Title: Introduction to Cataloging Principles and Practices
Introduction to Cataloging Principles and
Practices McNeese State University
Library Departmental Profile August 16, 2005
2AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloging Rules Current,
nationally accepted cataloging rules for the
United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia
and most other English-speaking
countries. _____________________________________
______________________________ MARC Machine
Readable Cataloging Record MARC format is a
standard for the representation and exchange of
bibliographic data in machine-readable form.
3- Use AACR2 to determine how to describe library
materials - Use MARC standards to determine how to code
bibliographic information
into a computer record -
From AACR2 Rules to MARC _________________________
__________________________________________ AACR2
Cataloging Rules
MARC 2.1 Title and statement of responsibility
area 245 2.1 Edition area
250 2.4 Imprint
Area 260 2.5 Physical description
area 300 2.6 Series area
4xx 2.7
Notes area
5xx ____________________________________________
4 MARC Record -- Common Fields
Blue Bibliographic Description points
(AACR2) Red Headings, or Access Points (AACR2)
5- How Do We Get MARC Records?
- OCLC MARC-based computerized union catalog
- __________________________________________________
_____________ - Principle of Cooperative cataloging
- The first cataloger to create a MARC record for
an item follows standard cataloging rules and
coding in an effort to produce the best record
possible. Then that record is added to OCLC so
that other catalogers can download a copy of that
record and import it into their own library
automation system. - __________________________________________________
___________ - Original cataloging
- Process of creating a bibliographic record for an
item from scratch - Copy cataloging
- Searching MARC records
- Finding a matching record
- Downloading records
- Editing record
- Importing records into our library automation
6MARC Record via OCLC Connexion Common Fields
7WorkFlows search screen -- Modify Title Item
8Workflows record (partial bibliographic
record/xx call number)
9Accessing OCLC WorldCat via Workflows (SmartPort)
10Search options for OCLC WorldCat via Workflows
11Capture bibliographic record from OCLC WorldCat
via Workflows (SmartPort)
12WorkFlows screen Bibliographic Record (top)
13WorkFlows screen Bibliographic Record (bottom)
14WorkFlows screen Volume/Copy screen
15Link Cataloging Record to Order Record in
16Main search screen OCLC Connexion
17Search in OCLC Connexion for subject Hurricane
18DLC (Library of Congress) Record
19Non-DLC (non-Library of Congress) Record
20OCLC Connexion Bibliographic Work form
21LC Authority File via OCLC Connexion (checking
subject heading)
22Printing Label from OCLC Connexion
- AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloging Rules
- Library of Congress Subject Headings
- Library of Congress Classification Schedules
24Cataloging Department Web Page
25Cataloging Departments Procedures Manual