Cardinals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cardinals Georg Cantor (1845-1918) thought of a cardinal as a special represenative. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) used the following ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cardinals

  • Georg Cantor (1845-1918) thought of a cardinal as
    a special represenative.
  • Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Gottlob Frege
    (1848-1925) used the following definition
  • This type of formulation is subject to Russells
    paradox given by the set
  • X cannot be a set since if it is either
  • or
  • If a) holds then by the definition of X
    which contradicts the assumption a)
  • On the other hand if b) holds the by the
    definition of X which contradicts the
    assumption b).
  • To avoid this one has to be careful which
    formulas of the type x p(x) are allowed to
    build sets.
  • This leads to the concept of class. There is a
    class of all sets, but the set of all sets is
    not well defined.
  • In fact the cardinals would not be a set, but a
  • One can go back to Cantor and choose a
    representative, but this involves the axiom of
  • Nowadays one uses John von Neumanns (1903-1957)
    definition in terms of ordinals. For this one
    needs well ordering and thus the axiom of choice.

Orders of Sets
  • A set S is called partially ordered if there
    exists a relation r (usually denoted by the
    symbol ) between S and itself such that the
    following conditions are satisfied
  • reflexive a a for any element a in S
  • transitive if a b and b c then a c
  • antisymmetric if a b and b a then a b
  • A set S is called ordered if it is partially
    ordered and every pair of elements x and y from
    the set S can be compared with each other via the
    partial ordering relation.
  • A set S is called well-ordered if it is an
    ordered set for which every non-empty subset
    contains a smallest element.

  • Consider pair (S,ltS) of a set S and a
    well-ordering ltS on S.
  • We call (S,ltS) and (T,ltT) equivalent
  • (S,ltS)(T,ltT)
  • if there is a 1-1 correspondence, which
    preserves the orders, i.e. a bijection fS ?T,
  • altb ltgt f(a)ltf(b)
  • According to Cantor, the equivalence classes of
    this equivalence relation are ordinals, abstract
    from the nature of the elements to obtain the
    order type.
  • Ordinals can be constructed, from the ZF system.
  • Von Neumann (1903-1957) constructs ordinals as
    special types of sets, i.e. representatives
  • A set S is an ordinal if and only if S is
    totally ordered with respect to set containment
    and every element of S is also a subset of S.
  • Call (S,ltS)lt(T,ltT) if and only if S is order
    isomorphic to an initial segment T1 of T, i.e.
    there is a k in T such that ST1aaltk

Ordinals themselves are well-ordered with respect
to the order induced by lt
Orders on Ordinals and Cardinals
  • Questions
  • Can every set be well-ordered?
  • Yes (Zermelo), if one assumes the axiom of
  • Is there an order for ordinals and cardinals?
  • This is the case for the ordinals and cardinals
    of finite sets.
  • Ordinals can be ordered.
  • Cardinals can be ordered if all sets can be
    well-ordered which is equivalent (Zermelo) to the
    axiom of choice.

Arithmetic of Ordinals and the sequence
  • Let w the ordinal of N in its natural order.
  • To add two ordinals A(A,ltA) and B(B,ltB) in the
    following way
  • AB(AUB,ltAUB)
  • where x ltAUBy if either
  • x,y ? A and xltAy
  • x,y ? B and xltBy
  • x ? A and y ? B
  • Caveat is not commutative
  • 3ww
  • w3gtw
  • Ordinals form a ascending sequence
  • 1,2,,w, w1, w2,, ww,ww1,
  • Now to each ordinal, we can associate its
    cardinal. E.g. the cardinal of w is . This is
    also the cardinal for w1, ww
  • Going along the sequence of ordinals, we will
    however discover more cardinals, one after the
    other. In this way let be the first new
    cardinal after and denote the sequence of
    cardinals obtained in this way by
  • Zermelo showed that assuming the axiom of choice
    every set can be well ordered.
  • Thus assuming the axiom of choice all cardinals
    are among the and the cardinals are well
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