Title: Dr' Erdal Erol
1EU Biosecurity and Food Animal Diseases Turkey
as a Gateway
- Dr. Erdal Erol
- TVMDL, Texas AM University, College Station, TX
2A Global Problem in food safety emerging and
re-emerging animal diseases
- BSE, FMD, Avian Influenza, WNV, Bluetongue,
Rinderpest etc. - Extensive trade live animals, especially from
middle east to West and, from South to North. - An increase in international travel and tourism.
- Climate change may further increase the
possibility of disease spread.
3Impact of animal diseases on food safety
- Many animal diseases are zoonotic and therefore
are major public health problems. - Introduction of highly contagious diseases
continues to devastate economies, social
structures and the environment. - Food animal diseases are a major constraint to
production in developing countries and continue
to be one of the major constraints to improving
4Foot-and-Mouth Disease
- Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is always one the
best examples in biosecurity discussions. - Every disease is economic to some extent, but FMD
is nearly a purely economic disease. Its worst
effects are caused by fear of the economic
consequences of its spread.
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6Another example is Avian influenza
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8Turkey (a candidate for EU) a gateway to food
animal disease introductions from the Middle
East, as well as a major migratory route for wild
birds that can carry disease agents.
9Recent efforts of Turkey
- Control and eradicate the diseases in the
Gateway. - A viable veterinary organization
- Transparency All outbreaks are declared.
- Lab conditions have been improved.
10Importance of early detection in Gateways and
migratory routes
- Rapid detection of outbreaks allow us to
implement control and eradication measures before
the diseases spread to other locations. - Therefore, effective, reliable and fast
diagnostic tests are crucial. - New molecular tests (PCR, Real-time PCR) have
been implemented.
11Importance of early detection in Gateways
- Quick and reliable diagnosis in an appropriate
lab environment. - Biosafety level-3 laboratories and new molecular
diagnostic assays (PCR, real-time PCR) are
important to success. - Vaccines are part of the plan.
12Why laboratory biosafety practices?
- Protection of
- - workers
- - products
- - lab support personnel
- - environment
13Biosafety levels
- BSL1 - agents not known to cause disease in
humans or animals therefore no or low individual
and community risk (e.g most molds). - BSL2 - agents that cause human or animal
diseases with low to moderate individual or
community risk (e.g. blood borne diseases). - BSL3 - agents associated with human disease and
with potential for aerosol transmission - high
individual risk (e.g. respiratory diseases) but
low community risk. - BSL4 - dangerous/exotic agents of life
threatening nature serious diseases (e.g.
smallpox) that are easily transmitted .
14EU support to build BSL 3 laboratories in Turkey
- 3 Major labs in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir.
- To diagnose AI, END, FMD and other high
consequence diseases. - Not only labs but equipment as well.
- Technical assistance is being provided by FAO, EU
and USDA.
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19Mandatory Vaccination for FMDV in European
20Texas another example as a gateway to food
animal disease introductions
21Texas The long boundary with Mexico
- Texas is considered by the USDA as the most
likely state in the union to have an outbreak of
avian influenza (AI), because of the long border
with Mexico, and the flight path of migrating
birds. - The other major threats to food safety and
security are FMD, CSFV, END.
22Preparedness to a high consequence disease in
- Training of key personnel in Plum Island and
National lab, Ames, Iowa - Proficiency tests for AI, CSF, FMD, etc
- Exercises
- Should we try joint exercises with European
24BSL-3 Lab
25A mobile unit for animal disease outbreaks
26Summary the keys to success
- Turkey and Texas have viable animal disease
health organizations in their regions. - Must stop the diseases at the gateways.
- Reliable and early testing, including
surveillance, not only for food safety but also
for safe trade - Transparency
- Exchange of information
27- Thank you for your patience.
- Any questions?