Cantor%20and%20Countability: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cantor and Countability: A look at measuring infinities How BIG is big? 10100 = a Googol 10googol = a Googolplex 109999999 = one Tremilliomilliotrecentrecentre – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cantor%20and%20Countability:

Cantor and Countability
  • A look at measuring infinities
  • How BIG is big?

10100 a Googol 10googol a
Googolplex 109999999 one Tremilliomilliotrecent
Mathematics in the 1800s Focus on Fundamentals
  • Many of the fundamentals of mathematics were
    reexamined in the 19th century.
  • Major examples
  • Euclids parallel postulate
  • The concept of a limit.
  • Weierstrass developed a specific definition of
    the limit.
  • Much of calculus relied on different types of
    numbers, and describing the nature of those
  • This is how Georg Cantors Set Theory was born.

Georg Cantor An Original Mathematician
  • 1845 -1918
  • Born in Russia
  • Family moved to Germany while he was a child, and
    this is where he spent most of his life
  • Likely suffered from bipolar disorder
    hospitalized on several occasions
  • Founder of Set Theory
  • First to seriously consider infinities as
    completed values
  • Controversial figure in the mathematics community
    of the time
  • Believed understanding transfinite numbers was a
    direct gift to him from God

Set Theory Basics
  • Sets are fundamental groups of objects that
    underlie mathematical thought.
  • Two sets of objects are the same if they contain
    exactly the same objects.
  • Objects in sets are not repeated, and the order
    in which they are present is not important.
  • Each set contains a number of objects. This
    number is called the sets cardinality.
  • The cardinality of a set S is written .

Set Theory Basics Comparisons of Cardinalities
  • Two sets that are not equal may still have equal
  • lt iff all of the elements of A can
    each be mapped to one and only one in B.
  • gt iff all of the elements of B can
    each be mapped to one and only one in A.
  • iff both of the above are true.

Set Theory Basics Countability
  • Countably infinite - the set can be arranged
  • In other words, the set has a 1-1 relationship
    with the Natural numbers.
  • If two sets are countably infinite, we consider
    them to be equal in size,
  • which is denoted as ?0 (aleph-naught).

Set Theory Basics Examples of Countable Sets
  • N 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • Even 2 4 6 8 10 12
  • N 5 3 1 2 4
  • Z -2 -1 0 1 2
  • Note Countable sets can be combined to make
    another countable set.

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • Set-up
  • Can the set of all rational numbers Q can be
    arranged in an order, thus having the same number
    of elements (?0) as N?
  • One may think there are more rationals than
    positive integers, but using a very simple
    system, we will prove the opposite.
  • We have to find some rule that sets up a 1-1
    correspondence between N and Q.

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • To start, Cantor made this clever chart
  • In the chart at left,
  • any number in the ith row has
    i as its denominator and the
    numerators are the same through each
    column, alternating to cover both negative and
    positive rational numbers. 0 sits above the
    rest. So, every rational number is on this array.

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • Now, we trace a diagonal line through the chart,
    skipping numbers weve already found.

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • Now, we trace a diagonal line through the chart,
    skipping numbers weve already found.

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • Now, we trace a diagonal line through the chart,
    skipping numbers weve already found.
  • Notice that 2/2 1 ? it is skipped

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • Now, we trace a diagonal line through the chart,
    skipping numbers weve already found.
  • And so on.
  • Now we can put these numbers in the
    order we found them in. 0 is first, 1 is 2nd, ½
    is 3rd, and so on.

Proof Countability of Rationals
  • N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Q 0 1 1/2 -1 2 -1/2 1/3
  • With the order weve established, we have
    actually chosen a 1-1 correspondence with the
    natural numbers. Therefore, Q N ?0.

  • All even numbers, integers, and rational s are
    countably infinite.
  • Is every infinite set of numbers countably

  • NO!
  • In 1874, Cantor proved that this was not in fact
    the case.
  • His original proof was a monster, but he revised
    it in 1891, so here we present Cantors revised

Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
Set-up Show that real numbers in the interval
(0,1) are uncountable, and uses this result to
show that R (the set of all real numbers) is
uncountable. Note So that each number has a
unique representation, we do not consider
.x999999, instead only considering .(x1)000000.
Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
  • Proof by contradiction
  • Assume that the interval (0,1) can be put in a
    1-1 correspondence with N.
  • N Reals in (0,1)
  • 1 lt-gt .1111111
  • 2 lt-gt .222222
  • 3 lt-gt .5
  • 4 lt-gt .012345
  • lt-gt

Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
  • Now, lets think of a real number called b.
  • b is 0.b1b2b3 where the decimal values are
    chosen as follows Choose bn to differ from the
    nth place of the number on the right side of our
    chart which corresponds with n. However, the
    digit we choose cannot be 0 or 9.
  • N Reals in (0,1) b .2341
    or .4827 , for example.
  • 1 lt-gt .1111111
  • 2 lt-gt .222222
  • 3 lt-gt .5
  • 4 lt-gt .012345
  • lt-gt

Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
  • Now, we know two things about b.
  • b is a real number. Less obviously, since we
    couldnt choose .00000 or .99999, b is not zero
    or one. Thus, it is strictly within (0,1).
  • b cannot be one of the numbers on the right-hand
    side of our chart, since it differs from each in
    at least one place.

Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
  • 1 gt b is on the right hand column of the chart.
    2 gt b is not on the right hand side of the
  • ? This logical contradiction proves that our
    assumption was wrong, and (0,1) cant be put into
    a 1-1 correspondence with N.

Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
  • Now we can use (0,1) like we were using N.
  • Well look for a 1-1 match with all real numbers.

Proof Uncountability of the Real Numbers
  • The easiest way to show that (0,1) has a 1-1
    relationship with R is to find a function that
    only exists on (0,1) and has asymptotes at each
  • For example, Cantor chose
  • Therefore, R is also uncountably
  • infinite!

Implications of This Discovery
Implications of This Discovery
Implications of This Discovery
  • Not everybody was satisfied with his ideas. Some
    people were hesitant to accept the idea of the
    completed infinity on which Cantors ideas were
  • However, by showing this fact about R, Cantor had
    answered some of the pressing questions bothering
    mathematicians of the day.

Implications of This Discovery
  • For example
  • Between any two numbers there are infinitely many
    rational and infinitely many irrational numbers.
  • A function can be continuous except at rational
  • But No function was continuous except at
    irrational points
  • There was some difference between the set of
    rational numbers and the set of irrational
    numbers, but without Cantors set theory, it
    wasnt clear what was going on.

Implications of This Discovery
  • At the time, very few transcendental numbers were
    known to exist.
  • One may believe they were a relatively rare
    countable set.
  • Cantor was able to show transcendental numbers to
    be uncountably infinite like he did with the
    irrational numbers.

  • Journey Into Genius, Chapter 11
  • (Picture of Georg Cantor)
  • http//
    Notes/620Set20Theory/PDFs/Cantor.pdf (Numbers
    from God)
  • http//'s_first_uncoun
    tability_proof (Cantors Original Proof)
  • http//
    .html (random tidbit following this)
  • Dan Biebighauser (Constructible numbers image)

Random tidbit
  • Next time you see someone holding up these hand
  • Loudly Exclaim, Woooo! 4004!

Random tidbit
Finger numerals were used by the ancient Greeks,
Romans, Europeans of the Middle Ages, and later
the Asiatics. Still today you can see children
learning to count on our own finger numerical
system. The old system is as follows
From Tobias Dantzig, Number The Language of
Science.Macmillan Company, 1954, page 2. As
cited on http//
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