1 SUFISM I. Pre-Islamic encounters with mysticism
A. Hanifs B. Christian monks in desert
cells C. Early Islam frowns on celibacy but
reveres asceticism Peters, ch. 7, s
1-2, 5. D. Sufi gt suf (wool) II. Early
sufis A. Hasan al-Basri (d. 728), preacher
in Basra (1) Ran afoul of Umayyads for
preaching free will
(2) Wept for sinful state of world B.
Rabia al-Adawiyya (d. 801), Basra
Peters, ch. 7, 3 (1) Extreme
asceticism (2) Divine love and love
poetry to God
2III. Drunken sufis desire for annihilation of
self in God (fana) and Gods assertion in
oneself A. Abu Yazid al-Bistami (d.
873), Khurasan Glory be to Me
Peters, ch. 7, 16 intro. B. Abu Mansur
AL-HALLAJ (d. 923), SW Iran - I am The Truth.
imprisoned and executed in Baghdad
Peters, ch. 7, s 14-15
3III. Al-Junayd (d. 910), Baghdad (originally from
W. Iran) and sober sufism Beyond fana
is state of self-possession and social
responsibility Peters, ch. 7, s 11, 12, 13,
15 IV. Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) reconciles sufism
with orthodox Sunni Islam. spiritual
crisis when patron Nizam al-Mulk (founder
of Nizamiyya Madrasa) is assassinated by
Ismaili Shicites, 1095?10 years of wandering
and discovery of sufism Peters, ch. 7, s 4,
10, 12, 16 V. Muhyi al-Din Ibn Arabi
(1165-1240), Murcia, Spain Peters, ch. 7,
s 6, 17 ch. 8, 13 doctrine of unity of
being (wahdat al-wujud) that God is present
in all of creation?accusations of pantheism
4VI. Sufi orders (sing. tariqa), beginning in the
10th c. A. Relationship between seeker and
mystical guide (murshid / shaykh /
pir) B. Each order traces its mystical
lineage back to a founding father
silsila chain of mystical
al-Junayd (d. 910)
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
(d. 1166), Baghdad
Qadiri order
Ahmad ibn al-Rifaci (d.
1182), Iraq See Peters, ch. 7, 7
Ahmad al-Badawi (d. 1276), Egypt
Badawi order
5C. Group mystical exercise Peters, ch. 7, 7
(1) Communal utterances dhikr
(remembrance) (2) Ritual movements/singing
samac (hearing)
samac of Mevlevi order, a.k.a. whirling
dervishes, founded by Mevlana Jelal al-Din Rumi,
Konya, 13th c.
6D. The sufi lodge / convent (1) The ribat
Peters, ch. 7, 7 fortress/monastery on
frontiers of Islam?convent / hospice
(2) The khanaqa / zawiya / tekke Peters, ch.
7, 8 (a) Space for dhikr / samac
(b) Tomb of founder of order
lodge and mausoleum of Jelal al-Din Rumi, Konya,
Turkey (capital of Seljuk offshoot kingdom)
7medieval water clock (like the one in the film
Omar Khayyam)