- The Prokaryotes
- Archaebacteria and Eubacteria
2Characteristics of Bacteria
- Prokaryote means before a nucleus. They are
single-celled organisms and the smallest,
simplest organisms. - This kingdom is subdivided into two kingdoms
- Archaebacteria
- Eubacteria
3- i. Archaebacteria achaio comes from the
Greek means ancient. Found in anaerobic
conditions with high salt concentrations, high
temperatures and a low pH. - ii. Eubacteria This group includes the true
bacteria and is the largest and most successful
of the two kingdoms. -
4- Bacteria all share these five characteristics
- -All bacteria are single-celled
- -All bacteria are prokaryotes. Their DNA is not
surrounded by a membrane. - -Cell organelles in bacteria are not surrounded
by membranes. - -The DNA of bacteria is made of a single
chromosome. - - Bacteria are the smallest organisms measuring
from 1-10 micrometres.
5 Kingdom Eubacteria
- Unicellular (single-cell)
- Prokaryotes (no membrane-bound organelles)
- Cell Walls contain peptidoglycan, not cellulose
6- It contains a cell wall that provides support and
protection for the contents of the cell. - The cytoplasm contains ribosomes, responsible for
the formation of proteins and DNA. - The DNA forms a single chromosome and forms a
ring. - Some bacteria have a flagella that act like
propellers moving the organism forward. - Bacteria are classified by their shape, reaction
to being stained, nutrition and respiration.
7Shape of Eubacteria
8Bacterial Cell Shape
- Bacteria can be classified by shape.
- -A spherical cell is called a coccus (pl. cocci)
- -A rod-shaped cell is called a bacillus (pl.
bacilli) - -A spiral-shaped cell is called a spirillum (pl.
9- Cocci living as separate cells are called
monococci, pairs are called diplococci, chains
are called streptococci, and grapelike clusters
are called staphlococci. - Bacilli also exist as single cells, pairs
(diplobacilli), or chains (streptobacilli). - Spiral bacteria exist only as single cells.
- Staining bacteria results in two forms
gram-positive (purple) vs. gram negative (pink).
- Diplo- Pairs
- Streptos- Chains
- Staphylo- Clusters
11- These are the general shapes
12Examples of Spherical-shaped cells Coccus (sng)
, cocci (pl)
14A Group of Two is referred to as Diplo.. This
is diplococccus
15A Cluster of cells is referred to as Staphylo.
This is Staphylococcus
16What a slide of Typical coccus looks like in a
17Streptococcus aurelius
18 Strep Throat
19 Staph Infection
20Rod-shaped cells Bacillus (sng) , Bacilli (pl)
21Typical Bacillus
23Typical Bacillus in a Microscope
24Spiral-shaped cells Spirillum (sng) , Spirlli
26Struktur dan Fungsi Utama Sel Bakteri
27Struktur Utama Bakteri
- Membran Plasma
- tersusun atas fosfolipid dan protein, bersifat
semipermeable. - Dinding Sel
- tersusun atas mukopolisakarida dan peptidoglikan
(protein dan polisakarida) - Sitoplasma
- tersusun atas air, asam nukleat, protein,
karbohidrat, lemak.
28- Ribosome
- sintesis protein
- materi genetik
- Granula penyimpanan
29Struktur Tambahan Bakteri
- Kapsul
- tersusun atas polisakarida dan air yang
berfungsi untuk membantu melekat pada permukaan
sel bakteri lainnya. Cth Streptococcus mutans - Pertahanan bakteri
- Flagellum
- Monotrik flagellum pada bakteri berjumlah
satu - Lofotrik flagella pada satu sisi
- Amfitrik flagella atau flagellum di kedua
ujung - Peritrik flagella tersebar di seluruh
permukaan sel
30Struktur Tambahan Bakteri
- Klorosom
- pigmen klorofil untuk proses fotosintesis. Cth
Chlorobium. - Vakuola Gas
- terdapat pada bakteri yang hidup di air dan
melakukan fotosintesis. - Endospora
- bentuk istirahat/laten bakteri. Cth Bacillus
antracis, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium
31Life Cycle
32Bakteri Heterotrof
- Bakteri Saprofit
- bakteri yang memperoleh makanan dari sisa
organisme lain cth Eschericia colli,
Lactobacillus bulgaricus - Bakteri Parasit
- bakteri yang memperoleh makanan dari inangnya.
Inang tempat hidup bakteri adalah tumbuhan, hewan
atau manusia. - Cth Mycobacterium tuberculosis
33Bakteri Autotrof
- Auto diri, trophos memakan
- Bakteri yang mampu membuat makanan sendiri.
- Bakteri Fotoautotrof
- bakteri yang menggunakan energi cahaya matahari
untuk membuat makanannya. Cth Thiocytstis sp. - Bakteri Kemoautotrof
- menggunakan energi kimia (proses oksidasi
senyawa anorganik) untuk mensintesis makanannya.
Cth Nitrosomonas dan Nitrosococcus
- Most eubacteria are heterotrophs and obtain
energy by breaking down organic molecules from
their environment. Some are parasites, absorbing
nutrients from living organisms. Others are
saprobes, decomposing dead organic matter.
Mode of nutrition Energy Source Carbon Source
Photoautotroph Light Carbon Dioxide
Chemoautotroph Inorganic Chemicals Carbon Dioxide
Photoheterotroph Light Organic Compounds
Chemoheterotroph Organic Compounds Organic Compounds
35Bakteri Aerob
- Membutuhkan oksigen bebas untuk memperoleh
energinya. Cth Nitrosomonas, Nitrosoccus. - Nitrosomonas amonia nitrit
- Nitrobacter nitrit - nitrat
36Bakteri Anaerob
- Tidak Membutuhkan oksigen bebas untuk memperoleh
energinya. Energi yang diperoleh bersumber dari
fermentasi. - Bakteri Anerob Obligat
- hanya dapat hidup jika tidak ada oksigen. Cth
Clostridium botulinum - Bakteri Anaerob Fakultatif
- dapat hidup jika ada oksigen maupun tidak ada
oksigen. Cth Eschericia colli
- If respiration requires oxygen, bacteria are
termed aerobes. If oxygen is absolutely necessary
for survival they are called obligate aerobes. - Bacteria that carry out respiration without
oxygen are called anaerobes. Presence of oxygen
kills some bacteria and these are called obligate
anaerobes. (example- Clostridium botulinum) - Another group of bacteria can survive with or
without oxygen and they are called facultative
38Gram Stain
- A staining method to differentiate bacteria
- Gram-negative refers to the inability to retain
the deep violet dye - Gram-positive refers to the ability to retain the
deep violet dye
39Bakteri berdasarkan Lap.Peptidoglikan pada
Dinding Sel
- Bakteri gram positif
- (dinding sel dengan lap.peptidoglikan yang
tebal, berwarna ungu). Cth Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum, Vibrio cholerae - Bakteri gram negatif
- (dinding sel dengan lap.peptidoglikan yang
tipis, berwarna merah muda). Cth Streptococcus
mutans, Eschericia coli.
40Gram Staining
41Gram Negative cells
Gram Positive Cells
42Bacteria Photos
Clostridium perfringes
43Bacteria Photos
E. coli
Clostridium tetani
44Bacteria Photos
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Staphylococcus aureus
45Bacteria Photos
47Reproduction 1. By binary fission
a bacterium may undergo fission every
10-20 minutes 2. Conjugation
part of a chromosome is transferred from
donor cell to recipient through pilus
3. Transformation living
cell picks up fragments of DNA released by dead
cells 4. Transduction
fragments of DNA carried from one cell to
another by viruses
481 Asexual Reproduction
- Binary Fission cells grow in size the split in
two. Genetically identical
492 Sexual Reproduction (exchanging DNA) a.
- two bacteria join together and exchange portions
of DNA. Ex E.colli
50b. Transformation
- DNA is taken in by a bacterium, and then used.
- DNA is transferred to a bacterium by a virus.
- When environmental factors become harsh, bacteria
will either die or form endospores. - If bacteria have time, if the environmental
changes are slow enough, they usually form
53- When growth conditions become extremely
unfavourable, many bacteria form structures
called endospores. - Endospores are DNA and a small amount of
cytoplasm enclosed in a tough cell wall. They
are resistant to extremes in temperature, drying,
and harsh chemicals.
54- Advantages
- Widely dispersed populations can still reproduce.
- Cells are identical to parents and should survive
well if conditions don't change. - Disadvantages
- Cells are identical to parents and so are
vulnerable to the same environmental stresses. - The characteristics of the cells change very
slowly - there is very little innovation in survival
strategies. - Unchanging cells may be slow to take advantage of
new energy sources.
55Classification of Eubacteria
- Proteobacteria bersifat fotoautotrof (bakteri
ungu) memiliki klorofil, beberapa spesies
merupakan anaerob obligat, hidup di endapan
kolam, danau atau lumpur. Cth Chromatin - Proteobacteria bersifat kemoheterotrof
- Cth Rhizobium, E.Colli
- Ganggang hijau biru berlendir
- Lendir berfungsi membantu gerakan secara meluncur
- Ukuran 1-60 miikrometer
- Hidup soliter
- Pigmen tambahan fikosianin (biru), fikoeritrin
(merah) - Memiliki vakuola gas, fotoautotrof menghasilkan
O2 - Sexual reproduction
- Asexual reproduction pembelahan biner,
fragmentasi dan pembentukan spora (akinet) - Ex Nostoc bersimbiosis dengan jamur lumut
kerak (lichenes) - Anabaena azollae hidup di daun
tumbuhan paku air Azolla pinata
- are photosynthetic autotrophs that produce
carbohydrates and oxygen - tend to cling together in chains or colonies
- contain enzymes that allow them to fix
atmospheric nitrogen
60Filamentous Chain of cells
_ http//www.bio.mtu.edu/jkoyadom/algae_webpage/A
63Some filamentous cyanobacteria have Heterocysts,
which are Nitrogen-fixing structures
- Berbentuk spiral dengan panjang 5-250 mikrometer
- Bakteri gram negatif
- Ukuran 5-250 miikrometer
- Memiliki filamen aksial
- Habitat lumpur, air
- Sexual reproduction
- Treponema pallidum
66- Methanogens
- These Archebacteria are anaerobes. They make
methane (natural gas) as a waste product. They
are found in swamp sediments, sewage, and in
buried landfills. In the future, they could be
used to produce methane as a byproduct of sewage
treatment or landfill operation.
- H2 digunakan untuk mereduksi CO2 menjadi metana
(CH4) - Bakteri anaerob
- Habitat lumpur dan rawa
- Berperan sebagai pengurai
- Beberapa species bakteri metanogen hidup di
lingkungan anerobik di dalam perut hewan
68- Halophiles
- These are salt-loving Archaebacteria that grow
in salt ponds. Large numbers of certain
halophiles can turn these waters a dark pink.
Pink halophiles contain a pigment very similar to
the rhodopsin in the human retina. They use this
visual pigment for a type of photosynthesis that
does not produce oxygen. Halophiles are aerobes.
69Extreme halophiles can live in extremely salty
environments. Most are photosynthetic autotrophs.
The photosynthesizers in this category are purple
because instead of using chlorophyll to
photosynthesize, they use a similar pigment
called bacteriorhodopsin that uses all light
except for purple light, making the cells appear
70- Halofil Ekstrim
- Hidup di tempat yang salinitasnya tinggi
- (halo garam, philospecinta)
- Pecinta garam atau hidup di tempat yang memiliki
salinitas yang tinggi - Cth di danau air asin, laut mati
- Ex Halobacterium salinarium
- Koloni halofil membentuk buih berwarna merah
ungu yang dihasilkan oleh pigmen rhodopsin.
Pigmen ini menangkap cahaya.
71- Thermophiles
- These are Archaebacteria from hot springs and
other high temperature environments. Some can
grow above the boiling temperature of water. They
are anaerobes, performing anaerobic respiration. - Thermophiles are interesting because they
contain genes for heat-stable enzymes that may be
of great value in industry and medicine. An
example is taq polymerase, the gene for which was
isolated from a collection of Thermus aquaticus
in a Yellowstone Park hot spring. Annual sales of
taq polymerase are roughly half a billion dollars.
- Hidup pada suhu yang ekstrim panas dengan suhu
optimum 60-80 C. - Bakteri ini hidup dengan mengoksidasi sulfur
- Ex Sulfolobus sp yang menempati mata air panas
sulfur di Yellowstone National Park,USA
73Bahan Diskusi
- Dalam klasifikasi sebelumnya, Cyanobacteria
disebut juga ganggang hijau biru dan tidak
dikelompokkan ke dalam bakteri. Berikan alasan
mengapa Cyanobacteria dipisahkan dari bakteri.
Mengapa dalam klasifikasi sekarang Cyanobacteria
dikelompokkan ke dalam bakteri ?
- Tubuh monoselluler/multiselluler
- Memiliki ribosom
- Prokariotik
- Terdapat pigmen fikosianin dalam membran tilakoid
- Tidak mengandung plastida dan RE
76Bacterial Diseases
- Anthrax
- Botulism
- Lyme Disease
- Salmonella
- Tetanus
- Tooth decay
- Tuberculosis
- Clostridium botulinum (pembusukan makanan)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TBC)
- Vibrio cholerae ( penyakit kolera)
- Clostridium tetani (tetanus)
- Mycobacterium leprae (penyebab lepra)
- Bacillus anthracis (antraks pada sapi)
- Agrobacterium tumefaciens (tumor pada tumbuhan)
- Merusak makanan yang telah diawetkan dengan garam
79The role of bacteria in the Nitrogen cycle
- some soil bacteria live in the ground and take in
Nitrogen from the surroundings. - the Nitrogen is combined with oxygen to form
nitrites and nitrates. Plants use the nitrates
and nitrites to make proteins.
- some soil bacteria break down the nitrogen
compounds and release the nitrogen back into the
environment. - plants could not live without Nitrogen-fixing and
Denitrifying bacteria.
82 Examples of Symbiotic Relationships
- Mutualism E. coli in the intestines of mammals
aid in digestion. - Parasitism some bacteria are parasites. They
live in a host and eventually overpopulate. As
they do they use the hosts food and water, and
eventually they starve the tissues.
83Beneficial Uses/Effects
- chemical recyclers (Nitrogen Cycle)
- the production of HGH, Insulin, Etc., through
Genetic Engineering - oil spill cleanup
- synthesis of Vitamins in your intestines
84- Other Bacteria live symbiotically in the guts of
animals or elsewhere in their bodies. - For example, bacteria in your gut produce vitamin
K which is essential to blood clot formation.
85- Still other Bacteria live on the roots of certain
plants, converting nitrogen into a usable form.
86- Bacteria put the tang in yogurt and the sour in
sourdough bread. - Saprobes help to break down dead organic matter.
- Bacteria make up the base of the food web in many
Streptococcus thermophilus in yogurt
87Penanggulangan Bakteri
- Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Makanan
- Kebersihan dan Kesehatan Diri serta Lingkungan
- Imunisasi
89In Gram-positive bacteria, the purple crystal
violet stain is trapped by the layer of
peptidoglycan which forms the outer layer of the
cell. In Gram-negative bacteria, the outer
membrane of lipopolysaccharides prevents the
stain from reaching the peptidoglycan layer. The
outer membrane is then permeabilized by acetone
treatment, and the pink safranin counterstain is
trapped by the peptidoglycan layer.
90- The Gram stain has four steps
- 1. crystal violet, the primary stain followed
by - 2. iodine, which acts as a mordant by forming a
crystal violet-iodine complex, then - 3. alcohol, which decolorizes, followed by
- 4. safranin, the counterstain.
91- Gram staining tests the bacterial cell wall's
ability to retain crystal violet dye during
solvent treatment. - Safranin is added as a mordant to form the
crystal violet/safranin complex in order to
render the dye impossible to remove. - Ethyl-alcohol solvent acts as a decolorizer and
dissolves the lipid layer from gram-negative
cells. This enhances leaching of the primary
stain from the cells into the surrounding
solvent. - Ethyl-alcohol will dehydrate the thicker
gram-positive cell walls, closing the pores as
the cell wall shrinks. - For this reason, the diffusion of the crystal
violet-safranin staining is inhibited, so the
bacteria remain stained.