Title: Kingdom Plants
1Kingdom Plants
- Organisms that have chlorophyll(green) and make
food by a process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS - (Plants are also called Producers)
2T or F. Animals reproduce sexually and plants
reproduce asexually.
- F. The vast majority of both animals and plants
reproduce sexually.
3Plants are divided into 2 large groups
- Algae (green, brown and red)
- Mosses
- Liverworts
- Ferns
- Conifers
- Flowering Plants
4Green Algae
5Brown Algae
Giant Kelp
6Red Algae
Mostly deep ocean
7Reproduction in Non Vascular Plants
- Algae reproduce either sexually(2 parents using
sperm and egg) or asexually(1 parent makes a copy
of itself) - Mosses and Liverworts- must do both sexual and
asexual reproduction to make a baby
10Moss and Liverworts do a form of strange
reproduction called
- Alternation of Generations
11Phylum Vascular Plants- have tubes for carrying
water, minerals and food
- Ferns
- Conifers
- Flowering Plants
12Ferns leaves drop spores.
13Spore capsules (sori)
Fern leaf
14Spores produce
15Lives for 2 weeks, and...
16New ferns grow.
(No seeds)
17Alternation of Generations
- Reproduction technique in which the plant has to
do sexual(sperm and egg) and asexual(spores)
reproduction to make a baby. Mosses, Liverworts
and Ferns
Sperm and Egg Sexual
Spores Asexual
Baby Plant
18Seed Plants
- Flowering Plants- have flowers with male and
female sex organs.
- Conifers- evergreens that have a male and female
cone. -
19Evergreens are conifers. They include
- Pines- long needles in bundles of two.
20- Spruce- short single needles
21- Firs and Yews- flat, slender, flexible needles
22- Cedars and Arborvitaes- scaly needles
23Only conifer that loses its needles in the fall.
- Male cones produce sperm in pollen grains in the
spring. They release their pollen when the wind
blows. Some pollen might land on the sticky
female cone.
25Pollen Grains (1000X)
- The female cone is larger and reddish/green in
the spring. The pollen that stuck on it burrows
to the center of the cone to the egg. This forms
a seed.
27Flowering plants are the most common plants on
the earth and produce sperm and egg in flowers.
28Most flowering plants have very plain looking
flowers that you might not even notice.
- Wind, birds, and bees usually pick up the pollen
from the male part of the flower and carry it by
accident to the female part of another flower,
creating a seed.
29Flowering Plants
- The flower has pollen, containing sperm, in male
sex organs and eggs in female sex organs.
Lets study a flower
30With the help of wind, birds, and
bees...Flowering Plants make seeds.
31(No Transcript)
32Pollination (Thanks, Cupid!)
- Pollen is carried from the anther of one flower
to the stigma of another flower.
- Pollen grains burrow down the pistil, style and
ovary to the eggs. Pollens open up to release
sperm which turn the eggs into seeds.
34From Flower to Fruit- a Love Story
- Once upon a time, Rholl grew tomato plants in his
35- In June, he began to notice little yellow
flowers. He was very happy!
36- By the end of June, he was sad because the little
yellow flowers were gone.
37- By the end of July, he noticed small green bumps
where the flowers used to be.
38- The bumps got bigger and bigger and bigger!
39- One day in August, he noticed the bumps turning
40- Finally one day at the end of August, he
realized...These are TOMATOES!!
41- These are flowers! They are the ripened ovaries
of the tomato flower.
42- Rholl presents his wife with a cart of partially
rotten ovaries of a flower.
I married a geek!
43 That evening at dinner...
A fruit is a ripened ovary!
- Science geek Rholl proves his point by dissecting
the salad to reveal seeds in the tomatoes
44- Mrs. Rholl admitted that even though she married
a science geek, she married the smartest man in
the whole wide world!
See, it is a love story.
45(No Transcript)
46Plant Sex...
- Never knew it could be so exciting!!
47Seed Dispersal
- Wind or water carrying seeds.
- Animals eating and pooping seeds.
- Animals carrying seeds.
48- Thank you Plant Kingdom for making all of our
food and oxygen! - - Monerans, Protists, Fungi,
- and Animals