The Crusades - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Crusades


Title: Crusader States Author: Steve Swiech Last modified by: sswiech Created Date: 10/7/2005 1:13:53 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Crusades

The Crusades
  • "That others have a just grievance against us is
    a more potent reason for hating them than that we
    have a just grievance against them" Hoffer, The
    True Believer

The Crusades
  • High ideas were besmirched by cruelty and greed,
    enterprise and endurance by a blind and narrow
    self righeousness, and the Holy War itself was
    nothing more than a long act of intolerance in
    the name of God, which is a sin against the Holy
    Ghost.-Sir Steven Runciman, In The History of
    the Crusades

Council of Clermont
  • March 1095 Alexius I, the emperor of the
    Byzantine Empire sent envoys to ask Urban for aid
    against the Turks. Why?
  • Manzikert and Turkish success
  • Why did Urban think this a good idea?
  • Heal the Schism
  • Get Knights out of Europe
  • Increase secular power

Pope Urban II
  • At Clermont, Urban makes perhaps the most
    influential and important speech in European
  • He calls for the French people to unite and
    retake the holy city of Jerusalem from the
  • Dieu le veut! -- "God wills it!"

Speech at Clermont
  • Let those who have been accustomed unjustly to
    wage private warfare against the faithful now go
    against the infidels and end with victory this
    war which should have been begun long ago. Let
    those who for a long time, have been robbers, now
    become knights. Let those who have been fighting
    against their brothers and relatives now fight in
    a proper way against the barbarians. Let those
    who have been serving as mercenaries for small
    pay now obtain the eternal reward. Let those who
    have been wearing themselves out in both body and
    soul now work for a double honor. 1
  • Promised forgiveness for sins if you fought
    against the infidels

Support for Urban
  • Urban planned the departure of the crusade for
    August 15, 1096.
  • Unexpected Response?
  • Peter the Hermits Pilgrim Army.
  • Urban and Alexius expected a few hundred knights.
    What did he get?
  • Over 100,000 untrained people on a pilgrimage.
    Why did they all go?

Peters Army (Peoples Crusade)
  • Looted and fought with local peoples over
    supplies and cultural differences.
  • Ended up being slaughtered by the Turks before
    the Popes army arrived.

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The Princes Crusade
  • Leaders meet at Constantinople
  • Bohemund, Godfrey and Baldwin.
  • Problems?
  • Travel/supplies
  • Internal strife between leaders
  • Ex. Godfrey and Baldwin

  • Army reaches in 1099 after two years.
  • Only about ¼ of the knights left. Some weep,
    fired up!

  • Peter Desiderius vision
  • July 15, 1099 the men broke through.
  • Fulcher of Chartres "Indeed, if you had been
    there you would have seen our feet coloured to
    our ankles with the blood of the slain. But what
    more shall I relate? None of them were left
    alive neither women nor children were spared."

  • "When the pagans had been overcome, our men
    seized great numbers, both men and women, either
    killing them or keeping them captive, as they
    wished."10 Later it is written, "Our leaders
    also ordered all the Saracen dead to be cast
    outside because of the great stench, since the
    whole city was filled with their corpses and so
    the living Saracens dragged the dead before the
    exits of the gates and arranged them in heaps, as
    if they were houses. No one ever saw or heard of
    such slaughter of pagan people, for funeral pyres
    were formed from them like pyramids, and no one
    knows their number except God alone."

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  • Crusader States of Edessa, Antioch, Jerusalem,
    and Tripoli in Palestine and Syria
  • Jerusalem in the hands of the Pope, with a King
    Alexius angry.
  • ¼ of crusaders died on journey, and another ¼
    died fighting. The remaining men returned heroes
    or stayed to live and rule crusader states.
  • What do you think possible future problems could
    be w/ the Crusader States?

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Outcome for Muslims
  • Muslim division allowed crusaders to win.
  • After crusades, a gradual push towards expelling
    crusaders led to unification of Eastern Muslims.
  • Who leads this new union?

2nd Crusade 1147-1149
  • Stronger Muslim armies begin to unify and only a
    few hundred knights remain.
  • Baldwin crowns himself King and poor leadership
  • Louis VII loses at Damascus and goes home.

  • Much of Crusader States lost, including Jerusalem
    in 1187.
  • Reunified Islamic army led by Saladin.

Outcomes of 1st and 2nd Crusades
  • Christian Outcomes?
  • Muslim Outcomes?

  • 1). Called for 1st Crusade
  • 2). Reforming monastery
  • 3). Cities of God
  • 4). Selling of Church procedures
  • 5). Age of Faith
  • A. Cluny D. 1000-1300
  • B. 800-1100 E. Urban II
  • C. Cathedral F. Simony
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