Title: Varicelle : personnes
1ECC RICAI Paris December 1-3, 2004
Management of VZV infections Current guidelines
Pr Christian Chidiac Department of Infectious and
Tropical Diseases HĂ´pital de la Croix Rousse
F69317 Lyon christian.chidiac_at_chu-lyon.fr
2Aim of the presentation
- To present and discuss guidelines
- For treatment and prophylaxis of
- Varicella and herpes zoster
- For immunocompetent pts
- For immunocompromised pts
- Neonates management and vaccine are excluded from
this presentation
3Main references
- IHMF International Herpes Manag²ement Forum
- www.ihmf.org
- SPILF (French Society for Infectious Diseases)
- Med mal inf 199828692-712
- British Society for the Study of Infection
- J infect 1998 36(suppl1)31-38
- German Dermatology Society
- J Clin Vir 200326277-289
- VZV causes 2 distinct clinical diseases
- Varicella or chickenpox
- Occurs in 90 children lt 13 years
- Herpes zoster or shingles
- Recurrent localized infection
- Occurs likely in elderly
- Complications
- More severe Immunocompromised host
- Elderly PHN after herpes zoster
5Management of varicella in the immunocompetent
6VaricellaAntiviral treatment for healthy
- Oral aciclovir (ACV)
- Recommended by IHMF
- 20 mg/kg up to 800 mg/d for 5 d
- Not recommended in French guidelines (SPILF)
- Not a severe disease
- Risk of viral resistance related to antiviral use
- No evidence that ACV may prevent complication
- Cost/effectiveness not established in France
7VaricellaAntiviral for adults and adolescents (1)
- Recommended by IHMF
- Complications more likely and frequently more
serious than in children - Secondary cases more severe in households
- Oral ACV 800 mg four to five times daily 5-7 d
- V-ACV and FCV likely to be as effective as ACV
- But no controlled trials
- Not recommended by SPILF as routine
8VaricellaAntiviral for adults and adolescents (2)
- Varicella-associated pneumonia
- Recommended by IHMF and SPILF
- Whether pregnant or not (IHMF)
- IV ACV 10 mg/kg/8h
- More severe cases in adults and adolescents and
other at-risk individuals - Antiviral treatment recommended by IHMF as a
9VaricellaAntiviral for pregnant women
- Recommended by IHMF
- Oral ACV, V-ACV or FCV
- When varicella occurs in their second or third
trimester - BUT
- Recommendation based on anecdotal evidence
- Drugs no licensed for use during pregnancy
- Not recommended as routine
- But in case of risk of delivery in days following
the rash - Severe and/or complicated varicella
- Recommended by IHMF and SPILF
10VaricellaAntiviral for pts with serious
- Cerebral ataxia, varicella-associated pneumonia,
VZV encephalitis and cutaneous bacterial
complications - Recommended by IHMF
- IV ACV 10 mg/kg
- Based on anecdotal evidence
- Recommended by SPILF
- ACV licensed for severe manifestations of VZV
11Management of herpes zoster in immunocompetent
12Herpes zosterMain problem is Pain
- Definition
- Zoster Associated Pain (ZAP)
- a continuum of pain from prodrome to PHN and as
long as pain persists - Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)
- Established persisting pain and/or dysaesthesia
13Herpes zosterAntiviral therapy
- Recommended by IHMF, SPILF, German guidelines
- For immunocompetent adults gt 50 years
- Within 72 hours of lesion onset
- Oral route
- V-ACV 1000 mg three times a days, 7 d
- FCV 250 or 500 mg three times a day
- ACV 800 mg five time a day not preferred
- Brivudin 125 mg once a day (Germany)
14Herpes zosterSteroids
- Recommended by IHMF and German guidelines
- To reduce the inflammation that may contribute to
acute pain - Provided there are no contra-indications
- Reduce acute symptoms and may facilitate return
to normal quality of life - But do not prevent PHN
15Herpes zosterAcute pain (1)
- Main cases
- 1st step non steroidal analgesics (e.g.
paracetamol) - 2nd step additional low potency opioid
analgesic (tramadol, codein) in combined
preparations if needed - 3rd step in addition to a peripheral analgesic,
administration of high-potency central opioid
(e.g. buprenorphine, oral morphine) - Severe neuralgic pain
- Anti-convulsivants (carbamazepine)
- Gabapentine
- Antidepressants amitryptillin and neuroleptics
16Herpes zosterAcute pain (2)
- German guidelines
- Early presentation to pain therapist or pain
outpatient clinic is suggested - IHMF, SPILF
- Presence of risk factors for the development of
PHN should be assessed and documented for each
17Management of VZV infections in immunocompromised
18VZV infections in immunocompromised pts
Antiviral treatment (1)
- IHMF, SPILF, German guidelines, UK
- IV ACV therapy is the standard of care
- for imunocompromised patients
- with disseminated VZV disease,
- including those with complications such as
varicella pneumonia - Recommended dose
- Adults 10 mg/kg every 8 h
- Children
- UK, France 500 mg/m2 body surface area every 8
h - USA 20 mg/kg every 8 h
19VZV infections in immunocompromised pts
Antiviral treatment (2)
- Oral antiviral therapy
- Anecdotal evidence suggests that oral antiviral
therapy may be appropriate for the treatment of
VZV disease in some immunocompromised
individuals - Varicella (IHMF)
- Herpes zoster (IHMF, SPILF), specially for
segmented herpes zoster without any
dissemination, and with moderate
immunosuppression (e.g HIV pts with CD4 gt 200/mm3)
21Post exposure prophylaxis
- VZV immune globulin should be considered as soon
as possible after exposure to varicella (lt 72 h)
for - Immunocompromised individuals (IHMF, UK)
- Pregnant woman (IHMF, SPILF, UK)
- Oral ACV recommended for pregnant woman (IHMF)
- Suppressive antiviral therapy (IV ACV) should be
considered for - Transplant pts (BMT) (IHMF)
- Pts with immunosuppression for GVHD (IHMF)
- Stem cell transplant recipient (SPILF)
- Guidelines may differ among countries
- IV ACV is the standard of care for severe VZV
infections - Oral antiviral therapy
- Recommended for pts gt 50 years with herpes zoster
to prevent PHN - Discussed for varicella in non compromised host
and for prophylaxis