1-1 correspondence
    between R, R2.
  • This also holds Rn (1877) and even a countably
    infinite product of factors R.
  • Formulated the continuum hypothesis (1878)
  • Between 1878 and 1884 Cantor published a series
    of six papers in Mathematische Annalen designed
    to provide a basic introduction to set theory
  • Founded the Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung
  • His work met the skepticism of Kronecker.

Cantor Contributions to the Founding of the
Theory of Transfinite Numbers 1 The Conception
of Power or Cardinal Number
  • Cantor defines a set (aggregate) as a
    collection into a whole M of definite and
    separate objects of our intuition or of our
  • Notation for union of M and N (M,N)
  • Modern notation MUN
  • Notation for the Cardinal or Power
  • The double bar stands for the abstraction of the
    nature and the order of the elements. This is a
    definition by abstraction.
  • NB. Today a set has no prescribed order, modern
    notation for the cardinal M.
  • MN means that there is a 1-1 correspondence
    between M and N
  • is an equivalence relation
  • (7) MN gt
  • (8) gt MN
  • (9) M
  • How is this to be understood?
  • This shows the limitations of the intuitive
    concept of sets and cardinals.
  • Intuitively a 1-1 correspondence allows one to
    interchange elements of the two sets.
  • Cantor thinks of as a special
    representative of the equivalence class which
    consists of units that is elements without any
    particular special properties.
  • NB. There is no mention of elements

Cantor Contributions2 Greater and Less
with powers
  • Fix two sets M and N with cardinals a for M and
    b for N
  • If both the conditions
  • There is no subset of M which is equivalent to N.
  • There is a subset N1 of N such that N1M.
  • Then a lt b .
  • Why do we need both conditions?
  • a lt b is transitive
  • a lt b , b lt c gt a lt c
  • a lt b, a gt b , a b are mutually exclusive.
    So lt is a partial order.
  • Cantor claims without proof also lt is an order.
    That is the trichotomy principle holds which
    means that for any two cardinals a ,b one of the
    relations a lt b, a gt b , a b holds
  • A proof of this statement relies on the axiom of
    choice, to which it is in fact equivalent!

Cantor Contributions3 The addition and
Multiplication of Powers
  • Fix two sets M and N. Denote their union by
    (M,N). Cantor puts the condition that M and N
    have no common elements.
  • The modern notation is M U N
  • First if MM and NN then (M,N)(M,N)
  • Thus one can define
  • ab
  • Then since forming the union of sets is
    commutative and associative
  • abba
  • a(bc)a(bc)
  • Notation for the Cartesian product which Cantor
    calls bindings
  • The modern notation is MXN.
  • If MM and NN then (M.N)(M.N)
  • Thus one can define
  • a.b
  • Again forming the Cartesian product is
    associative and commutative on sets and moreover
    distributive with respect to the union, thus
  • a.(b.c)a.(b.c)
  • a.(bc)

Cantor Contributions3 The Exponentiation of
  • Let a be the cardinality of M and b be the
    cardinality of N
  • ab
  • Now MNXMPMNUP since a map from NUP to M
    determines a pair of maps from N to M and from P
    to M and vice versa.
  • Also MPXNP(MXN)P, since giving a map from P to
    MXN is equivalent to giving a pair of maps from P
    to M and from P to N.
  • Lastly (MN)PMNXP since giving a map from NXP to
    M yields for each element p of P a map from N to
    M and vice versa given a map from P to MN we get
    an element of m for each pair of elements from P
    and N.
  • Fix two sets M and N. Cantor denotes the space of
    functions from N to M, which he calls covering
    of N with M by
  • (NM)
  • The modern notation is MN which denotes the set
    of all functions from N to M Example R2
  • Recall a function from N to M is a rule that
    associates to each element n in N an element m in
  • If MM and NN then (MN)(MN)

1. ab.acabc, 2. ac.bc(a.b)c, 3. (ab)cab.c
Cantor Contributions
  • Examples
  • Since A map f from 1,2 to R is given by is
    values f(1)? R and f(2) ? R
  • R2maps from 1,2 to R (x,y)x,y ? R RxR
  • Likewise for any set M M2MxM, M3MxMxM etc.
  • The set of curves in R2 is given by the maps from
    R to R2. So it is (R2)R.
  • By the power laws
  • (R2)R (R2XR)(x(t),y(t))x(t),y(t) functions
    from R to R
  • Ww also know this since a function r from
    1,2XR(1,x)x ?RU(2,y)y ?R corresponds
    to a tuple of functions r(t)(x(t),y(t)), which
    is how curves in R2 are given.

Cantor Contributions3 The Exponentiation of
  • Let be the cardinality of N and c be the
    cardinality of the continuum X0,1
  • (11) c
  • Use the binary expansion
  • xf(1)/2f(2)/4 f(n)/2n..
  • Caution! There are numbers with more that one
    binary expansion e.g. 1.000 0.111 1
  • 0.100... 0.011 0.1
  • 0.10100...0.10011..
  • These numbers are the numbers (2n1)/2m lt1 and
    they are enumerable!
  • From this and the power laws it follows that the
    cardinality of the plane R2 an in fact any
    n-dimensional product of reals Rn and even a
    countable infinite product of real lines has the
    same cardinality as R.
  • cnc
  • c

Use For any transfinite cardinal a a?0a
Cantor Contributions6 The Smallest
Transfinite Cardinal Number
  • is indeed the smallest transfinite number.
  • For any finite n gt n
  • For any other transfinite cardinal a lta
  • For the first statement use the definition of
  • For the second statement use
  • Every transfinite aggregate T has parts with the
    cardinal number
  • If S is a transfinite aggregate with the cardinal
    number and S1 is any transfinite part of S
  • Also and thus
  • also
  • (Hilberts Hotel at infinity)
  • Moreover
  • For the latter statement enumerate the elements
    of (N,N) in the matrix form
  • i.e. (1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (1,3), (2,2),
    (2,1), (1,4), , (1,n), (2,n-1), (3,n-1),

Cantor Contributions
  • For any transfinite cardinal a a?0a.
  • Choose M s.t. Ma. Now M has a subset M1 which
    has cardinality ?0 (pick out elements one at a
  • MM\M1UM1
  • So MM\M1?0 and
  • a?0M\M1 ?0?0 M\M1 ?0Ma
  • We also get
  • Z ?0?01 ?0
  • And Q?0 QQgt0Qlt012Qgt01
  • and since Qgt0 is transfinite
  • Qgt0 Qgt0?0NXN?0?0 ?0
  • we get
  • Q ?0 ?0 1 ?0
  • But Rc2?o and actually cgt?0 as Cantor

Cantor from On an Elementary Question in the
Theory of Sets
  • To show that c
  • Cantor gives his famous diagonal argument.
  • Consider any enumerable subset (En) of
    then there is at least one sequence which is not
    among the En
  • E1(a11,a12,,a1n,)
  • E2(a21,a22,,a2n,)
  • Em(am1,am2,,amn,)
  • Where aij is either 0 or 1.
  • Now consider the sequence E0
  • then the sequence E0 is not among the En.
  • Note
  • this works in any base
  • this also works for any cardinal a 2agta.
  • Thus one obtains an infinite sequence of
    cardinals each strictly greater than the previous

If Ma then P(M)power set of Mset of all
Summary Sets and Cardinals
  • There is the basic relation of inclusion for sets
  • Let a be the cardinal of N and b be the cardinal
    of M then although it might happen
    that a b or a lt b
  • In order to insure that we must also have that
    there is no subset of N which is in1-1
    correspondence with that is
  • There is no subset of M which is equivalent to N.
  • There is a subset N1 of N such that N1M.
  • There are three basic operations for sets
  • M U N
  • M X N
  • MN the space of maps of N into M
  • These relations lead to addition, multiplication
    and exponentiation of cardinals.
  • If the cardinal of M is a and the cardinal of N
    is b then
  • The cardinal of MUN is ab
  • The cardinal of M X N is ab
  • The cardinal of MN is ab
  • The standard laws e.g. abcabac hold as if the
    cardinals where ordinary numbers!
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