The Crusades - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Crusades


The Crusades Significance Cont d The Moslem powers, once tolerant of religious diversity, had been made intolerant by attack and defeats galvanized the rift between ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Crusades

The Crusades
Decline of Byzantium
  • In 1071, Muslim Saljuqs won an important victory
    at Manzikert
  • Byzantine factions then turned on each other in
    civil war, allowing the Saljuqs almost free rein
    in Anatolia
  • The Byzantine Emperor asked Pope Urban II to help
    him against the Muslims

Pope Urban II
  • Urban responded to Byzantiums request with a
    rousing speech in Clermont, France in 1095 in
    which he called upon Christians to Enter upon
    the road to the Holy Sepulcher wrest that land
    from the wicked race, and subject it to
  • Urbans speech would help launch the first of
    several Crusades

Reasons for the Crusades
  • The Pope hoped to unite the entire eastern
    Mediterranean and the divided Christian faith
    under the banner of the Latin Church
  • Remember the Schism from Lesson 6
  • Italian city-states, with their large navies,
    hoped for commercial gains and were therefore
    keen supporters of the Crusades

Reasons for the Crusades
  • The Byzantine Empire was in severe decline and no
    longer could act as a buffer between the Muslim
    East and the Catholic West
  • Christian pilgrims visiting the holy sites in
    Jerusalem began experiencing increased harassment
    and danger

A pilgrim camp near Jericho by David Roberts
A New Concept of War
  • Augustines Just War Theory
  • Waged under the auspices of the state
  • Vindication of justice (defense of life and
  • Restrained conduct with regard to the enemy,
    non-combatants, and prisoners
  • The Crusades
  • At behest of the Pope, but under operational
    control of the kings
  • Defense of the faith
  • No restraint in dealing with the infidel
  • The change was justified based on the Biblical
    accounts of the conquest of Canaan by Joshua
    (remember Lesson 10)

Mobilization of the Crusades
  • Pope Urban traveled to various cities for nine
    months preaching the Crusade and offering
    extraordinary inducements to include a plenary
    indulgence remitting all punishments due to sin
    for those who died on the Crusade
  • Serfs were allowed to leave the land to which
    they were bound
  • Citizens were exempted from taxes
  • Debtors were given a moratorium on interest
  • Prisoners were freed and death sentences were
    commuted by a bold extension of Papal authority
    to life service in Palestine

The Crusaders
  • The variety of motivations resulted in a varied
  • Men tired of hopeless poverty
  • Adventurers seeking action
  • Merchants looking for new markets
  • Lords whose enlisting serfs had left them
  • Sincerely religious individuals wanting to rescue
    the land of Christ

The First Crusade
  • The word crusade comes from the Spanish cruzade
    which means marked with the cross
  • Crusaders wore red crosses on their chests to
    symbolize their purpose

The First Crusade
  • Urban had appointed August 1096 as the time of
    departure, but many of the impatient peasants,
    who were among the first recruits, could not wait
  • Led by such personalities as Peter the Hermit and
    Walter the Penniless, they set out in three
    groups and quickly devolved into disorder,
    hunger, and ill-discipline
  • They were all but annihilated by a force of Turks
    at Nicea

Alexius Comnenus, Emperor of the East, receives
Peter the Hermit at Constantinople, August
1096by Gillot Saint-Evre
The First Crusade
  • The more organized Crusaders, under the divided
    leadership of various feudal leaders, moved by
    various routes to Constantinople
  • There the Emperor Alexius gave them provisions
    and bribes in exchange for a pledge of fealty
  • Alexius was somewhat afraid the Crusaders had
    designs on Constantinople as well as Jerusalem

Duke Godfrey of Bouillon was among the most
brave, pious, competent, and fanatical of the
First Crusade leaders
The First Crusade
  • The First Crusaders met an even more divided
    Muslim force and won victories at Nicea on June
    19, 1097 and Antioch on June 3, 1098
  • By June 7, 1099, after a three year campaign,
    12,000 of the original 30,000 Crusaders reached

Siege of Antioch
The First Crusade
  • On July 15 the Crusaders went over the city walls
    and unleashed unbridled carnage
  • Blood reportedly ran knee-deep
  • 70,000 Moslems were slaughtered
  • Jews were herded into a synagogue and burned alive

The First Crusade
  • Administrative rule of Jerusalem proved
  • Eventually the kingdom was parceled into
    practically independent fiefs and barons assumed
    all ownership of land, reducing the former owners
    to the condition of serfs
  • The kingdom was further weakened by the ceding of
    several ports to the Italian city-states in
    exchange for naval support and seaborne supplies
  • The native Christian population came to look back
    on the era of Moslem rule as a golden age

Godfrey served as the first ruler of Jerusalem
  • The establishment of new orders of military monks
    partially offset these weaknesses
  • The Knights of the Hospital of Saint John and the
    Knights Templar began by protecting and nursing
    pilgrims but gravitated to active attacks on
    Moslem strongholds
  • Both orders would come to play prominent roles in
    the battles of the Crusades and earned great
    reputations as warriors

Seal of the Knights Templar
Moslem Counterattack
  • Most of the Crusaders returned to Europe after
    freeing Jerusalem, creating a manpower shortage
  • Moslem refugees retreated to Baghdad and demanded
    a force retake Jerusalem
  • In 1144, Moslems under Zangi retook the
    Christians eastern-most outpost at al-Ruah and
    then Edessa
  • Such developments would spur the Second Crusade

The Second Crusade
  • St. Bernard appealed to Pope Eugenius II to call
    for another Crusade, but Eugenius begged Bernard
    to undertake the task himself
  • Bernard persuaded King Louis VII of France and
    then Emperor Conrad III of Germany to accept the
  • At Easter 1147 the Germans set out and the French
    followed at Pentecost

Conrad approaching Constantinople
The Second Crusade
  • This time the Moslems were ready
  • At Dorylaeum, the Germans were defeated so badly
    that barely one in ten Christians survived
  • At Attalia, nearly every Frenchman was
  • Eventually the Crusaders joined forces and lay
    siege to Damascus, but were soundly defeated

The Second Crusade
  • News of the defeat of the Second Crusade shocked
  • Christians wondered how God could allow them to
    be so humiliated by the infidel
  • Bernard explained that the defeat must be
    punishment for sins
  • Enthusiasm for the Crusades waned rapidly
  • While the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem continued to
    be torn by internal strife, its Moslem enemies
    were moving toward unity

  • In 1175, Saladin brought Egypt and Moslem Syria
    under one rule
  • In 1185, he signed a four-year truce with the
    Latin kingdom but the Christians violated it by
    attacking a Moslem caravan and capturing
    Saladins sister
  • He declared a holy war against the Christians and
    captured Jerusalem in 1187
  • His terms were much more generous than those of
    the Crusaders in 1099

Saladin one of the few Crusade personalities
generally described favorably by both Eastern and
Western sources
The Third Crusade
  • The Christians were able to retain Tyre, Antioch,
    and Tripoli and the Italian fleets still
    controlled the Mediterranean
  • William, Archbishop of Tyre, returned to Europe
    to call for a Crusade
  • Frederick Barbarossa of Germany set out with his
    army in 1189 but had little success

March of the Crusaders by George Inness
The Third Crusade
  • Then Richard I the Lion Heart of England took up
    the cause and took Philip Augustus, the French
    king, with him to ensure the French didnt
    encroach on English territory in his absence
  • The Christians captured Acre and an ill Philip
    Augustus returned to France, leaving Richard in
    sole charge of the Third Crusade
  • Still Richard would face divisions as the German
    troops returned to Germany and French troops
    repeatedly disobeyed orders

The Third Crusade
  • Richard and Saladin embarked on a unique
    campaign in which blows and battles alternated
    with compliments and courtesies
  • (Durant, 599)
  • The two executed enemy prisoners they held
  • Richard proposed his sister marry Saladins
  • They signed peace treaties then rejected them
  • Richard conferred knighthood on the son of a
    Moslem ambassador
  • Richard got sick and Saladin sent him his own
    physician and some fruit
  • Saladin saw Richard unmounted in battle and sent
    him a horse

The Third Crusade
  • In the end Richard and Saladin signed a peace for
    three years beginning Sept 2, 1192
  • Richard would keep the coastal cities he had
    captured from Acre to Jaffa
  • Moslems and Christians could pass freely into and
    from each others territory
  • Pilgrims would be protected in Jerusalem
  • But Jerusalem would remain in Moslem hands

The Third Crusade
  • Richard had possessed superior brilliance,
    courage, and knowledge of the military art, but
    Saladins moderation, patience, and justice had
    carried the day
  • The relative unity and fidelity of the Moslems
    had once again triumphed over the Christians
    divisions and disloyalties

The Fourth Crusade
  • Acre was free but Jerusalem was still in Moslem
  • Europe was in turmoil with problems such as
    renewed fighting between France and England, but
    the death of Saladin and the breakup of his
    empire renewed hope for another Crusade
  • In exchange for its financial support, Venice
    exacted a promise that the Crusaders would
    capture the important port of Zara and turn it
    over to her
  • Zara belonged to Hungary and was stiff
    competition to Venices maritime trade
  • Pope Innocent III denounced the scheme but to no
  • The Fourth Crusade would be marked by avarice

The Fourth Crusade
  • Part of the avarice was the temptation to capture
    Constantinople which had derived much profit from
    the Crusades
  • Seizing Constantinople would not only provide
    financial benefit, it would also restore it to
    the Western Church
  • In 1204 the Crusaders captured and looted

The Fourth Crusade
  • The Byzantine Empire was divided into feudal
    dominions, each ruled by a Latin noble
  • Most Crusaders returned home, perhaps thinking
    that by securing Constantinople they now had a
    stronger base against the Moslems
  • Only a handful continued to Palestine and had no
    effect there
  • The Byzantine Empire never recovered and the
    Latin capture of Constantinople served to prepare
    it for capture by the Turks two centuries later

Collapse of the Crusades
  • The scandal of the Fourth Crusade and the failure
    of the Third quenched the greater fire for
    Crusades but several half-hearted efforts would
    continue until 1291
  • In 1291, the Moslems seized Acre
  • Tyre, Sidon, Haifa, and Beirut fell soon

Among the ineffective latter crusades was the
Childrens Crusade of 1212 in which thousands
of children ended up drowning or being sold into
The Crusades and the Principles of War
  • Maneuver
  • Very limited. Heavy reliance on sieges.
  • Mass
  • The Germans and French advanced separately on the
    Second Crusade and were each defeated at
    Dorylaeum and Attalia, respectively
  • Surprise
  • The Second Crusade advanced along the same route
    as the First Crusade and the Moslems were ready
    for them
  • Objective
  • The Crusades meant different things to different
    people and the various objectives often worked at
    cross-purposes such as the economic motivations
    of the Italian city-states

The Crusades and the Principles of War
  • Economy of force
  • ????
  • Offensive
  • The Christians relative military, economic, and
    political power allowed them to take the
    offensive, but extended distances made the
    offensive difficult to sustain
  • Unity of command
  • The Crusaders seldom achieved this, such as in
    the Third Crusade when French troops refused to
    obey Richards orders
  • Simplicity
  • Motley crew of Crusaders required simple tactics

Results of the Crusades
  • Failures
  • Moslem civilization had been victorious over
    Christian civilization
  • Indigenous eastern Christians were caught in the
    middle between Crusaders and Moslems, and many
    who were outraged by the excesses of the
    Crusaders or who wanted to avoid persecution by
    Moslem leaders who saw them as collaborators with
    the Crusaders converted to Islam
  • In fact, the Crusades ironically proved
    instrumental in making the eastern Mediterranean
    predominantly Moslem
  • Jerusalem was in Moslem hands
  • Christian pilgrims became fewer and more fearful
    than ever
  • The effort of the popes to bring peace and unity
    to Europe had been thwarted by nationalistic
    ambitions, avarice, and internal dissension
  • Successes
  • The Turkish capture of Constantinople was delayed
    until 1453
  • The Moslems, even though victorious, had
    themselves been weakened, and fell more easily
    when the Mongols attacked

  • This led to a rise in trade in commodities from
    the East like silk and spices and thus the
    reintroduction of currency/money economy as well
    as International Banking. The rise of the
    merchant class and the growth of towns occurred
    as well as the creation of powerful city states
    particularly in Italy. Some European serfs found
    new opportunities by travelling to the east as
    part of the various Crusader entourages.
  • Increased social mobility and access to goods
    helped create a rise in the overall standard of
    living. The manorial system as the economic
    aspect of the feudal system began to die.
  • This same interest ushered in the Age of
    Exploration helping to motivate explorers to take
    extraordinary risks in the hopes of making a
  • Trade in that area also introduced the Black

Significance Contd
  • The Moslem powers, once tolerant of religious
    diversity, had been made intolerant by attack and
    defeats galvanized the rift between the two
    faiths. This was a driving influence behind the
    strengthening of Spanish attempts to retake
    southern Spain (The Reconquista). Spanish
    nationalism subsequently flourished making it the
    preeminent power of the day and also saw it
    become the most fervent inquisitional state.
  • The influence of the Catholic Church but more
    specifically the position of the pope declined as
    the failure of the Crusades undermined the
    infallibility of the Pope. The schism between the
    Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church
    widened as many Crusaders had attacked Orthodox
    Christians and wounds from the failure of the
    Crusades continued to fester. Also taxes used by
    the Church to finance the Crusades continued to
    be expected but were not surprisingly resented by
    the people who had to pay them.

Significance Contd
  • Classical knowledge maintained in the Byzantine
    and Islamic world led to increased questioning of
    the Church.
  • The majority of that knowledge first found its
    way to the Italian merchant states who were
    responsible for transportation of crusaders and
    goods. Thus the Renaissance was first seen in
    Italy and the area became very powerful
  • The failure of the Crusades undermined the
    prestige of the knightly class and many
    troublesome nobles were killed off. Those same
    knight and the castles around them began to
    become obsolete as gunpowder and other
    technological developments were introduced from
    eastern merchants and eastern thought.
  • Ultimately all these various effects would bring
    about the end of The Medieval Era.

  • Italian traders obviously benefited from
    supplying the Crusades while they were going on,
    but they also saw an opportunity to expand their
    market by establishing direct trade with the
    Moslem world
  • The lucrative trade provided great profit to the
    Italian city-states and ultimately provided the
    economic basis for the Italian Renaissance well
    discuss in Lesson 24

Lorenzo de Medici was part of a family that ruled
Florence and served as bankers for the Crusades
and patrons of the Renaissance
  • The most important trade item were spices
  • Other items included cotton, linen, dates, coral,
    pearls, porcelain, silk, and metal goods
  • Damascus was a key center for industry and
    commerce and a stopping point for pilgrims on
    their way to Mecca

Egyptian scarf or garment fragment ca 1395
  • European Christians also became exposed to new
    ideas as they traveled throughout the
    Mediterranean basin
  • The works of Aristotle
  • Islamic science and astronomy
  • Arabic numerals which the Moslems had borrowed
    from India
  • Techniques for paper production which the Moslems
    had learned from China
  • While the Crusades may have largely failed as
    military adventures, they helped encourage the
    reintegration of western Europe into the larger
    economy of the western hemisphere

The Reconquista of Spain
  • The Christians did have better success wresting
    Sicily and Spain from the Moslems in actions
    separate from the Crusades
  • Sicily was regained relatively easily
  • Moslems had conquered it in the 9th Century but
    in the 1090, after about 20 years of fighting,
    Norman warriors returned it to Christian hands
  • Spain would be a bit more of a challenge

The Reconquista of Spain
  • Moslems invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the
    early 8th Century and ruled all but small
    Christian states such as Catalonia
  • In the 1060s Christians began attacking outward
    from these toeholds

The Reconquista of Spain
  • By 1150 Christians had recaptured Lisbon and
    controlled over half the peninsula
  • These successes lured reinforcements from England
    and France and a new round of campaigning in the
    13th Century brought all but Granada into
    Christian hands
  • In 1492, Christian forces conquered Granada and
    the Reconquista was complete

Immediate Impact of the Reconquista
  • After the successful Reconquista, the devoutly
    Christian rulers of Spain and Portugal were eager
    to dominate the Islamic states in North Africa
    and to convert non-Christians
  • The desire to spread Christianity would be one of
    the motives for the European explorations

1492 was the year of both the completion of the
Reconquista and Columbus voyage to the New World
Relevance of the Crusades Today
  • Just days after the September 11, 2001 attacks,
    President Bush declared, This crusade, this war
    on terrorism is going to take a while.
  • Bushs word choice caused significant
    controversy, especially in Europe and Arab
  • Later White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
    explained, I think to the degree that that word
    has any connotations that would upset any of our
    partners or anybody else in the world, the
    president would regret if anything like that was
    conveyed. But the purpose of his conveying it is
    in the traditional English sense of the word,
    it's a broad cause.

Clash of Civilizations
  • We have to avoid a clash of civilizations at all
  • French foreign minister Hubert Vedrine
  • That expressions come from Samuel Huntingtons
    1993 assessment that The clash of civilizations
    will dominate global politics. The fault lines
    between civilizations will be the battle lines of
    the future. Conflict along the fault line
    between Western and Islamic civilizations has
    been going on for 1,300 years. This
    centuries-old military interaction between the
    West and Islam is unlikely to decline. It could
    become more virulent
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