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Conf rence Permanente de la Probation An Introduction by Leo Tigges, secretary general – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conf

Conférence Permanente de la Probation
  • An Introduction by Leo Tigges, secretary general

History of CEP
  • Foundation by England, France, Germany and The
    Netherlands in 1981
  • Reason for foundation growing number of foreign
    nationals in national prisons
  • Member countries in 19
  • Member countries in 2006 26
  • Recent memberships France, Italy, Spain,
  • Missing Germany, Poland, Greece

Mission Present Board
  • The Conference Permanente Européenne de la
    Probation will promote pan-European co-operation
    in the development and delivery of community
    sanctions and measures. It is committed to
    achieving just outcomes, increased public
    protection and community involvement in the
    reduction of offending across all the countries
    of Europe - based on the tenets of human rights,
    well thought out policies, evidence based
    practice and the best use of public resources.

In other words CEP is about
  • Community Justice Crime happens and must be
    resolved in communities
  • Human rights bringing alive basic rights and
  • Delivery of effective sentences working to
    protect the public and reducing reoffending
    developing options that are tough, consistent,
    fair, accountable, based on good principles and
    good evidence

Probation in EuropeLearning and exchange
  • What Probation means is very differentin
    different countries. It ranges from early help to
    work with prisoners and super-vision of released
    prisoners.In between are pre sentence reports,
    community measures used as diversions, community

Learning and exchange
  • Probation changes its face
  • from welfare to corrections
  • a more scientific probation approach (research,
    risk assessment, multi modality of interventions)
  • victims concerns are critical

Essential role probation in penal system (1)
  • Justice is done and effectiveness of the penal
    reaction is served when
  • the personal circumstances are taken into
    account pre-sentence probation report
  • risk of recidivism is included in the sentence
    and the execution of the sentence assessment
  • If needed, supervision, behavioural interventions
    and aftercare is offered

Essential role probation in penal system (2)
  • non-custodial sentences are more effective and
    less costly than custodial sentences
  • Supervision, aftercare and behavioural
    interventions are needed to prevent recidivism

Aims and focus of CEP
  • Enhancing profile of probation
  • Enhancing professionalism of probation
  • Focus on Human rights and evidenced based

How does CEP help?
  • Programme of Activities Conferences, workshops,
  • Exchange of ideas Bulletin, Website, commitment
    to What Works/evidence based practice and public
  • Provisions of Experts to the European Union and
    the Council of Europe
  • Influencing Governments, partners in penal
    system, European Institutions

Overview conferences (1)
  • The foreign offender (1981 and 1982)
  • Electronic Monitoring (1998, 2001, 2003, 2005)
  • Conventions, Recommendations CoE ( 1986) and
    European rules on Community Sanctions and
    Measures (1998, 1999)
  • Community Sanctions and Measures, Community
    Service (1988, 1999, 2001,

Overview conferences (2)
  • Sex offenders (2000, 2003, 2006)
  • Effective Practice, What Works? (1996, 2002,
  • Cooperation judicial authorities and probation
    services (1984, 1987)
  • Victim and Offenders, Mediation (1985,
  • Drugs (Probation intervention 1991 Drug couriers

Changing character of CEP
  • Other subjects, items (electronic monitoring,
    what works, toughness)
  • Emerging countries Well-established services
    are engaged in a process of re-visioning at a
    time when probation services elswhere in Europe
    are developing a vision for the first time.
  • Focus on governments and European institutions

Activities Council of Europe on Crime Problems(1)
  • Much work devoted to Extradition, Mutual
    Assistance in Criminal Matters, Terrorism,
    Corruption, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency,
    cyber crime etc.
  • Relatively few work devoted to Probation

A higher International Profile of Probation is
  • Probation has not been a priority on the agenda
    of the European Institutions
  • The wind behind the back of probation
  • one cannot go on with building more prisons
    (expensive and not effective)
  • Every country has a lot of foreigners in its
    penitentiary institutions
  • Probation is not a soft option

Activities Council of Europe on Crime Problems(1)
  • Much work devoted to Extradition, Mutual
    Assistance in Criminal Matters, Terrorism,
    Corruption, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency,
    cyber crime etc.
  • Relatively few work devoted to Probation

Council of Europe (2)Positive developments
  • The Council studied CEPs contribution to the new
    Prison Rules
  • invited the DGs of Probation at the ad hoc
    conference for Director Generals of the Prison
    Services (November 2004)
  • organised the Conference on Probation and
    Aftercare in Istanbul 14-16 November

Council of Europe (3) Positive developments
  • 2006 formulating a frame of reference for
    developing Recommendations on Role and Function
    of Probation Services in Europe 2007 and 2008
    work in progress
  • No separate scientific study/working group will
    be set up but work will be carried out by the
    European Committee on Crime Problems
  • 3 to 5 new members will be appointed in April
    2006 lobby countries necessary to nominate
    experts in probation!

European Commission (1)
  • Probation has never been on the agenda of the
    European Commission
  • Agenda dominated by free movement of persons,
    goods, services and capital
  • Upcoming interest in Justice topics
  • New developments on Rules and Funding

European Commission (2)Transfer of sentenced
  • Austria, currently chair of EU, took the
    initiative of a draft on new rules on the
    transfer of sentenced persons without their
  • The transfer of sentenced persons to the State
    of Nationality, the State of legal residence or
    the State with which the persons have other close
    links to serve their sentence helps with their

European Commission (3)Transfer of sentenced
  • First time that rehabilitation is mentioned in EU
  • Background how can foreign offenders be sent
    back as soon as possible
  • Gives opportunity for CEP to present itself with
    the EU in working out the consequences for

European Commission (4)Transfer of sentenced
  • Is an advisory report from the Probation Service
    necessary in answering the question whether
    sending the offender back to his State of
    Nationality is helpful for his resettlement?
  • Which probation service (the issuing or the
    executing state) is going to advise the
    authorities? What will have to be the minimum
    topics covered?

European Commission (5)Funding
  • AGIS funding program will run until the end of
  • New funding programs for the period 2007-2013 are
    under preparation
  • More money available for projects with an
    European dimension in the field of justice,
    security and safeguarding liberties.
  • CEP and the member countries should in 2006
    explore what is in it for probation.
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