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Research Fellow, ETLA, ... Market for cars? Separate markets for minivans, luxury sedans, large family cars, compacts, subcompacts... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kilpailu-%20ja%20yhti

Kilpailu- ja yhtiöoikeuden taloustiede
  • Teacher Markku Stenborg, PhD (Penn State)
  • Research Fellow, ETLA, http//
  • Innovation, regulation, and the changing terms of
    competition in wireless telecommunications funded
    by Nokia and Tekes, http//
  • Economics of OSS
  • Senior Research Scientist, HIIT,
  • Managing Privacy and Trust in Mobile P2P
  • Consultant at CEA
  • Previously
  • Assistant Prof with Turku Business School
  • Senior Adviser at Finnish Competition Authority
  • Senior Manager at KPMG Transaction Services
  • email
  • During this week room M 12 (3rd floor, Optimi)

Kilpailu- ja yhtiöoikeuden taloustiede
  • Course homepage http//
  • This course covers theoretical and empirical
    issues related to Economics of strategic
    competition and competition policy
  • Price and non-price competition
  • Strategies to affect competition
  • Market delineation
  • Dominance
  • Mergers
  • Cartels and coordination of market conduct
  • Vertical restrictions
  • Focus more on Economics, less on Law

Kilpailu- ja yhtiöoikeuden taloustiede
  • No textbook, but we will look at some papers and
    EU and Finnish notices and cases
  • Some useful reading
  • Aalto-Setälä et al. (2003) Kilpailulait ja laki
    julkisista hankinnoista, 3rd ed. (or 2nd ed.,
  • Besanko, Dranove, Shanley (2000) Economics of
  • Cabral (2000) Introduction to Industrial
  • Carlton Perloff (2000) Modern Industrial
  • Church Ware (2000) Industrial Organization
    Strategic Approach
  • Motta (2004) Competition Policy Theory and
  • Whinston (2003) Lectures on Antitrust Economics,
    draft at http//
  • I assume you have grasp of basic Economics
    concepts such as demand, marginal benefit and
    cost, supply, efficiency, surplus,

Kilpailu- ja yhtiöoikeuden taloustiede
  • Luennot
  • ma 13.9. klo 16-20, sali B6
  • ti 14.9. klo 10-14, sali MA155
  • ke 15.9. klo 14-18, sali MA155
  • to 16.9. klo 10-14, sali B6
  • pe 17.9. klo 10-14, sali MA155
  • Final exams
  • Ke 29.9. klo 12-16, sali K4
  • Ti 12.10. klo 14-18, sali K4
  • 22 questions, 11 answers
  • One case, one more technical question
  • Two straightforward explanations
  • Prize best student receives Aalto-Setälä et al.
    Kilpailulait ja laki julkisista hankinnoista, 3rd
    ed, Tietosanoma 2003.

Course Outline
  • 1. History and objectives of competition policy
  • Introduction and objectives for competition
  • Suggested reading Motta, Ch 1, Kovacic and
    Shapiro (1999) Antitrust Policy A Century of
    Economic and Legal Thinking, UC Berkeley,
    Working Paper No. CPC99-09
  • 2. Market power and welfare
  • Market power, allocative and productive
  • Competition policy and innovation
  • Market power and entry
  • Aalto-Setälä et al. Ch 8.1-2
  • 3. Market delineation and market power
  • Product and geographic market definition
  • How to measure market power
  • Aalto-Setälä Ch 7 US Merger Guidelines,
    , Section 1 "Market Definition"
  • Case Commission's Volvo/Scania decision

Course Outline
  • 4. Oligopoly, cartels and tacit collusion
  • How oligopolists compete
  • What is collusion
  • Factors that facilitate collusion
  • Ex-ante and ex-post measures to fight collusion
  • Aalto-Setälä Ch 5.1-2 Stenborg (2004) Forest
    for the Trees Economics of Joint Dominance
    Europe Economics (2001) Distinguishing between
    Competitive and Dominant Oligopolies in Merger
  • 5. Horizontal mergers
  • Incentives to merge
  • Competitive and welfare effects of mergers
  • Which variables matter? How to deal with merger
  • Aalto-Setälä Ch 15 Epstein and Rubinfeld (2001),
    Merger Simulation A Simplified Approach with
    New Applications, Antitrust Law Journal
  • Case Commission's UPM/Haindl and Volvo/Scania

Course Outline
  • 6. Vertical restraints
  • Vertical externalities double marginalization
  • Vertical restraints to internalize externalities
  • Welfare effects of vertical restraints
  • Foreclosure exclusive dealing and other
  • Aalto-Setälä Ch 9.1-2 Dobson Waterson (1996)
    Vertical Restraints and Competition Policy, OFT
    Research Paper 12
  • Case
  • 7. Predatory practices
  • Predatory prices long-purse, reputation,
    financial market effects
  • Tests of anti-competitive behavior
  • Aalto-Setälä Ch 8.1-2, 8.4.7
  • Grout (2001) Recent Developments in the
    Definition of Abusive Pricing in European
    Competition Policy, http//
  • Case

1. Intro Competition Law and Policy
  • Why do we need competition law and policy?
  • Economic competition is self-steering process
    that guides production, distribution, pricing,
    etc. decisions
  • Competition is an efficient way to organize many
    activities in society
  • Efficient Pareto optimal maximize well-being
    or surplus generated by production and exchange,
    from assets possessed in society
  • Allocative efficiency
  • Productive or X-efficiency
  • Dynamic efficiency
  • Market power and restraints on competition
  • reduce efficiency and/or
  • restrict and disturb self-guiding process on

1. Intro Competition Law and Policy
  • Goals of competition laws
  • Promote efficiency?
  • Obviously,
  • but with nonprice competition simple formulas
    for efficiency (consumer surplus producer
    surplus) are deceptive and misleading
  • What is efficiency?
  • Do not strive for perfect competition but promote
    workable competition
  • With non-price competition, consumer welfare
    becomes multi-dimensional
  • Customers have preferences over quality, speed
    and security of supply, introduction of new
    products and services, etc.
  • These may not be measurable
  • And even if they are measurable, value judgments
    are necessary for efficiency analysis

1. Intro Competition Law and Policy
  • Protect economic freedom and opportunity by
    promoting competition, so that competition can
  • lower prices
  • better quality
  • greater choice
  • more innovation
  • Sometimes competition laws have also other goals
  • In EU, competition laws are used to promote
    single market within EU
  • Competition laws also protect SMEs in some cases
  • These other goals can conflict with the main goal
    of protecting economic freedom and opportunity

1.1 Competition Laws
  • 1. Restrictions on Competition
  • Article 81(1) of EU Treaty states that
  • agreements between undertakings, decisions by
    associations of undertakings and concerted
    practices which have as their object or
    effect the prevention, restriction or distortion
    of competition within the Common Market shall
    be prohibited
  • Article 81 covers much more than formal cartel
  • Not only collusion, but also many beneficial
    forms of horizontal and vertical cooperation are
  • Browse (http//
  • Guidelines on the applicability of Article 81 of
    the EC Treaty to horizontal cooperation
  • The Competition rules for supply and distribution
  • Guidelines on Vertical Restraints

1.1 Competition Laws
  • 2. Abuse of Market Power
  • Article 82 states that
  • Any abuse of a dominant position shall
    be prohibited . Such abuse may, in particular,
    consist in
  • imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or
    other unfair trading conditions
  • limiting production, markets or technical
    development to the prejudice of consumers
  • applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent
    transactions with other trading parties, thereby
    placing them at a competitive disadvantage
  • making the conclusion of contracts subject to
    acceptance by the other parties of supplementary
    obligations which, by their nature or according
    to commercial usage, have no connection with the
    subject of such contracts.
  • Read määräävän markkina-aseman väärinkäyttö at

1.1 Competition Laws
  • Per se and rule of reason
  • Per se conduct is prohibited if it fulfills the
    legal test regardless of other issues
  • Rule of reason conduct is prohibited if its
    negative consequences outweigh the positive
  • Articles 81 and 82 of EU Treaty seem to be per se
  • But to prove that firm has abused its dominant
    position, authorities must
  • show that the firm has dominant position
  • conduct was abusive
  • In practice, Article 82 has flavor of rule of
    reason analysis
  • Article 81(1) does not apply to insignificant
  • Article 81(3) and Commission Notices exempt
    various restrictions
  • Article 81(1) also has flavor of rule of reason

1.1 Competition Laws
  • In some legal systems, many vertical restraints
    are dealt with rule of reason
  • Eg. previous Finnish law
  • A priori, effects of vertical restraints to
    competition and efficiency are ambiguous
  • Many vertical restraints are solutions to
    problems, not problems for competition
  • Vertical restraints can align private incentives
    in supply and distribution
  • Double marginalization (two vertical monopolies)
  • Hence the Block exemptions

1.1 Competition Laws
  • 3. Merger review
  • Transactions that lead to increase in market
    power or to some other competition problems may
    be prohibited
  • Illegal to monopolize markets by MAs
  • In EU
  • A concentration which would significantly
    impede effective competition in particular as
    a result of the creation or strengthening of a
    dominant position, shall be declared incompatible
    with the common market.
  • EU previously had pure dominance-test
  • US the effect of such acquisition may be
    substantially to lessen competition, or to tend
    to create a monopoly
  • Usually, SLC-test poses lower threshold for
  • Monopoly is US legal jargon ? dominant position ?
    monopoly in Economics textbooks

1.2 Market Power in Case Law
  • Read Motta, Ch 2 3, and Volvo/Scania decision,
    Market Definition section pp 5-21
  • Assessment of market power in abuse and merger
  • Define relevant antitrust markets
  • Evaluate market power within the relevant markets
  • Relevant markets are defined basically by demand
  • Only those goods that provide immediate and
    intense competitive constraints to each other
    belong to the same relevant market
  • In some instances, also supply substitution and
    entry by potential competitors are taken into
    account in market delineation

1.2 Market Power in Case Law
  • Market power on relevant markets is analyzed
  • calculate market shares
  • analyze competitive strengths of firms
  • evaluating degree of actual competitive pressure
    firm faces
  • entry barriers and other supply substitution
  • In abuse cases, analyze whether conduct of
    dominant firm was misuse of market power
  • In EU, dominant firms have special obligations
  • Dominant firms cannot use their market power to
    impair conditions of competition
  • Idea is to protect competition, not competitors

2. Economics of Market Definition
  • Read EU and US Guidelines on relevant markets
  • http//
  • http//
  • Why we need to define relevant antitrust markets
    in case law?
  • To calculate meaningful market shares
  • Market shares tell us something about market
  • Market shares do not need to imply or correlate
    with market power
  • More on this in Oligopoly and Merger sections
  • Identify main competitors and competitive
  • We are interested in market definition only to
    extent it helps in analyzing market power
  • Sometimes we can identify and measure market
    power w/o defining markets
  • More on this will follow (Merger section)

2.1 How to define markets? SSNIP
  • On which set of goods market power can be
    exercised? Which goods compete immediately with
    each other
  • Market for cars? Separate markets for minivans,
    luxury sedans, large family cars, compacts,
  • Relevant antitrust market is something that can
    be monopolized
  • If it cannot be monopolized, it is too narrow
  • Then important competitive pressures are left out
    of candidate market
  • Test Small but Significant Non-temporary
    Increase in Price
  • Take a small set of substitute goods and a
    geographic area
  • Assume all goods produced by hypothetical
  • Incentive to permanently increase prices by 5-10
  • Yes candidate market relevant market
  • Proceed to analyze market power etc
  • No candidate market lt relevant market
  • Include more goods and repeat

2.1 How to define markets? SSNIP
  • Logic Goods on relevant market create intense
    competition to each other
  • Once this competition is removed, incentive to
    increase price
  • If strong competition remains, price increase is
    not possible, and goods do not constitute
    relevant market
  • Leave out significant constraints on market
    power, candidate market is too small
  • Keep in firms and products that are not
    significant constraints, market is too large
  • Price increase leads to
  • Consumers substitute away
  • Outside producers increase output or enter
  • SSNIP asks how much demand shifts away for a
    price increase and does this make price increase

2.1 How to define markets? SSNIP
  • SSNIP in Economics jargon What is demand
    elasticity for this set of goods?
  • Basically elastic demand ? market too narrow,
    inelastic demand ? relevant antitrust market
  • But recall effects from costs and supply
  • Digression on demand
  • Individual demand is ultimately derived from
    customer preferences
  • Hold everything else constant and vary the price
    of the good ? customers demand curve
  • Demand as function of own price vs shifts in
    demand function
  • Sum up all customer demands ? market demand
  • Note economics textbooks (sort of) assume
    relevant market has been defined when discussing

2.1 How to define markets? SSNIP
  • Market demand vs firm demand
  • Demand for colas vs demand for Coca-Cola, say?
  • What happens after market-wide price increase?
  • Marshallian demand based on ceteris paribus
    assumption and measures effect of price change by
    keeping all other prices constant
  • Merger Guidelines assume that the terms of sale
    of all other products are held constant
    Marshallian demand
  • Direct demands are hard to estimate
  • Suppose condidate for relevant market has n goods
    and their demand depend on each others prices
  • Need to estimate at least n2 parameters to get
    any info on Marshallian demand
  • Price change in some goods do not leave all other
    prices constant

2.1 How to define markets? SSNIP
  • Residual demand curve is the demand curve faced
    by an individual firm
  • Residual demand total market demand curve -
    supply of all other firms in market
  • qi Q(p) - qj
  • Residual demand curve incorporates effects of
    changes in prices of other products in response
    to changes in this products price
  • Residual demand is good tool for market
    definition to as it is relatively easy to
    estimate from data available
  • We do not observe demand curves, but price-output
    pairs, determined jointly in equilibrium
  • Can one identify demand and supply?
  • Need econometrics to get from data to demand curve

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • SSNIP-test should be applied by estimating own
    elasticity of demand
  • What value of elasticity is large enough for
    concluding that given set of goods comprise
    relevant market?
  • NotationP0 Current observed priceP1 P0
    plus some specified price increase tC Marginal
    costL (P C)/P price-cost margin or
    Lerner-index T Price increase deemed
    significant (eg. 0.05 or 0.1)T (P1 P0)/P0
  • elasticity of demand
  • Assume C is constant, profits are then (P-C)Q - F
  • For profitable price increase, profits with
    higher price must at least equal profits from
    selling more at lower price

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • Break-even condition is Q(P0)(P0 C) Q(P1)(P1
    C)where P1 break-even price
  • Rearranging Q(P1)/Q(P0) (P0 C)/(P1 C)
  • Using definitions of T and L
  • For linear demand Q (A - P)/B
  • Recall elasticity of demand here is e(P0) P0/(A
    - P0), which gives Q(P1)/Q(P0) 1 - Le(P0)
  • Break-even requires Q(P1)/Q(P0) L/(LT) so this
    gives usL/(MT) 1 Te(P0), and solving gives
    us critical elasticitye(P0) 1/(LT)

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • When demand is isoelastic, break-even elasticity
    ise(P0) log(LT) log(L)/log(1T)
  • Critical sales loss for a price increase
    proportionate decrease in quantity sold as a
    result of the price increase large enough to make
    price increase unprofitable
  • Sales loss resulting from price P0 ? P1 is1 -
  • For linear demand Q (AP)/B we can write this
    as1 Q(P1)/Q(P0) 1 (A P1)/(A P0) (P1
    P0)/P0P0/(A P0) Te(P0)
  • Applying break-even value of e(P0) derived above
    gives value for break even critical sales loss Y
  • If actual sales-loss after price increase is less
    than Y, it is profitable to increase price
  • The break-even value of the critical sales loss
    is the same for both linear and isoelastic demand

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • Relationship between market power index L, and
    critical e and Y for 5 price increase L e Y
    50 1.82 9.1 40 2.22 11.1 30 2.86 14.3 20 4.0
    0 20.0 10 6.67 33.3
  • Cross-Price Elasticity
  • Sometimes in case law market definition is based
    on cross-price elasticity of demand
  • Cross price elasticity of demand eij
    (dQi/dPj)/(Qi/Pj), where Qi and Pi denote the
    quantity and price of products i and j
  • Cross price elasticity How demand for good i
    reacts to price increase of good j?
  • Sounds like nice idea to delineate markets goods
    belong to same relevant market if they are
    good-enough substitutes

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • Rule used in some competition cases
  • Goods i and j are on same market if cross-price
    elasticity is large enough and otherwise are on
    different markets
  • Cross price elasticity is not a good measure for
    market delineation
  • Market delineation is not question of how much
    demand will flow from i to j as Pi increases
  • Cross-price elasticity is usually not symmetric,
    eij ? eji
  • eij i and j on same mkt and eij i and j on
    different mkt is possible
  • Even if a cross price elasticity is small, market
    need not be narrow, as there may be many other
    goods that restrict the market power of
    hypothetical monopolist
  • If there are many substitutes, price increase
    will divert demand to many goods ? cross price
    elasticity must be small
  • This indicates competition, not sepatate markets

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • Price and cross price elasticities are connected
  • Own-price elasticity 1 weighted average of
    all cross-price elasticities
  • Weight share of income in relation to share of
    income of the good in question
  • Cellophane Fallacy
  • US Supreme Court high cross price elasticy
    between cellophane and paper wrapping ? relevant
    market wider than cellophane ? Du Pont not
  • Also SSNIP test ignores fact that firm may
    already have market power
  • Firm with market power wants to increase price to
    level where competition constrains start to bite
  • Demand usually turns more elastic as price

2.2 Critical Elasticity of Demand and Loss
  • Then goods actually outside of relevant market
    seem to be substitutes
  • High cross price elasticy indication of use of
    market power, not an indication of wide market
  • Cellophane fallacy means that different approach
    is required in abuse of dominance cases

3. Market Power
  • Market power ability to profitably charge P gt
  • Some sources of market power
  • Only few firms active in the market
  • Products are differentiated, and some customers
    prefer one firms product to other
  • Firm that attempts to steal customers from its
    competitor must reduce price a lot
  • Then firms have less incentives to lower their
  • Capacity constraints
  • Firm have less incentive to win more customers,
    giving other firms incventives to charge higher
  • Customers are not informed of all firms prices
  • Incentive to lower price is reduced
  • Switching costs
  • Each firm monopolizes its customer base
  • Cartel or collusion (later in Oligopoly section)

3. Market Power
  • Market power is source of inefficiency
  • Allocative inefficiency
  • Harberger triangle
  • Rent seeking
  • X-inefficiency
  • Less need to control costs or to concentrate on
    key capabilities
  • Less need to provide value to customers
  • Dynamic inefficiency
  • Less incentive to innovate
  • Market power allows restrictions on competition
  • Entry deterrence
  • Predation
  • Price squeeze
  • Cartel or collusion

3. Market Power
  • Monopolys profit maximization
  • Assuming constant MC, monopolys profits are?
    P(Q) - C Q - F
  • To maximize profits, set d?/dQ 0
  • d?/dQ P(Q) Q dP/dQ - C 0 (MR - MC 0) ?
  • P(Q) - C -Q dP/dQ
  • Divide both sides by P
  • (P - C)/P -(Q/P)(dP/dQ)
  • Rewrite this as L 1/e
  • L Lerner Index
  • e elasticity of market demand
  • Under perfect competition or perfectly elastic
    demandP C, hence L 0
  • L is usefull measure of market power 0 L 1/e
  • If we can estimate P, e and C, we can estimate
    market power L

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • To measure market power, we need to estimate
    demand consistently
  • Basic idea how well other goods substitute for
    goods produced by firm i and constrain its market
  • Answer elasticity of residual demand
  • Residual demand does not tell who or what
    constrains market power
  • Straightforward approach is to specify system of
    demand equations q D(pr), where q is vector of
    quantities demanded, p is a vector of prices, and
    r is a vector of exogenous variables that shift
  • Need to define D(.) in a way that is both
    flexible and consistent with economic theory
  • Problem 1 Number of parameters estimated
    increases with square number of products
  • 10 firms, each with 20 brands ? 40 000

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • Problem 2 Simultaneity
  • Equilibrium price and quantity determined jointly
    by demand and supply schedule
  • Price increase by i is followed by rivals ? need
    to take into account how rivals react ? residual,
    not market demand
  • Problem 3 Simple approach ignores consumer
  • Solutions to problems include
  • 1) assume problems away
  • 2) assume symmetric representative consumer
  • 3) assume multi-stage budgeting
  • 4) use discrete choice/address models
  • 1. Avoid problem
  • Focus on aggregate demand
  • All eastbound rail traffic, not differentiated
    across cities
  • Focus on narrowly defined product
  • Self service 87 octane

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • Focus only on sub-markets
  • Particular segment in beer industry
  • This is enough in some cases
  • 2. Symmetric representative consumer
  • Use Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES)
    utility function
  • Dimensionality problem is solved by imposing
    symmetry between products
  • Estimation involves a single parameter,
    regardless of number of products, and can be
    achieved using simple econometrics
  • Cross-price elasticities are restricted to be
    equal, regardless of how close the products are
  • Are MB and Opel equally good substitues to BMW?
  • This restriction can have important implications
    and in many cases would lead to the wrong
  • For some industries or cases this model of
    differentiation is adequate, for most markets
    this is not

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • 3. Separability and multi-stage budgeting
  • Divide products into smaller groups and allow for
    flexible demand within each group
  • Multi-stage budgeting
  • Consumer allocates expenditure in stages
  • at highest stage expenditure is allocated to
    broad groups (food, housing, clothing,
  • at lower stages group expenditure is allocated to
    sub-groups (cereal, bread, cheese, ..)
  • until expenditures are allocated to individual
  • At each stage, allocation decision is function of
    only that groups total expenditure and prices of
    commodities in that group (or price indexes for
    the sub-groupings)
  • Then we have cross elasticities between Opel
    sedan and VW sedan, between Opel van and VW van,
    and between sedan and van categories, but not
    between Opel sedan and VW van
  • Reduces number of parameters to be estimated

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • Three stage system
  • Top level overall demand for the product (cars
    or ready-to-eat cereal)
  • Middle level demand for different segments
    (sedan, suv, stw, minivan or family, kids,
    adults cereal)
  • Bottom level brand demand corresponding to
    competition between different brands within each
  • 4. Discrete Choice Models
  • Model products as bundles of characteristics
  • sweetness, fiber content,
  • alcohol content, bitterness, ...
  • horsepower, length, ...
  • Preferences are defined over characteristics
  • Each consumers chooses the product with best
    characteristics for her
  • use bus if U(bus) gt U(car), U(train), U(walk), ...

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • Discrete choice models yield Logit demands (under
    some assumptions)
  • prob that n chooses i has logistic distribution
  • Dimension of characteristics relevant dimension
    for empirical work
  • Heterogeneity is modeled and estimated explicitly
  • Can be estimated using individual or aggregate
    market data
  • Comparison
  • Symmetric average consumer models least adequate
    for modeling demand for differentiated products
  • Problem all goods are assumed to be equally
    close, equally good substitutes
  • Logit models widely used because they are simple
  • Multi-level model requires a priori segmentation
    of market into relatively small groups, which
    might be hard to define

3.1 Measuring Market Power
  • Typically, multi-stage budgeting models assume
    all consumers consume all products
  • For broad categories like food and shelter
  • For differentiated products, it is unlikely that
    all consumers consume all varieties
  • Multi-stage budgeting model is closer to
    classical estimation methods and neo-classical
    theory, and more intuitive to understand
  • Discrete choice models require characteristics of
    products, are more technical to use, and rely on
    distributional assumptions and functional forms

3.2 Application
  • Nevo (2001) uses discrete choice models
  • Panel of quantities and prices for 25 brands of
    cereal in 65 U.S. cities over 20 quarters, using
    scanner data
  • Estimate own price and cross-price demand
  • Compute price-cost margins implied by three
    industry structures
  • each brand on its own
  • actual structure of few multi-product firms
  • monopoly or collusion
  • Markups implied by current industry structure and
    imperfect competition match observed price-cost
  • High margins due to consumers' willingness to pay
    for favorite brand, and to pricing decisions that
    take into account substitution between own brands
  • Market power entirely due to the firms' ability
    to maintain portfolio of differentiated products
    and influence perceived product quality through

4 Oligopoly
  • Topics
  • Basic models of oligopolistic competition
  • How can firms change rules of game to their
  • How can firms avoid intensive rivalry?
  • When cartel or implicit collusion is stable?
  • Read or review
  • Chapter on Oligopoly in any modern Micro or
    Industrial Organization textbook, and/or
  • Europe Economics report available at
  • I will use game theoretic reasoning and Nash
    equilibrium, so you should soon get comfortable
    with these ideas
  • Note topics following oligopoly (Collusion and
    Mergers) will be based on oligopoly theory

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • Assumptions
  • Market demand price function of total quantity
    produced,p p(q), eg. p a bq
  • Assume 2 firms on relevant market denoted by i
    and j
  • Firms produce quantities qi and qj
  • Firms have constant marginal costs ci
  • No threat of entry
  • Profits for firm i Total Revenue - Total
    Costs ?i pi(qi,qj) qi - c(qi,qj)
  • Note i's profit depends on what rival j does,
    unlike in monopoly or perfect competition
  • Firm faces a problem of strategic interaction or
    plays a game
  • How much will i want to produce?
  • Depends on how much i expects j to produce, qje
  • How much will j want to produce?
  • Depends on how much j expects i to produce, qie

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • Note, for each qje, there is an optimal
    outputqi(qje) argmax ?i(qi,qje)
  • qi(qje) is called is reaction function
  • Compare with monopoly profit max
  • Problem
  • i needs to put himself on js position and try to
    predict how j will behave
  • j needs to put himself on is position and try to
    predict how i will behave
  • i needs to to put himself on js position and try
    to predict how j will think how i will behave
  • j needs to ... predict how i will think how j
    will behave
  • etc. ad inf.

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • Solution
  • Suppose both i and j know p(q), ci and cj, and
    also expect that rival will produce
    profit-maximizing quantity
  • qi(q-ie) argmax ?j(qi,q-ie)
  • Then i should choose qi argmax ?i(qi,qj) and
    jqj argmax ?j(qj,qi)
  • Each firm chooses its strategy taking rivals
    equilibrium strategy as given
  • Firm i needs to predict js equilibrium
  • Simultaneously but individuallymax ?i
    p(qiqj)qi - cqi max ?j p(qiqj)qi - cqj
  • At a maximum, small change in output should not
    increase profits differentiating each max
    problem yieldsd?i/dqi qi(dp/dqi) p(qiqj) -
    ci 0 d?j/dqj qj(dp/dqj) p(qiqj) - cj 0

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • These are familiar 1st order conditions MR - MC
  • Compare with monopoly profit max
  • Plug in p(qiqj) a - b(qiqj) and solve for
    qi(qje) and qj(qie), you get reaction fns
  • (1) qi(qj) (a - ci)/2b - qj/2
  • (2) qj(qi) (a - cj)/2b - qi/2
  • Solve simultaneously eg, insert qj(qi) from
    (2) into (1) to replace qj to get Cournot-Nash
    equilibrium quantities
  • (3) qi (a cj - 2ci)/3b
  • (4) qj (a ci - 2cj)/3b
  • Note Each firms is on her reaction function
  • In equilibrium, no firm has incentive to alter
    her strategy choice unilaterally

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • Insert then qi and qj to demand function to get
    equilibrium price p, and then plug these to
    profit function to get equilibrium profits
  • Reaction functions (1) and (2) are
    downward-slopingdqi(qi)/dqj -1/2 lt 0
  • This also applies to more general Cournot games
  • If j increases her production (eg, due to
    reduction in marginal cost cj), i will want to
    reduce his output
  • Lower action by one firm induces higher reaction
    from rivals
  • Note, these are equilibrium reactions
  • Strategies qi are here strategic substitutes
  • Downward-sloping reaction functions ? strategic

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • Properties of Cournot-Nash Equil
  • Go back to reaction functions (1) and (2), and
    rewrite as
  • (5) p(q) - ci -qi dp/dqi p ?
  • (6) Li si/e, where
  • si qi/q is is market share, q ?iqi, Li
    (p - ci)/p is firm is mark-up or Lerner
    Index e  -p(q)/qp(q) is elasticity of market
  • (6) is basic Cournot pricing formula
  • Compare to monopolys profit max condition
  • In Cournot-Nash equilibrium, market share
    determined by
  • firms relative cost efficiency
  • Each firm has limited mkt power
  • is marginal revenue MRi is p qip, so
  • p - MRi qip(q) gt 0 ? MR gt MC

4.1 Cournot or Quantity Competition
  • Smaller market shares s (or more rivals) ?
    smaller mark-up, more vigorous competion reduces
  • Greater demand elasticity ? larger mark-up, less
    competitive equilibrium
  • Mark-up is proportional to firm market share
  • Market shares are directly related to firms
    cost-efficiency ci
  • Market shares determined by cost-efficiency
  • Less efficient firms are able to survive
  • sj gt 0 even if cj gtgt min c
  • Average industry-wide mark-up ?i si (p - ci)/p
  • In Cournot-Nash equil, MU ?i si2/e HHI/e,
    where HHI is the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
  • Market performance negatively related to HHI
  • These properties give some basis for competition
    policy opposing mergers on oligopolistic markets
  • What if competition is not Cournot-type?

4.2 Bertrand or Price Competition
  • In reality, firms choose and compete with prices,
    not quantities
  • Often prices are easier to adjust than quantities
  • Who chooses prices in Cournot game?
  • Cournot unrealistic model?
  • Naive thought firms select prices as in (6)
    above pi st.
  • (pi - ci)/pi si/e?
  • Bertrand paradox No
  • Model identical product, mkt demand q q(p),
    eg. q  a bp
  • Demand for firm i
  • pi gt pj ? i cannot sell at all, qi 0pi pj
    ? i and j split demand, qi q(p)/2pi lt pj ? i
    sells total mkt demand, qi q(p)
  • Note small change in rivals price causes huge
    change in firms demand

4.2 Bertrand or Price Competition
  • Suppose cj ci c
  • If i charges pi gt c, j can increase her profits
    by undercutting i slightly
  • If i charges pi lt c, i is making losses but j can
    guarantee ?j 0 by staying out of mkt
  • ? Only equil price can be pi pj c
  • Duopoly enough for perfect competition!
  • Result depends crucially on
  • firms able and willing to serve all customers at
    announced price
  • identical products
  • customers have complete information eg on prices
    ? firms have no bargaining power wrt customers

4.2 Bertrand or Price Competition
  • Product Differentation and Price Competition
  • Simple example only
  • Products are imperfect substitutes, demands are
  • qi a - fpi gpj
  • Assume constant marginal costs ci
  • Product differentation is assumed fact, not
    designed by firms
  • g/f measures degree of product differentation
  • Profit for i here
  • ?i (pi - ci)(a - fpi gpj)
  • Bertrand-Nash equilibrium found similarly as
  • Firm i maximizes profits wrt to strategy variable
  • Solve for reaction functions
  • Find where reaction functions intersect
  • Then solve for equilibrium prices, quantities,
    and profits

4.2 Bertrand or Price Competition
  • Reaction functions slope up
  • The higher the price i charges, the higher the
    price rival j wants to charge
  • Prices are strategic complements
  • Higher strategy draws a higher reaction from
  • Upward-sloping reaction functions ? strategic
  • Capacity Constraints and Price Competition
  • Firms first choose capacities q and then select
    prices p?
  • We have a 2-stage game (more on this later)
  • In equilibrium, higher price than without
    capacity constraints
  • Intuition
  • Limited capacity ? business stealing not
    attractive option
  • ? want to price less aggressively ? rivals price
    less aggressively
  • ? higher profits

4.2 Sum Up
  • Cournot outcome possible with price competition
  • Interpret Cournot capacity competition
    followed by price competition
  • Under some assumptions
  • Cournot
  • Markets where production desicions in advance,
    price is flexible, and storage costs arehigh
  • Consistent with empirical evidence
  • Bertrand
  • More realistic assumptions, less realistic
  • Generalized price competition models more

4.3 Dynamic Competition
  • Simplest way to model dynamic rivalry is to
    introduce two stages
  • Model js reactions to strategic moves by firm i
  • Firms try change game they are playing
  • Idea Choose a strategy now that affects game you
    play tomorrow so that your expected profits
  • Capacity-Price -model above an example Smaller
    capacity now ? reduce ability to compete
    aggressively in future ? draw less aggressive
    reactions from rivals ? higher profit
  • Stackelberg Oligopoly
  • Stackelberg-Cournot game Firm i chooses its
    output first, and j after is choice
  • Precommitment by i is relevant, not physical
    timing of moves
  • Solve by backward induction
  • First look at last possible moves of the game
  • Then work backward to beginning of game, as in
    dynamic programming

4.3 Dynamic Competition
  • Last move
  • Firm i chooses his capacity first
  • When j chooses her capacity, she knows is
    capacity qiS
  • j's optimal capacity determined by her reaction
    function (2)
  • qj(qi) a/2b - qi/2
  • Penultimate move
  • To design good strategy, i must put himself on
    js shoes and try to think how he would behave
    were he the last to move
  • i chooses qiS to maximize profits, taking as
    given is reaction function, not equilibrium
    output as in Cournot game
  • i chooses best point from rivals reaction
  • Plug (2) into is profit function (a -
    b(qiqj))qi and solve for qiS
  • Plug qiS back to (2) and solve for qj, and then
    solve for prices and profits

4.3 Dynamic Competition
  • In Stackelberg game, is profits higher and js
    lower than in Cournot game
  • First-mover advantage
  • Intuition Commit to flood the market ? induce
    rival to lower output ? increases your profit
  • Equilibrium above subgame perfect Nash
  • Also other Nash equil possible
  • i announces to produce qi s.t. p(qi) lt cj if j
  • This is not be credible i will not want to
    undertake threat should j enter (more on this
  • Crucial reasons 1) commitment, 2) strategies
  • In Stackelberg-Bertrand duopoly, there is second
    mover advantage
  • Once rival has committed to a price, firm has
    strong incentives to undercut

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • 2 time periods, denoted by 1 and 2
  • Firm i can take strategic action k on period 1
  • k Advertising, RD, product design,
  • Strategic action measured by its cost
  • Strategy k is sunk on 2nd period, i cannot revoke
  • k is investment, precommitment
  • On period 2, i and j compete
  • To concentrate on strategic effects, assume k
    does not affect js demand or costs directly
  • is 2nd period profits are ?i(qi,qj,k)
  • is 1st period profits are ?i (qi,qj,k) - k
  • k shifts is 2nd period profit fn
  • Strategic move k alters is own incentives to
    choose later 2nd period tactics

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • To find equilibrium, solve for by backward
    induction starting from 2nd period game
  • 2nd period
  • For any given k, equilibrium again given
    byd?i/dqi 0d?i/dqj 0
  • 2nd period reaction functions qi(qj,k) and
    qj(qi,k), and optimal tactics qi(k) are now
    functions of k
  • Equilibrium profits are ?i(qi(k),qj(k),k)
  • 1st period
  • How to choose k?
  • Profits are ?i(qi(k),qj(k),k) - k
  • To find max profit, differentiate ?i wrt k to get
    MR MC 0 this gives

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • First term is zero because i will choose second
    stage tactic qi std?i/dqi 0 we have
  • LHS 2nd term direct effect
  • LHS 1st term strategic effect
  • RHS Direct cost of commitment
  • How can k alter js 2nd period tactics since k
    does not directly affect js profits?
  • Strategic move k alters is own incentives to
    choose ? alters js incentives to react ? changes
    is profits
  • Sign of strategic effect is equal to sign of

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • Three effects
  • How commitment k changes is own optimal tactics
  • How j reacts to changes in is incentives
  • How is profits are affected by changes in js
  • Strategic effect gt 0 ? overinvest in k
  • Strategic effect lt 0 ? underinvest in k
  • Example Cost reduction in Cournot and Bertrand
  • How reaction functions shift as marginal costs of
    j are decreased?
  • Example Increased marketing in Cournot and
    Bertrand games
  • How reaction functions shift as j increases her
    marketing expenses?

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • Taxonomy for Strategies
  • Strategic substitutes vs complements
  • Cournot game strategic substitutes
  • Bertrand game strategic complements
  • Commitment makes firm tough vs soft
  • Investment k makes i tough
  • i will produce more or price below
  • k shifts is rf right and up in Cournot game
  • k shifts is rf right and down in Bertrand game
  • Investment k makes i soft
  • i will produce less or price above
  • k shifts is rf left and down in Cournot
  • k shifts is rf left and up in Bertrand

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
Stage 2 variables are Commitment makes firm Commitment makes firm
Stage 2 variables are Tough Soft
StrategicComplements(eg, prices) Puppy Dog Ploy Strategic effect lt 0 Commitment cause rivals behave more aggressively Fat Cat Effect Strategic effect gt 0 Commitment cause rivals behave less aggressively
StrategicSubstitutes(eg, capacities) Top-Dog Strategy Strategic effect gt 0 Commitment cause rivals behave less aggressively Lean and Hungry Look Strategic effect lt 0 Commitment cause rival behave more aggressively
4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • Strategic Incentives to Commit in Cournot
  • Commitment makes firm tough
  • Reaction function shifts outward
  • Firm will produce more for all given rivals
  • Example Marginal cost reducing innovation
  • Strategic effect might outweigh direct effect ?
    Invest even if NPV lt 0!
  • Beneficial strategic side-effect
  • Top-Dog Big or strong to become aggressive
  • Commitment makes firm soft
  • Firm will produce less for all given rivals
  • Reaction function shifts inward
  • Example Marginal cost increasing entry into
    other mkt
  • Negative strategic side-effect
  • Lean and Hungry Look Refrain from expanding to
    avoid weakness

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • Strategic Incentives to Commit in Bertrand
  • Commitment makes firm tough
  • Firm will underprice
  • Reaction function shifts inward
  • Example MC-reducing innovation
  • Negative side-effect
  • Puppy-Dog Ploy stay small or weak to avoid
    agressive competition ? Do not lower costs!
  • Commitment makes firm soft
  • Firm will overprice
  • Reaction function shifts outward
  • Beneficial side-effect
  • Example Target small niche, Product
  • Fat-Cat Effect Become soft to attract only weak
    competition ? Sumo-strategy

4.4 Modeling Dynamic Competition
  • Need to look more than just direct effects of
    irreversible decisions
  • Nature of future competition affects incentives
    to make investments or commitments now
  • Need to look at how equilibrium changes, not just
    first effetcs
  • Examples of 1st Stage Commitments
  • Build excess capacity ? deter entry
  • Enter and underinvest ? avoid attracting tough
  • RD reduce costs ? price aggressively / gain mkt
  • Build large customer base, costly to switch ?
    less competition in future
  • Underinvest in marketing ? less loyal customers ?
    become aggressive in 2nd stage
  • Overinvest in marketing ? loyal customers ?
    become soft in 2nd stage

5 Cartels and Collusion
  • Competition leads to less than jointly maximal
    profit ? firms have incentives to avoid
  • These incentives are basis for competition policy
  • Explicit cartels, implicit tacit collusion
  • How would these show up in reaction fn picture?
  • How Can We Detect Cartels and Collusion?
  • Hard without smoking gun
  • Lerner Index L (p - ci)/p si/e?
  • If p, si and e known, make inference on p - ci
  • Often not practical p, ci and e not known
    accurately enough
  • But with good enough data this can be done
  • Identical prices?
  • Not evidence for cartel
  • Perfect competition ? identical prices

5.1 Explicit Cartel
  • Intuition
  • Few competitors ? easy to form cartel/collude
  • Many competitors ? hard to form cartel/collude
  • Selten (1973) 4 is few, 6 is many
  • Intuition with 6 firms, staying outside cartel
    gives more than joining cartel with 5 other firms
  • Result from 2-stage model
  • 1. Decide to join/stay out
  • 2. Choose output
  • If n gt 5, best strategy in stage 1 is to stay out
  • If n lt 5, best strategy in stage 1 is join cartel

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • Implicit agreement or understanding not to
  • Eg. firms agree on monopoly price and output
  • But this is unstable
  • Cheating and undercutting gives even higher
    profits than collusion, if rivals adher to
  • Need mechanism to remove incentives for cheating
  • "Stick-and-Carrot" Theory
  • Cheating draws punishment and low profits in
  • Collusion draws rewards (high profits)
  • Deters from cheating on promise to fix prices
  • Future reward ? Collude now
  • Requires that future matter
  • How to punish? Price war an example
  • Punishment will also hurt the punisher
  • Need incentives to punish

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • Collusion in Bertrand Competition
  • Model firms interact repeatedly
  • Assume c 0, mkt demand q a - bp
  • Per period profits now ?it pit qit(pit, pjt)
  • Bertrand equilibrium price for one-shot game 0
  • On each period t each firm chooses price pit
    knowing all previous prices pit-s, s 1,2,3,
  • No end-game problem repeat per-period game
    infinitely many times
  • Or Prob(next period is last) lt 1
  • Future matters but less than today firms
    discount future profits with discount factor 0 lt
    ? lt 1

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • Owners of firms value monetary stream m such that
    mt1 ?mt,
  • where r is discount (or interest) rate, P
    probability that game ends after this period and
    k firm's marginal cost of capital
  • Firm goal maximize present value of per-period
    profit stream
  • Vi St dtpit
  • Strategy?
  • Plan ahead how to play entire game
  • What per-period moves to choose after any history
  • Think players desing strategy before game starts
    and then leave computers to execute strategy

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • Examples of simple strategies
  • One-shot Bertand price always
  • Tit-for-Tat do today what rival did yesterday
  • pi1 pM pit pM if pjt-1 pM, else pit 0
  • Equilibrium No incentive to change strategy
  • Is "always one-shot Bertrand equil behavior
    still an equil strategy?
  • Yes if i always chooses pit 0, best j can do
    is to choose pjt 0 ? ?it 0
  • Both always charge monopoly price and earn ?it
    ?iM/2 gt 0 equilibrium?
  • If j always charges pjt pM, what should i do?
  • Look at reaction function i should choose pit
    pM- ?
  • If i deviates from pM, it earns higher profits
    every period ?iD pM- ? gt pM/2 (D deviate or
    defect), henceViD St dt ?it(piD,pjM) gt ViM
    St dt ?it(piM,pjM)

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • ? Strategy always monopoly price is not in
  • Grim Strategy (GS)
  • Choose pi1 pM
  • Choose pit pM if pjt-1 pM
  • Else always choose pit 0
  • Suppose j knows i plays GS what is best for j?
  • GS is best reply (among others)
  • ? GS is a best reply against itself
  • ? Both firms using GS is an equilibrium
  • Punishment needs to be credible, otherwise it is
    only empty threat
  • There must be incentives to start punishment
  • Punishment must be part of equilibrium path from
    that moment onward, so that no firm will want to
    deviate from punishment
  • One-shot Nash equil behavior always credible

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • GS punishes defection forever
  • Punishment "too hard", lesser punishment suffices
  • Optimal punishment shortest number of periods T
    such that extra profits gained by defection are
  • Stay on intended equil path earn ?M/2 each
  • Temptation gain ?M - ?M/2 - ? ?M/2 - ? during
  • Punishment earn zero profits long enough so that
    profits (defect punishment) lt profits
  • Minimum length of sufficient punishment depends
    on discount factor d
  • Often optimal punishment is minimax strategy of
    per period game, ie tougher than one-shot equil
  • GS easy to use
  • Point here collusive outcome, not details how one
    supports outcome

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • Folk Therorem" Any outcome that leaves each
    player more than one-shot minmax outcome is
    sustainable as an equilibrium outcome in
    infinitely repeated game
  • There are many equilibrium strategies
  • Anything is in equil
  • No predictive power without more assumptions
  • Generally collusion is sustainable if temptation
    to defect is low enough and punisment following
    the deviation strong enough
  • Firm wants to keep colluding if present value of
    devi-ating is smaller than present value of
    adhering to collusive agreement
  • PV of collusion here
  • ViC ?t?t?it(piC,pjC) piC/(1-?)
  • as ?t dt 1/(1-d) if d lt 1

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • PV of deviation profits reaped during deviation
    present value of profits earned during
  • ViD ?D ?t?t?it(piP,pjP) ?D ? piP/(1-?)
  • Note here punishment assumed to be infinitely
  • Collusion is sustainable if
  • Incentive to deviate depends on discount factor
  • If discount factor is too low to support
    collusion, either toughen up punishment or try to
    lower degree of collusion
  • Longer or harder price war
  • Reduce collusive prices from monopoly price
  • Note punisments are never observed
  • None used since threat is enough

5.2 Implicit Collusion
  • Collusion with Imperfect Information
  • What if firms cannot observe rivals' exact prices
    nor outputs?
  • Don't know if rival defected ? know when to start
    price war
  • No threat of price war ? collusion not
  • Use other info Sales were less tha
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