The EPS Programme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The EPS Programme


Cooperation between EUMETSAT, ESA, CNES and Industry. EPS Space Segment: ... Continuity is based on ATOVS and AVHRR Level 1b and Level 2 products. AVHRR Level 1b ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The EPS Programme

The EPS Programme
The EUMETSAT Polar System Marc Cohen / Pierre
Ranzoli Programme Manager / Satellite Manager
The EUMETSAT mission is ..
  • ......... to deliver cost efficient operational
    satellite data and products that satisfy the
    meteorological and climate data requirements of
    its Member States, taking into account the
    recommendations of the World Meteorological

The EPS Programme Elements
Polar Stations Svalbard, 78 deg North
Launcher Service (Soyuz)
  • Metop-A launched on 19 Oct. 2006
  • Sun Synchronous orbit
  • 820 km, 9h30 LST,100 min
  • Sole source of mid-morning orbit data
  • 11 Instruments
  • Metop-B and Metop-C recurrent models
  • Soyuz Launcher Service (Baikonur)
  • ESOC LEOP Service (Darmstadt)
  • Central distributed Ground Segment components
  • 14 years of operations

LEOP Service (ESOC)
Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) 8
Meteorological Themes
EUMETSAT Mission Control Centre
Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS)
NOAA-18 (in orbit) NOAA-N (2009)
METOP-A (2006) METOP-B (2010) METOP-C (2014)

  • EUMETSAT-NOAA coordinated programmes
  • Exchange of instruments (ATOVS from NOAA, MHS
    from EUMETSAT)
  • Coordinated operations, data and services
  • Agreement extended in 2003 to cover METOP-C

EPS - An Integrated European Effort
  • EUMETSAT has the overall System responsibility
    and provides the majority of the funding
  • Cooperation between EUMETSAT, ESA, CNES and
  • EPS Space Segment
  • Metop-A developed/co-funded with ESA Metop-BC
    jointly procured (single contract for
    Metop-A/B/C), fully funded by EUMETSAT Joint ESA
    and EUMETSAT Single Space Segment Team leading
    the development at Customer level.
  • IASI-1 developed/co-funded by CNES, under
    CNES-EUMETSAT cooperation IASI-2 3 procured by
    CNES, fully funded by EUMETSAT.
  • MHS instruments for NOAA N/N Metop-1/2/3
    procured by EUMETSAT.
  • ARGOS instruments provided by CNES.
  • Launch and LEOP Services procured by EUMETSAT
  • EPS Ground Segment and sites developed and
    procured by EUMETSAT.
  • Network of 8 satellite applications facilities
    (SAF) developed by EUMETSAT Member States in
    cooperation with EUMETSAT.
  • IASI operational level 1 processor developed by
  • EPS System operated by EUMETSAT (14 years).

First MHS Images
First Component of the Initial Joint Polar System
(IJPS) is in Space
  • Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS)
  • MHS flies on NOAA-18 since mid 2005
  • MHS is a EUMETSAT developed instrument
  • First EUMETSAT instrument in LEO orbit
  • 31 May 2005 Orbits 153 to 156
  • Brightness temperatures processed at EUMETSAT
    using in-house software (Geo-located and

CHANNEL H1 (140 -310 K)
CHANNEL H3 (180 - 280 K)
CHANNEL H2 Orbit no. 155
The EPS Services
Global mission delivery of global measurements
to Met Services and NOAA within 2ΒΌ hours of the
instant of observation (GTS, EUMETCast)
Local mission real-time transmission of imaging
and sounding data to local user stations.
Search and Rescue service (SR).
ARGOS mission of in-situ observational data.
Data Dissemination EUMETCast Full NRT data
stream GTS Subset
Archiving Retrieval All data and products are
archived in the UMARF
ATOVS and AVHRR Continuity and Commonality
Composite of 14 level-1b products of one day from
HIRS covering the Earth twice
Level 1 NRT Products (2h15min)Level 2 NRT
Products (3h)Global Sounding Global Products
are dump-based
AVHRR Level 1b
Continuity is based on ATOVS and AVHRR Level 1b
and Level 2 products
Microwave Soundings Provide Near All Weather
Sounding Capability
AMSU Channel 3 (50.3 GHz) Brightness Temperatures
Orbit 294, 10. June 2005, 813 UTC to 1007 UTC
Ackermann, 2005
  • Temperature Soundings 1.7 K / 2-3 km with ATOVS
  • Humidity at 20 - 25

Better Soundings Needed To Improve NWP
Temperature Soundings needed at 1 K/1 km
IASI (Humidity at 10 )
  • Temperature perturbation profile of the
    Floyd-case (remainder of hurricane Floyd 10
    Sep. 1993),
  • Later developing into an intensive storm with
    severe damages in the UK and Brittany
  • A sounder like IASI would have allowed to
    anticipate this situation

IASI New Technology - Improved Sounding
Correlation between the CO2 absorption spectrum
and the atmospheric temperature profile
Wavenumber /cm-1
Pressure /hPa
Brightness Temperature /K
Atmospheric Temperature /K
Source CNES
Complex algorithm
A Major Step Forward In Infrared Sounding
IASI channels
HIRS channel
HIRS 19 channels vs IASI 8461 spectral samples
Clear and Cloudy IASI Spectra
Discrimination Between Ice And Water Clouds
CH4 Column from IMG/ADEOS 1-10 April
1997(Hadji-Lazaro et al., 2001)
IASI Can Map Methane (Greenhous Gas)
Ozone Column from IMG/ADEOS 1-10 April
1997(Hadji-Lazaro et al., 2001)
IASI Contributes To Ozone Monitoring
Research Instruments Become Operational GOME-2
Total Ozone (DU) derived from GOME-1
GOME Can Monitor Trace Gases e.g. SO2
O3M SAF Product Examples (DLR)Off-line Trace
Gas Products continued ...
Research Instruments become operational ASCAT
Wind vectors over the ocean
Ocean surface winds modify the surface
roughness, hence, the ocean surface backscatter
ASCAT ocean observation in half a day Double
coverage compared to ERS SCAT
GRAS limb sounding by occultation of GPS signals
GRAS Sounding Through The Limb Of The Earth
Measured bending angle profiles (left) are used
to derive vertical profiles of temperature
(Demonstrated with data from the CHAMP
satellite) GRAS data will also be important for
NWP and improve the analysis in the stratosphere
  • EPS provides
  • Continuity to the current system in terms of
    products in mid-morning orbit
  • Calibrated (level 1b, level 1c for IASI )
    instrument data products of all meteorological
    instruments and selected geophysical products
    (level 2) from the Ground Segment
  • Manifold of geophysical level 2 and higher
    products (including multi-mission) from
    decentralised Satellite Application Facilities
  • Archive service for all products over the whole
    mission duration
  • Long mission duration (14 years) will assure
    that users are provided with long-term near
    real-time and off-line data service for
    meteorological and climate applications

  • EPS is the first Low Earth Orbit European
    Meteorological Programme, thereby establishing
    EUMETSATs second operational satellite services
    complementing the existing successful
    Geostationary Meteosat infrastructure
  • EPS constitutes the European component of a
    co-operation with the United States (NOAA)
  • EPS is developed through co-operation within
    Europe (EUMETSAT, ESA, CNES, Industry)
  • EPS is a complex, long-term Operational Programme
  • EPS has the ambition to provide significant
    improvements for Meteorological and Climate
    applications thanks to its innovative payload
  • Launch of the first EPS satellite (Metop-A) on 19
    October 2006

Metop-A Status
Metop-A was successfully launched last Thursday
(19 Oct. 2006) from Baikonour by a
Soyouz/Fregat. LEOP Phase went very smooth, final
orbit acquired, Solar Array deployed and
rotating, Payload Antennas deployed, start of
Payload wake-up on-going
Satellite In Orbit Validation will run during the
next 2 months followed by the overall EPS System
validation which will last up to mid-April 2007.
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