Title: Wymagania informacyjne uzytkownikow bibliotek akademickich 21 wieku
1Wymagania informacyjne uzytkownikow bibliotek
akademickich 21 wieku
- Maria Anna Jankowska
- University of Idaho Library
- Biblioteki XXI wieku. Czy przetrwamy?
- Lodz 19-21 Czerwca, 2006
2Users Information Needs in Academic Libraries of
the 21st Century
- Maria Anna Jankowska
- University of Idaho Library
- Libraries in the 21st Century Will They
Survive?Lodz, Poland, June 19-21, 2006
3"A person's a person, no matter how small." -
Dr. Seuss
41.What do users think about todays libraries?
2.What do users expect from todays libraries?
5What do users think about todays libraries?
- In 2005, the Library as a brand is closely
connected with Books - Borrowing print materials is the most popular
library service - Only 6 of total respondents were satisfied with
their libraries
Source Perceptions of Libraries and Information
Resources, OCLC 2005
6Major OCLC survey findings
- In different group users the college students use
both physical and electronic libraries resources
the most - Most users are not aware of libraries electronic
information resources -
7Libraries matter for users as
- Place to study
- Building with books
- Free information
- Friendly people
8Users information-seeking behaviors
- 84 respondents use search engines as the first
tool in information search - 1 users begin their search using a library
website - Users like to self-serve for information
9How do give your users what they need and want?
- Do not decide for them
- Ask your users to evaluate quality of library
services and resources - Carry out ongoing measurements
- How does LibQUALTM benefit libraries?
10About LibQUAL TM
- The survey is as part of the American Research
Libraries measures initiative - It evaluates users perception and expectation of
their librarys service quality by measuring the
gaps between minimal, desired and perceived
levels of service
11Evaluate library service quality in three
- Affect of Service (AS)
- Information Control (IP)
- Library as Place (LP)
12Affect of Service (AS)
- AS measures the human aspect of library services
- (readiness and willingness to help users, and the
knowledge to answer users questions, etc.)
13Information Control (IP)
- IP measures ability to navigate library
resources independently - (access to print and electronic resources,
library website, document delivery, comprehensive
collections, business hours, etc.)
14Library as Place (LP)
- LP measures the library environment and location
- (space, comfort, learning environment).
15LibQUAL TM Assessment Results
- The greatest users priorities
- The librarys greatest strengths
- The greatest users satisfactions
- The highest users dissatisfactions
16 17Key Findings of the Survey
- The human aspect of library services is the
greatest strength of the UI Library - Users highly value the library as a comfortable
community space for group learning and a quiet
place to study - The inadequacy of the print and electronic
journal collection to support learning and
research in all disciplines and the difficulty
finding electronic databases and resources were
perceived as the greatest weaknesses of the
18More findings
- Improving navigation of the library Web site and
increasing the print and electronic journal
collections should be the greatest priorities for
the library - Library users expect the library to help them
find, use, and evaluate information in order to
stay abreast in their disciplines by creating
more online tutorials, resources, subject guides,
and information literacy instructions
19Overall the UI Library scored higher in user
perceptions (7.01 perceived mean) than the other
202 academic libraries in the United States and
- - Desired Mean ? Perceived Mean ? Minimum
20Will the libraries in the 21st century survive?
- Our USERS will determine the future of the 21st
century libraries - Our USERS will shape their structure, services,
and demand for resources
21 Thank you for your attention!