... encased in a carbohydrate called chitin, which protects the fungus from digesting itself. ... Sexually; reproductive structure forms at point where hyphae join. ...
Features of Fungi They do not make their own food. They are mostly multi-cellular. They are made up of threads called hyphae. Hyphae combine in masses to form a mycelium.
Hyphae grow from their tips. Mycelium = extensive, feeding web of hyphae ... Grow rapidly. Fig 31.6 Rhizopus on strawberries. Fig 31.7 Life cycle of Rhizopus ...
In order to control decay of table grapes, ... Rhizopus nigricans 2. Botrytis Bunch Rot or Gray Mold of Grape: ... Berries of white cultivars become brown and ...
Dr S. Alfandari Maladies Infectieuses CH Tourcoing & CHRU Lille Zygomycoses et h matologie Mucor Sp., Rhizopus Sp., Rhizomucor Sp., Absidia Sp., et al.
Most adapted for a terrestrial existence and possessing vascular tissues. Kingdom ... Shelf fungus. Yeast. Toad stool. Rhizopus. Fungus infection in fish ...
Fig. 18-6 The Eukaryotic Tree of Life. Diversity of Bacterial Forms. Coccus. Bacillus. Spirillus. A Prokaryotic Cell. Fig. 20-3. Rhizopus (bread mold) life cycle ...
Chitin- a complex carb that is also found in the exoskeletons of insects. ... Spore that contains zygotes to make more mold. Ex: Rhizopus stolonifer (black bread mold) ...
JAMUR (FUNGI) organisme uniseluler atau multiseluler berbentuk benang (hifa), eukariotik, tidak berklorofil, dan dinding selnya tersusun dari zat kitin.
ZYGOMYCOSIS Prof. Khaled H. Abu-Elteen ZYGOMYCOSIS Also known as mucormycosis and phycomycosis. Zygomycosis is an acute inflammation of soft tissue, usually with ...
Slide 2 Pada pengobatan tradisional Cina sering digunakan serbuk jamur ling-zhi (Ganoderma sp) untuk menghentikan pendarahan pada saat operasi besar, ...
Remember that plates to be used to determine ... Septate hyphae. Penicillium conidia. Aspergillus. conidiophore. vesicle. conidium. Candida albicans ...
Systemic Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis) An acute and rapidly developing, less commonly chronic, infection of debilitated patients. Depending on the portal of entry, the ...
THE WORLD OF THE FUNGI! Figure 31.0 Painting of indigo milk cap (Lactarius indigo) fungus as an example of the variety in color and types of fungi Figure 31.0x ...
Introduction to Lab 4: Ex. Fungi - Molds The purpose of this exercise is to study some representative genera of molds. This exercise will be entirely covered with the ...
An example of Fungi You know Zygomycota common molds Ascomycota Cup Fungi Life Cycle Yeast is an Ascomycete Fungus Morels are Ascomycete Fungi Basidiomycete ...
Primary cutaneous and subcutaneous infections usually the result of a 'barrier ... Aetiological Agents: Cosmopolitan members of the Mucorales including species of ...
Title: Peran mikrobia dalam industri makanan fermentasi Author: Lily Last modified by: TP-UNIMUS Created Date: 5/5/2006 1:57:45 AM Document presentation format
Lab 3. Clonal Reproduction. U Saccharomyces. U Euglena. D Euglena. D ... D Moldy food. A Volvox. D Hydrodictyon. A Marchantia gemma cup. U Kalanchoe plantlets ...
REGNUL FUNGI (CIUPERCI) Caractere generale: -gr.mykes,fungos=ciuperca -circa 100 000 de specii -prezente in toate mediile de viata,de la ecuator la poli -aparatul ...
Cilj nastave: Morfologija i biologija gljiva Klasifikacija medicinski zna ajnih gljiva Gra a gljiva i struktura Mehanizmi dejstva AM Biologija i fiziologija gljiva
REGNUL FUNGI (CIUPERCI) Caractere generale: -gr.mykes,fungos=ciuperca -circa 100 000 de specii -prezente in toate mediile de viata,de la ecuator la poli -aparatul ...
An acute and rapidly developing, less commonly chronic, infection of debilitated ... disease involves the rhino-facial-cranial area, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, ...
MIKROBIOLOGI Pendahuluan Kontrak perkuliahan (SAP) Sejarah mikrobiologi Dunia mikroba dan penamaannya Manfa at mikrobiologi Tujuan Umum : Setelah mempelajari ...
The Kingdom Fungi Chapter 21 Structure and Function of Fungi Structure and Function Multicellular (except yeasts) Composed of hyphae thin filaments one cell thick ...
Yeast and Molds. Food Microbiology. Molds. Mycelium. Hyphae. Produce Spores. For Reproduction ... Some Reproduce by Budding. Some Divide in Half. Yeast ...
Les mycoses Les photographies de ce diaporama proviennent du site internet : http://www.mycology.adelaide.edu.au/ Les mycoses superficielles Herpes circin Herpes ...
Figure 31.0 Painting of indigo milk cap (Lactarius indigo) fungus as an example ... Figure 31.2x Septate hyphae (left) and nonseptate hyphae (right) ...