Title: The Rightly-Guided Caliphs
1The Rightly-Guided Caliphs
- Abu Bakr (632-634)
- Umar (634-644)
- Uthman (644-656)
- Ali (656-661)
2Why did so many key Arab families become hostile
to Uthman within 20 years of Muhammads death?
3What was the consequence for Uthman in 656?
4The first three rashidun
5Why was the caliphate of Ali (656 661) so
6Who were the Kharijites? And why did they
reject Ali?
7What does Shiite mean, and why did the sectarian
conflict linger after Alis assassination?
8Why is the Battle of Karbala (680) so significant
to Shiites?
9Alis son Husayn and followers were killed
(martyred) by Umayyads
10Shiism now based on belief that Alid must be
11Challenges to the umma c.680 750?
12For instance
- Revolutions and rebellions
- Messianic movements (expected mahdi)
- ibn al-Hanafiya claimed by Kufan Mukhtar to be
rightly guided one - Ongoing frustration of original Muslims
- Ongoing frustration of new non-Arab Muslims
13What does imam mean? How does it differ from the
Shiite Imam?
14What was the significance of Jafar al-Sadiq
15Prior to his death, he designated son Ismail
but the son dies first. Problems?
16SevenersRecognize Ismail and his successors
TwelversRecognize Ismails brother Musa
al-Kazim and his successors
17Who were the Abbasids and how did they overthrow
the Umayyads in 750? What did they promise?
18What are the distinctive characteristics of
Shiism by 750?
- Imam is the legitimate ruler
- Rejection of imam is rejection of prophet
- Prophets true heirs are sinless/infallible
- The caliph is a usurper
- Sense of martyrdom, minority status