Title: UNIMARC / AACR2 Author: Skarkova Last modified by: Oliver HOLY Created Date: 1/27/2003 7:52:38 PM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
Encourage use as a content standard for metadata schema. Encourage ... Alistair Miles. Mikael Nilsson. Andy Powell. Barbara Tillett. Recommendations ...
Based on a presentation created by the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of ... Get back to more principle-based rules that build cataloguers' judgement ...
RDA: Cataloging Code for the 21st Century? Rick J. Block Columbia University RDA is successor to AACR2 but is not AACR3 -- RDA is different from AACR2 Next s ...
If add state for clarification use AACR2 abbreviation (not postal code) ... Name of state added for identification or distinction, using abbreviation in AACR2 ...
Neighbours in the standards world. SGML HTML XML XSLT RDF TopicMaps. MARC21 AACR2 GCL Dewey UDC . e-Government Interoperability Framework includes standards ...
55 million records. 900 million holdings. MARC21 / AACR2. OCLC Online Computer Library Center ... Columbia University. Cornell University. University of ...
E-Journals Subscriptions in Egypt, E-Holdings of 6 Egyptian Libraries ... ISO 3166 alpha 3 for Country Codes. AACR2 for Cataloguing. DDC and LCC Classification schemes ...
If issues on previous cataloged per AACR2 Dec. 2002 = 1 record based on v. ... If cataloged prior to AACR = 2 records: one record for 1st & 2nd titles based on ...
Cataloguing the modern Bassoon ... using AACR2R, a modern musical instrument. ... Text on each of the 4 Reeds (each made from French cane) states 'Rico JAZZ 3' ...
ALCTS AACR2 2002 and Metadata Institute. Ready to Wear Metadata ... LITA National Forum 2003 Putting Technology into Practice. Modus Operandi. Cataloging ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Melanie Last modified by: pfrank Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Session 7: Major and Minor Changes What are the principles and considerations for major and minor changes? What constitutes a major or minor change in title?
Session 6: Major and Minor Changes What constitutes a major or minor change? What other changes require a new record? When is maintenance appropriate for changes to a ...
... and other cases for collocation purposes No uniform title Collocating title added entry Linking entry field 245 00 $a Analyse des ... w (DLC) $w (OCoLC ...
... copy of that record and import it into their own library automation ... Library of Congress Subject Headings. Library of Congress Classification Schedules ...
Participants View whiteboard Title bar Menu bar Audio panel Emoticons step-away raise hand poll While you are waiting for the session to begin, please test your audio:
LC Training for RDA: Resource Description & Access Module 6: Authorities II Part 2: Identifying Corporate Bodies Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division
LC is open for business. BUT, no USPS mail delivery since October 17 ... British terms of honor will not be included in new headings 'Sir,' 'Dame,' 'Lord, ...
Address current problems. Principle-based. Build on cataloger's ... 6: Persons, families, corporate bodies associated with a resource. Ch. 7: Related Resources ...
'A specification for mapping one metadata standard to another.' -- St. Pierre and LaPlant ... Envisioned as a simple lingua franca (crosswalk) Dublin Core 1.1 ...
RDA in NACO Module 10 Non-Latin Languages * * The documentation on non-Latin authority work is the same. We still have the ALA Romanization Tables and the existing ...
Conocimientos de las herramientas de manipulaci n de las BD. ... Informaci n que estaba en un campo y ahora est en otro. Taller de Migraci n de Datos ...
... institutions may continue to report all duplicates and BFM if that simplifies the ... LC liaison deletes duplicates and does BFM only if NACO catalogers report ...
Improve collocation. Work/expression level citation/relationships. New approach to GMDs ... Collocation at the work/expression level. How did we get here? FRBR ...
Determining and recording the means by which the serial itself can be accessed online. ... Cyber music file. Cyber picture. Cyber serial. Cyber . Cyber sound file ...
Serials have personalities of their own. They're like humans, who are born, ... common name (and many nicknames), while others change their names and move away. ...
Session 4 Online versions How is the single record approach applied to electronic versions of print serials? How can reproduction cataloging practices be used to ...
Cataloging rules & MARC tagging. Single record approach vs. separate record approach ... The use of electronic resources via carriers (e.g., discs/disks, cassettes, ...
LIS 605. Introduction to cataloging and classification. donna Bair ... Potter and the sorcerer's stone /*cby J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPr . ...
Functions of a library catalogue database. Creation of surrogates conceptual analysis & translation ... Leave them in the murky water of the Internet ...
Session 1: Introduction What are the goals of the electronic serials cataloging course? What are the basic tools, standards and resources for cataloging e-serials?
http://www.colic.org/support/documentation/world cat/tab/250 ... of the name heading, official pronunciation, and LC romanization rules for the CJK language ...
Module 1: Background and Structure of RDA RDA based on IFLA s international models and principles Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR; 1998 ...