Umayyads and Abbasids Sunni v. Shi a At issue: Who should lead the Muslim Umma? First 4 Caliphs = The Rightly Guided Caliphs Ali, 4th caliph, killed by ...
... Umayyad seize leadership of the Muslim faithful Begin conquests throughout Middle East and North Africa Arab Conquest Muslim military conquests mount beyond ...
The Rise of Muslim States Copy the notes as they appear. Expansion under the Umayyads By 661, the Umayyads took over Islam. In less than 100 years, they had expanded ...
Umayyads 661-750 Abbasid Abbasid Dynasty 750-1258 Overthrow Umayyad b/c corruption New Capital Bagdad (on Tigris) Increased Persian influence (Iran) ...
Abbasid Dynasty 751-870 AD Egypt now gets a taste of a Shiite Dynasty. The Abbasids (related to the uncle of Mohammed) take power from the Umayyads by killing all but ...
Chapter 6. The First Global Civilization: The Rise of Islam. Before Islam ... The Arab Empire of the Umayyads. 632 Muhammad dies suddenly (with no successor) ...
The Arabian Peninsula. A crossroads of three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe ... In 750, a rebel group the Abbasids topple the. Umayyads. NEXT ...
Al-Abbas' great great grandson, Abu al-Abbas led his forces against the Umayyads. ... 5 Centuries = Spread of Islam played a dominant role in the Afro-Eurasian World. ...
List 5 modern day countries the ... How did the Umayyads unify their culture? ... Umayyad Unity Mosques of the World IV. Umayyad Down fall Print your ...
C. Early Islam frowns on celibacy but reveres asceticism [Peters, ch. 7, #s 1-2, 5] ... A. Hasan al-Basri (d. 728), preacher in Basra (1) Ran afoul of Umayyads ...
converted to Islam, fought in battles, but earned little booty ... 750: defeat the Umayyad caliph in the Battle of the River Zab. The end of the Umayyads ...
Islam s five pillars Provide basis for underlying unity Acceptance of Islam No god except the God, and Muhammad is his messenger. Prayer five times daily ...
The Spread of Islam Rightly Guided The first four successors of Muhammad were called the Rightly Guided Caliphs Caliph Successor All related to Muhammad All ...
Abbasid Decline Overexpansion & succession problems (fratricide)! Led to caliph hiring personal armies of Turkic Central Asian nomads (slave soldiers) ...
Bedouin Arab nomadic people organized by clan and tribe Desert dwelling ... A new capital was established at Baghdad with a centralized absolutist rule. ...
The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam The Arabian Peninsula is a crossroads of three continents: Africa, Europe, and Asia Only small areas of ...
Islam after Muhammad s Death Muhammad s Successors Priorities Expansion of Territory The death of Muhammad in 632 presented a challenge for the Muslim community.
Rise of Islam Goals/Objectives What are the foundations of Islam? How did Islam spread? Arabian Peninsula Bedouins - Courage, family, warriors Settle in fertile areas ...
Makkah (Mecca) In 570, Muhammad was born to a widow of a respectable clan in Makkah. The drinking, gambling, and corruption in Makkah troubled Muhammad, ...
Muhammad was Arab, a nomadic people located on the Arabian Peninsula who believed (before Islam) ... Arabian Nights/1001 Nights Architecture Minaret ...
Al-Andalus, z nith de l'histoire arabe ? HIS 4656 Histoire et civilisation du monde arabe - cours 9 - Rep res de l histoire politique Visionnement de l pisode ...
Why did so many key Arab families become hostile to Uthman within 20 ... Why was the caliphate of Ali (656 661) so controversial? Who were the Kharijites? ...
7th 17th C. CE Overview 7th-17th Centuries Islamic Empire provides key trade links and channels in E. Hemisphere Origins: Bedouin tribes (family clans organized ...
The Rise of Islam 6.1 The Arabs Nomadic Polytheistic Semitic speaking Harsh Arabian Peninsula Two Tribes Sheikh The Life of Muhammad Troubled by the world he lived in ...
Le r gne de Mu'awiya. Kerbela et le chiisme. Le gouvernement central ... r gime provincial bien ancr . puissante arm e (danger byzantin) d clar calife la suite ...
... techniques for research Used Greek ideas Influenced later European learning ... What was the relationship between urbanization & development of Islamic culture ...
Unit 6: Exchange and Encounter The rise of Islam History Muhammad (570 - 632) lived in a polytheistic Arab society One day, the angel Gabriel tells him to spread the ...
Unit 5: The rise of Islam First Christianity happened then Came ISLAM History Muhammad (570 - 632) lived in a polytheistic Arab society One day, the angel ...
Rise of Islam Key Terms Bedouin Shaykhs (Sheik) Mecca Medina Umayyad Clan that dominated Mecca, later an Islamic dynasty Ka ba pre-Islamic shrine in Mecca ...
Al-Biruni. Calculated specific weight of 18 major minerals. Medicine. Hospitals in Cairo. Doctors had courses of study and had to pass a formal exam before being ...
The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam Chapter 6 EQs: What is the history behind Islam? What are the teachings of Islam? How did Islam spread?
Muhammad taught monotheism and rejection of the idols of the Ka'ba ... Muhammad and his followers fled to Yathrib (later named Medina or City of the ...
Islam 3 2 1 3 ... Islamic traditions and holidays Basic Philosophy Religion is called Islam Believe in the same God ... more Muslims than any other country in ...
Muslims that do not believe that a Caliph must be related to Muhammad. The spreading of ideas and ... Sufi-lived life of poverty and devotion. First Empires ...
The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam Chapter 6 EQs: What is the history behind Islam? What are the teachings of Islam? How did Islam spread?
Chapter 6 The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam ... people of the book,' Jews, Christians; later extended to Zoroastrians and Hindus. ...
1. Une nouvelle capitale. fondation de Bagdad par al-Mansur, 762. symbolisme imp rial ... 2e ville de l'empire ; capitale administratif de la partie occidentale ...
Title: The Family & Mosque in Islam Author: SRSRC Last modified by: Summera Created Date: 1/31/2006 3:51:10 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show