Bacillus rod-shaped. Spirilla spiral *Refer to handout on shapes ... some in polar regions and hot springs. Need oxygen to survive and grow called aerobes ...
Monera Bacteria are of immense importance because of their rapid growth, reproduction, and mutation rates, as well as, their ability to exist under adverse conditions.
Title: Slide 1 Author: Agustina Last modified by: Reason To Survive Created Date: 11/26/2006 10:23:04 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
monera (PROCARIONTES) * Bact rias. S o unicelulares, procariontes e de nutri o heter trofa ou aut trofa. S o encontradas nos mais ...
Bakteri (Monera) Aditya Pusparajasa, S.Si Bakteri??? istilah bakteri berasal dari bahasa Yunani dari kata bakterion yang berarti tongkat atau batang, bersel satu dan ...
KINGDOM MONERA MONERA ( EUBACTERIA) Tidak mempunyai membran inti ( karioteka ) sehingga inti selnya dinamakan prokariotik Uniseluler (semuanya ) Mempunyai dinding sel ...
KINGDOM MONERA The Prokaryotes: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Methanogens These Archebacteria are anaerobes. They make methane (natural gas) as a waste product.
REINO MONERA Re ne seres procari ticos Unicelulares Autotr ficos ou heterotr ficos Formado por eubact rias e arqueobact rias REINO MONERA Bact rias s o seres ...
... very hot, acid habitats of 60-80 and pH 2-4, like the photo of a 'Hot springs' ... Bacilli rod-shaped (bacillus) Spirilla spiral (spirillum) Respiration ...
Bacteria: The Monera Kingdom Bacteria are classified into two groups: Eubacteria (true bacteria) and Archaebacteria (Ancient Bacteria). They are autotrophic or ...
KINGDOM MONERA Oleh Ichwan Fitri Hariadi, S.Pd Staf Pengajar Biologi MAN Tuban Sistem 5 Kingdom Menurut R.H Whittaker Monera adalah ? Organisme Prokariotik Tidak ...
Reino Monera Anabelle B. de Paiva CEFET-SC/Unidade Sj Caracter sticas O Reino Monera formado por seres vivos unicelulares. Inclui as bact rias e as cianof ceas ...
Found in volcanic vents, hot springs, cracks on ocean floor that leak acid. Phylum Halobacteria ... Almost all are rod shaped. Used to produce fermented ...
Fission is the simplest form of asexual reproduction by just one parent. Conjugation: the process in which DNA passes between two cells that join together. ...
Chapter 20: Kingdom Monera Bacteria are ubiquitous they are found everywhere Fresh water, sea water, air-borne, and soil bacteria Bacteria are prokaryotic in ...
REINO MONERA BIOLOGIA YES, WE CAN! Prof. Thiago Moraes Lima Exemplos de Doen as Humanas causadas por Bact rias Clostridium tetani - (T tano) Exemplos de ...
Prokaryote means 'before a nucleus. ... Thermophiles inhabit hot, acidic environments such as hot springs. ... A rod-shaped cell is called a bacillus (pl. bacilli) ...
Chapter 16 Notes Domain Monera (PROKARYOTIC): - Archaea - Bacteria Evolution/Classification Bacteria are the most numerous and most ancient species on Earth Evolution ...
Os representantes e sua import ncia Tuberculose, Hansen ase, C lera, T tano, Meningite, Difteria, Leptospirose, Coqueluche, S filis, Gonorr ia, pneumonia ...
REINO MONERA (Procariontes) Exemplos de Doen as Humanas causadas por Bact rias Escherichia coli: abundante no intestino humano n o mal fica Cianobact rias ...
Bacteria Bacteria belong to the kingdom Monera. They are unicellular organisms Also known as prokaryotes as they have no membrane bound nucleus or membrane bound cell ...
Only 200 species? In different conditions. they grow differently. Lots of colors. Photosynthetic ... bacterial culture plates, time-release pills, and dental ...
Archaea are tiny, usually less than one micron long (one one-thousandth of a millimeter) ... power light microscope, the largest archaeans look like tiny dots. ...
Rod-shaped. Coccus. Round-shaped. Spirillum. Spiral-shaped. Archaebacteria ... that live in Hot acid waters (like near the hot springs in Yellowstone ...
Candidiasis - an infection caused by a Candida spp. Candida is a yeast and is is part of the normal flora ... in opportunistic mycoses (following Candida spp) ...
bacilli (bacillus) rod shaped. Escherichia coli. spirilli (spirillum) spirial shaped ... found in hot springs and submarine thermal vents and around volcanoes ...
Anton van Leeuwenhoek is given credit for being the first person to observe them ... genes are carried from one bacterial cell into another within a bacteriophage. ...
... prokaryotes moved to kingdom Monera Monera 1959: fungi moved to own kingdom Fungi ... 2nd word: Species (specific) Example: House cat Genus: Felis (cougars ...
Classification of the Five Kingdoms Overview after Ward s Taxonomy Activity Kingdom Monera -Prokaryotic -Unicellular -No sense organs Bacteria Absorptive ...
Ch. 19 Bacteria Notes Review: Kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria; Old Kingdom = Monera Unicellular Prokaryotic, no cellular membranes, no nucleus Auto and ...
LA ECOLOG A ... tiene unas ra ces complejas MONERA PROTOCTISTA HONGOS PLANTAS ANIMALES Tipo de c lulas Procariotas Eucariotas Eucariotas Eucariotas ...
Chapter 27 Prokaryotes and the Origins of Metabolic Diversity Archaebacteria & Bacteria Classification Old 5 Kingdom system Monera, Protists, Plants, Fungi, Animals ...
Animalia Plantae Protista Fungi Monera FIVE KINGDOMS OF LIFE Animalia Common Name: Animals Type of Cells: Eukaryotic Type of Organism: multi-cellular Levels of ...
Classification Biology Agriculture 5 Kingdoms Animalia Plantae Fungi Monera Protista Kingdom Protista Protozoa one cell eukaryotes Most are found in aquatic ...
Traditional 5 Kingdom System Kingdom Monera All prokaryotes Based on structural difference b/w proK and euK By comparing RNA w/ sequence ... taxis Transformation: ...
1. Monerans 2. Protists 3. Fungus 4. Plants 5.Animals Yeast Other fungi produce their spores in 2. Sac Fungus Other fungi release their spores at the ends of thin 3.
can be Living things MONERA KINGDOM Eukaryotic Prokaryotic PROTOCTISTA KINGDOM FUNGI KINGDOM PLANT KINGDOM ANIMAL KINGDOM All of them are unicellular, and ...
Diversity of Modern Life Kingdom Monera ( Monerans ) Smallest and simplest lifeforms Unicellular (one-celled) no nucleus Bacteria and cyanobacteria Bacteria Three ...