Title: CQ: Why did the war begin
1CQ Why did the war begin?
2Was the American Revolution Inevitable??
3The Gaspee Incident (1772)
Providence, RI coast
4Committees of Correspondence
Purpose ? warn neighboring colonies
about incidents with Br. ? broaden the
resistance movement.
5Tea Act (1773)
- British East India Co.
- What was its stated purpose?
- What was its perceived purpose?
- Why was this important?
- What was at the heart of this dispute?
6Boston Tea Party (1773)
7The Coercive or IntolerableActs (1774)
What actions did Britain take in order to teach
the colonists a lesson?
Lord North
8TheQuebec Act (1774)
9First Continental Congress (1774)
55 delegates from 12 colonies
Agenda ? How to respond to the Coercive Acts
the Quebec Act?
To what extent were these delegates unified?
10Committees of Public Safety
11The Shot Heard Round the World!
Lexington Concord April 18,1775
12CQ Review How far had America come between
- Pojer, Sue. PowerPoint Palooza The French and
Indian War. 15 September 2006 lthttp//historyteac
her.net/PPTPortalPage.htmgt. - 12 September 2006.