Title: La Teor
1Introducción a la Teoría No Cooperativa de Juegos
2Juegos en forma estratégica
3El Dilema del Prisionero
Delatar No Delatar
Delatar -10 -10 0 -15
No Delatar -15 0 -1 -1
4El equilibrio de Nash
M. Davis (1986). Introducción a la teoría de
juegos. Alianza Editorial. R. Gibbons (1992).
Un primer curso de teoría de juegos. Antoni
Bosch. (www.antonibosch.com). M.J. Osborne and A.
Rubinstein (1994). A course in game theory. The
MIT Press.
5Much of the modern literature in economics (and
related disciplines) takes the following form A
social situation is modelled, as a
non-cooperative game, the Nash equilibria of the
game are computed, and their properties are
translated into insights into the original
problem. H.W. Kuhn, J.C. Harsanyi, R. Selten,
J.W. Weibull, E. van Damme, J.F. Nash and P.
Hammerstein (1996). The work of John Nash in
game theory. Journal of Economic Theory 69,
153-185. During the past two decades
non-cooperative game theory has become a central
topic in economic theory. Many scholars have
contributed to this revolution, none more than
John Nash. A. Rubinstein (1995). John Nash
The master of economic modeling. Scandinavian
Journal of Economics 97, 9-13.
6La Batalla de los Sexos
Cine Teatro
Cine 4 3 2 2
Teatro 1 1 3 4
7P I
P -1 1 1 -1
I 1 -1 -1 1
No tiene equilibrios de Nash
Matching Pennies
P -1 1 1 -1 0 0
I 1 -1 -1 1 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 0 0
(L,L) es un equilibrio de Nash
Edgar Allan Poe La carta robada
8Teorema de Nash Todo juego finito en forma
estratégica en el que los jugadores pueden elegir
loterías sobre sus conjuntos de estrategias tiene
al menos un equilibrio de Nash.
9La Paradoja de la Instigación
Roba V Duerme B
Roba V No Duerme -C
No Roba No Roba 0
R B -P -C M
NR 0 S 0 0
BBotín CCárcel
Duerme L No Roba S
Duerme L Roba -P
No Duerme L No Roba 0
No Duerme L Roba M
El único equilibrio de Nash de este juego es
(S/(SPM),(PM) /(SPM)) (C/(CB),B/(CB))
SSiesta PParo MMedalla
C más grande L roba lo mismo V duerme más
P, M más grandes L roba menos V duerme lo mismo
(S/(SPM),C/(CB)) es el único equilibrio de
11El lanzamiento del sistema exafónico
M 110 30 80 60
A 70 70 90 50
M 60 20 20 60
A 70 10 50 30
M 160 40 140 60
A 70 130 130 70
((2/5,3/5),(1/5,4/5)) V86
MM 110 30 110 30 80 60 80 60
MA 75 65 95 45 45 95 75 65
AM 115 25 105 35 105 35 95 45
AA 70 70 90 50 70 70 90 50
M 110 30 110 30 80 60 80 60
A 70 70 90 50 70 70 90 50
86 80 95
12Refinamientos del equilibrio de Nash
- R. Selten (1975). Reexamination of the
perfectness concept for equilibrium points in
extensive games. International Journal of Game
Theory 4, 25-55. - E. Van Damme (1991). Stability and Perfection of
Nash Equilibria. Springer Verlag.
10 10 0 10
10 0 1 1
(a,D) es el único equilibrio de Nash razonable.
(a,A) es el único equilibrio de Nash razonable.
13El modelo de duopolio de Cournot
En un monopolio...
14El Modelo de Duopolio de Stackelberg
Al contrario que en el lanzamiento del sistema
exafónico, aquí es bueno ser el líder.
R. Gibbons (1992). Un primer curso de teoría de
juegos. Antoni Bosch. (www.antonibosch.com).
16F. Patrone, I. García-Jurado and S. Tijs (2000).
Game Practice Contributions from Applied Game
Theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- P. Borm and B. van der Genutgen. On the
exploitation of casino games how to distinguish
between games of chance and games of skill? - A. Roth. Game theory as a tool for market
design. - E. van Damme. The Dutch DCS-1800 auction.
17P. Borm and B. van der Genutgen. On the
exploitation of casino games how to distinguish
between games of chance and games of skill?
...it is not allowed to exploit games with
monetary prizes if the participants in general do
not have a dominant influence on the probability
to win, unless in compliance to this act, a
license is granted... Dutch Gaming Act
- In practice the Dutch state only grants such a
license to its own Holland Casinos foundation. - The formulation of the Gaming Act clearly implies
that skill should be considered relatively with
respect to chance. - If it would be possible to rank a broad class of
games with chance elements by means of an
operational and objective criterium which
quantifies the level of skill relatively to
chance, e.g. on a scale from zero to one, the
legislator would be able to decide on a certain
bound on the level of skill, below which a game
should be considered as a game of chance. - Game of chance it needs a license according to
the Gaming Act. Game of skill all the
other games.
18- Jugador principiante juega el juego de un modo
ingenuo, del modo en que lo jugaría alguien que
acaba de conocer las reglas. - Jugador avanzado real juega el juego de un modo
óptimo. - Jugador avanzado virtual juega el juego de un
modo óptimo y conoce de antemano el resultado de
todos los elementos del juego en los que
interviene el azar.
- La legislación se refiere únicamente a la
explotación de juegos con premios en metálico. - Efecto del aprendizaje Es el resultado esperado
de un jugador avanzado real (AR), menos el
resultado esperado de un jugador principiante
(P). - Efecto del azar Es el resultado esperado de un
jugador avanzado virtual (AV), menos el resultado
esperado de un jugador avanzado real (AR).
19A. Roth. Game theory as a tool for market
- Market design concerns the creation of a venue
for buyers and sellers, and a format for
transactions. - Game theorists have taken the lead in designing a
number of different kinds of markets. Perhaps the
three best known of these are auction markets for
radio spectrum licenses, spot markets for
electric power, and labor market clearinghouses. - My own experience in market design has been with
entry-level professional labor markets. Since
1998, the vast majority of jobs for new
physicians in the US (about 20,000 per year) are
filled by a clearinghouse whose design I directed.
20Problema Básico de Asignación
21En un problema básico de asignación siempre
existe una asignación estable. Algoritmo de Gale
y Shapley (1962).
- Complejidades del mercado médico
- Plazas con prerrequisitos.
- Asignación en problemas con parejas.
22E. van Damme. The Dutch DCS-1800 auction.
In the case of radio spectrum auctions in the
United States, the federal government used to
give away licenses, but was ordered by Congress
to sell them, both to raise revenue and to
promote efficient use. A. Roth.
In February 1998 the Dutch government auctioned
licenses to operate mobile telecommunications
networks according to the DCS-1800 technology.
Two national licenses and sixteen regional
ones were auctioned by using a variant of the
simultaneous, multiple round auction that was
proposed by US-economists and that had been
tested in the US. This paper describes how the
decision to auction came about, it details the
auction rules, and it analizes the resulting
outcomes. E. van Damme.
23Subasta al primer precio
Subasta al segundo precio
24Introducción a la Teoría No Cooperativa de Juegos