Title: Kwaliteitszorg B'V'P'
1Ergotherapie Occupational Therapy at Zuyd
University Heerlen
Antonia Schleicher 0605859Schleicher_at_hsyuzd.nl
- Antonia Schleicher
- 3rd-year OT-student at the HSZUYD University
Heerlen - placement at TWH Community Mental Health
Outpatient - Program Feb. June 2009
- supervisor Beta Leung
- Why this presentation?
- one of my projects
- promotion
- Hogeschool Zuyd (HSZUYD) Wheres that??
- Occupational Therapy at the HSZYD
- organisation of the fieldwork
- my experiences at TWH
- contact
- references
4HSZUYD wheres that?
- university of applied sciences
- 4 year full-time bachelor education program on
Occupational therapy - accreditation from NVAO and WFOT
- approximately 130 OT-students per year
- approximately 13 drop outs
- approximately 45 German OT-students
- The curriculum is...
- ... competence based
- ... occupation based
- ... client-centered practice
- Didactical approach
- ... self-directive learning
- ... authentic learning
- situations
- ... different kinds of
- tests/assessments
- ... learning takes place in the
- university and in the fieldwork
7OT- competences
3 segments
- Working with/for clients
- Analysis/assessment
- Treatment and guidance
- Counseling/advice
- Working in and from an organisation
- Working together/cooperation
- Managing and making policy
- Supervision
- Entrepeneurship
- Quality care
- Working on the development of the profession
- Innovate
- Improvement
- Professionalism
84 didactical lines
- 4 periods
- 10 weeks per
- period
Clinical practice
SLB studieloopbaanbegeleiding monitoring the
9OT education programme
1e Jaar
2e Jaar
P project C course T Training BO orientation
af fieldwork placement for 1 week SLB monitoring
the studycarreer PA performance assessment
(intregration of knowledge, skills, professional
10OT education programme
3e en 4e Jaar Variant A
3e en 4e Jaar Variant B
Minor multiprofessional module of 15 credits
e.g. entrepeneurship, science, Work and health,
psychiatric health care, internationalization,..e
tc. Optional course occupational therapy course
of 3 credits e.g. OT and children, OT and
diversity, OT and political reasoning, Giving
effective advices,.etc.
SLBmonitoring the study carreer
Ergotherapie - OT at Zuyd University
Heerlen Antonia Schleicher, June 2009
- 2 fieldwork periods ? 2 x 19 weeks, min. 1000
hours in the institution(s) - possibility 2nd fieldwork abroad
- goal achieve OT-competences at the level of a
beginning professional - (1rst segment)
- competence development is formalized through
assessment 4-5 - projects/typical incidences per fieldwork
- evidence for development of competencies
- students responsibility to chose projects,
criteria and evaluation tools
12my projects
- Assessment Skills (competencies
analysis/assessment and cooperation) - Assessment reports
- Interview Skills
- Documentation Skills
- Treatment Skills (competencies treatment and
guidance, advice and analysis) - Planning treatment ? 2 treatment plans
- Carrying out treatment
- Giving advice (competency advice)
- Written advice report
- Home visit
- (this) Presentation (competency extending
13Example evidence
14Example evidence
15my experiences
- Supportive environment
- Challenging context untraditional role
- Lots of learning opportunities (e.g.presentations,
shadowing other disciplines) - Inspiring
- Great city
- Antonia Schleicher 0605859Schleicher_at_hszuyd.nl
- Rianne Jansens supervisor r.jansens_at_hsyuzd.nl
- otisheerlen_at_gmail.com ( Occupational Therapy
International -
Students Club )
- www.hszyd.nl
- Ergotherapie op Hogeschool Zuyd (November 2008).
from - www.hszuyd.nl/ergotherapie
- Jansens, R. et. al. Powerpoint presentation
Reflection on Health Care and OT (education) in
the Netherlands November 2008 - Goebels, S. et. al. Fieldwork Placement
Outlines of Competences based Curriculum
Hogeschool Zuyd June 2008 - Jansens, R. Powerpoint presentation
Occupational therapy at the University Heerlen
November 2007 - Zalmstra, A. Verhoef, J. Beroepscompetenties
Ergotherapie een toekomstgerichte beschrijving
van het gewenste eindniveau van de opleiding tot
ergotherapeut den Haag 2007 - OTis Poster Studying in the Netherlands -
Advantages and Disadvantages - or maybe
Affordances and Threats? COTEC 2008