The Jaina cave shrine in Sittannavasal in Pudukkottai district in Tamilnadu, contains priceless mural paintings belonging to 9th century CE or even of an earlier period. Because of natural elemets and vandalism these paintings may be lost for ever. A novel project for the preservation is suggested.
They are typically made from .999 pure silver and come in various sizes ranging from one 1 to 10 ounces. The design of the silver bullets is inspired by ammunition used in firearms, and they often feature intricate engravings or markings. Silver bullets are popular among collectors and investors alike as they provide a unique way to invest in precious metals and can be a valuable addition to any investment portfolio.
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PHP Scripting language Ludovico Antonio Muratori Ci S.B.i.C. snc Cesena, ITALY Introduction to PHP PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically ...
documentation generator. uses: metadata. documentation comments. special attributes ... completely new code. core is pure .NET. PhD. work of Milan Frank ...
RONDO: A Programming Platform. for Generic Model Management. Sergey Melnik University of Leipzig, Germany. Erhard Rahm University of ... return map, multimap ...
LIVING WITH THE EARTH TOXICITY AND TOXINS -Moore * TOXICITY AND TOXINS -Moore * Lead In the 1970s, both federal regulatory and legislative efforts were begun to ...
LIVING WITH THE EARTH Objectives A student reading this chapter will be able to: 1. Discuss and define the concepts of toxic triangle, poison, hazardous material, and ...
* Programrendszerek fejleszt se K t s * Programrendszerek fejleszt se JAX-RPC Java API for XML based RPC Programoz s model a SOAP alap alkalmaz sokhoz ...
Elektronika gyakorlat A mai ra tartalma: TINA bemutat Ismerked s a programmal K sz t k: Buresch L szl s Kov cs Istv n TINA The Complete Electronics ...
Title: Mesters ges intelligenci k Author: Obi Last modified by: Obi Created Date: 7/3/2001 8:54:24 AM Document presentation format: Diavet t s a k perny_re
Title: PROSES-PROSES PERANGKAT LUNAK Author: Hilda Caem Last modified by: user Created Date: 9/13/2006 4:16:53 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
MATEMATIKA Sorozatok * Sorozatok Sz msorozatok - Alapfogalmak Sz mtani k z p: a1,a2, ,an M rtani k z p: a1,a2, ,an nem negat v sz mok m rtani k zepe ...
Rekurz v SQL Rekurzi : hierarchikus lek rdez s: CONNECT BY haszn lata SELECT-ben rekurz v logikai adatmodell (DATALOG): WITH utas t s rekurz v f ggv nyek ...
Array class allocates a HBufC automatically when a CDesC is added ... Iterator:TDblQueIter myObj iter (LinkList) Collection classes. Arrays. CArray. Flexible ...
CSS1 is for style and positioning attributes of content ... you heard the rumor about Wonder Woman dating span class=hidden' invisible /span man? /p ...
Finding attribute and namespaces applicable to an element. Finding ... element type name or attribute values. Can have embedded XPointer ... attribute ...