Title: Hvad er sprog?
1Hvad er sprog?
- (det er dælme et godt spørgsmål!)
2Googl det!
- a systematic means of communicating by the use
of sounds or conventional symbols - linguistic process the cognitive processes
involved in producing and understanding
linguistic communication "he didn't have the
language to express his feelings" - the mental faculty or power of vocal
communication "language sets homo sapiens apart
from all other animals" - terminology a system of words used to name
things in a particular discipline "the language
of sociology - wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
3What is Language?
Language is the official peer-reviewed journal of
the Linguistic Society of America, published
since 1925. It is published quarterly and
contains articles and reviews on all aspects of
linguistics, focusing on the area of theoretical
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language (journal) Languag
e is the debut solo album by New Zealand singer,
Annie Crummer released in 1992.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language (Annie Crummer
4Klassiske dikotomier
- Sprogsystem - sprogbrug
- Synkroni - diakroni
- Kompetence - performans
- Kategori - variation
5Hvad gør sprog?
- Kommunikation
- overførelse af information?
- 2. ordens repræsentationssystem (Thrane 2008)
- udførelse af handlinger?
- sproget er en form for social adfærd
- sproget er en form for interaktiv og kognitiv
praksis (begge Engberg-Pedersen et al. 2005 22,
6Hvor er sprog?
- I hovedet?
- Chomsky innateness
- Katz sprog læres
- idiolekt
- I verden?
- Saussure både socialt produkt (parole) og
socialt accepterede konventioner (langue) (1959
9) - sprogning, stil
7Lingvistikkens objekt I
- From the outset we must put both feet on the
ground of langue and use langue as the norm of
all other manifestations of langage.
Saussure 1959 9 (fra Agha 2007 221) - Linguistics considers only those vocal features
which are alike in the two utterances and only
those stimulus-reaction features his term for
meaning which are alike in the two utterances.
Bloomfield 1926 154 (fra Agha 2007 225)
8Lingvistikkens objekt II
If Saussure metonymically narrows the object of
linguistics from language to langue, Chomsky
narrows it to grammar, and, eventually, even
further, to models of grammar. Agha 2007
226 A question of great contention is whether
the referent of the noun grammar in this
technical sense GG TKC corresponds to any
empirical phenomenon (and, if so, precisely what
aspect of human affairs it illuminates, apart
form the analysts own intuitions)... Agha 2007
9Lingvistikkens objekt III
... the impulse to replace the study of language
with the study of a language-fraction ... has
continued to re-direct the energies of
practitioners caught in its grip toward smaller
and smaller fractions of language as ordinarily
understood, and indeed ... toward a fraction of
language so much smaller than language itself as
to make doubtful its own continuing relevance as
an epistemic project. Agha 2007 218-19 (mine
10Aghas favorit
A Boasian linguistics is oriented to all the
aspects of language that Saussure differentiates
by name - what we might, more neutrally, call
language structure, discourse, and
historical languages - but approaches their
systematic study in ways that emphasize their
practical interconnection in moments of empirical
study and their systematic integration in the
task of theory building. Agha 2007 229
11Lingvistikkens målsætning?
- At undersøge og forklare sprogets struktur i sig
selv uden henvisning til eksterne forhold (
autonomitesen fx Torben Thrane 2008) - At undersøge og forklare sprogets rolle i
menneskers samliv (fx Asif Agha ... The study of
any aspect of human affairs can be illuminated by
the study of language... 2007 219)
12Og lidt mere at tænke over...
- Mulighedsbetingelser?
- Samtænke system og variation?
- Det hele...
- Agha, Asif (2007) The Object Called Language
and the Subject of Linguistics. Journal of
English Linguistics 35. Sage Publications
(217-235) - Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth et al. (2005) Dansk
Funktionel Lingvistik En introduktion.
København KU - Innateness and Language. Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/
innateness-language/ - Katz, Aya (2008) Language is Learned.
http//hubpages.xom/hub/Language-is-Learned - Thrane, Torben (2008) Hvis funktionalisme er
svaret - hvad er så spørgsmålet? NyS 36