Title: Respondenten
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Prof. Dr. Wim Veen Centre of Educational
Innovation Technology
3The REFLECT Project
- REFLECT is a one year thematic network for
initial teacher education - Consortium
- Utrecht University
- University of Exeter
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- University of Barcelona
- To promote reflective competencies of student
teachers using various modes of
telecommunications - one-to-one e-mail
- computer conferencing
- point-to-point video conferencing
- To develop a pedagogy for tele- teaching
5REFLECT Research
- An inventory study into research activities on
tele tutoring and reflection across Europe - Four case studies describing and exploring the
effects of telematics on reflection of student
6Common Research Question
- What is the content and nature of discourse
(related to the promotion of reflection) in
different modes of telematics in teacher
7Common Definition of Reflection
- Reflection is the mental process of trying to
structure or restructure an experience, a problem
or existing knowledge or insights
8The ALACT Model
- A five-phase model describing the intended
process of reflection by student teachers - Action
- Looking back on the action
- Awareness of essential aspects
- Creating alternative methods of action
- Trial
Creating alternatives
Looking back
Awareness of crucial issues
10Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Looking back
Amendments and Meta- Discussion
Feedback from others
11The Utrecht Context
- a five-month school practice in a one-year
postgraduate initial training - 30 student teachers in geography, history, and
modern languages - 4 teacher educators
- research period Jan - May 1996
- a mix of tutoring instruments
- CMC, supervisory meetings, logbooks
12Data gathered
- Methods
- questionnaires
- interviews
- email messages
- recordings of supervisory meetings
- recordings of REFLECT meetings
13Research questions
- Questions on
- patterns of communication
- themes of reflection adressed in messages
- time investment
- changes in attitudes on reflection and peer
mentoring - student teachers perception on tele guidance
- role of teacher educator
- instruments for measuring reflection and
14The Results
15Patterns of communication
- The more student teachers write to the whole
group, the more they write to individuals - Messages sent to listserv and to individuals is
about 50 - 50. - Writing a lot stands for writing to different
peer students no subgroups
16Themes of Reflection
- Messages analysis
- Own teaching behaviour
- Supervision during teaching practice
- Off-task behaviour of the whole class
- Teacher educators view
- from visible, concrete and tangible towards
whats your educational philosophy? - from less structured through structured to less
17Time Investment
- Student teachers
- 1 - 7 hours a week (mean is 4.6)
- 40 for reading and 30 for writing
- twice the time than writing the logbook
- Teacher educators
- 5 hours average a week
- varying approaches used from immediate and
individual to weekly and group interventions
18Changes in attitudes
- Attitude towards reflection
- Primarily oriented towards reflection on
themselves - Small increases in reflection on pupils, subject
and school matters - Attitude towards peer mentoring
- positive attitude towards mentoring each other,
without changes over time
19Perception of Tele-guidance
- Reflective behaviour
- effects of the e-mail discussion is assessed to
be relatively small, compared to face-to-face
meetings and mentor - student teachers perceive the computer
conferencing as a peer mentoring system - responses of peer students are less appraised
than expected
20Perception of Tele-guidance
- Social support
- informational support (tips) is valued less than
expected - emotional support meets expectations
21The teacher educators role
- Helping the reflective process by asking
stimulating questions or structuring - Support emotionally
- Stimulate to participate in the electronic
22Teacher educators experiences
- A greater involvement with their students I am
one of them - A managers role
- An expert role
- A passive role taking students concerns as
starting point for reactions
23Four main functions of Tele-tutoring
- Monitoring function
- the progress of their students
- Function of stimulating reflection
- Peer mentoring function
- learning from each other, attitude of discussing
problems with others - Social funtion
- feelings of comfort and prevention of isolation
24Three Mentoring Strategies
- Directed at feelings of security
- Directed at professional growth leaving the
initiative to student teacher - Directed at professional growth taking a
directive role
25Strategies of Security
- Empathising
- what good solutions you use for handling the
dyslexia problem. Fantastic! - Encouraging
- I look forward to your weekly reports, which
start this week, of course!
26Strategies for professional growth I
- Asking to be concrete
- Asking to generalise
- Asking to make explicit
- Supporting learning processes
- Structuring
- Asking to focus
27Strategies for professional growth II
- Confronting
- Generalising
- Making explicit
- Stressing and utilising strong points
- Modelling
- Urging
- Giving suggestions
28Strategies for professional growth II
- Bringing in theoretical issues
- Summarising
- Asking clarifications
- Practical appointments
29Concluding Observations
- Teacher educators value tele tutoring positively.
- Student teachers value most
- writing messages
- the social function
- Tele mentoring thrives best in a mixture of
pedagogical methods
30Concluding Observations
- The pedagogy of tele-guidance includes a variety
of strategies which - enhances the support of the learning process
- support group learning
- A clear organization of the exchange of messages
is critical - Instruments for measurement of reflection can be
31What have we learned?
- Professional development of teacher educators has
been stimulated - Using ICT will change the tutors role and
teacher education dramatically - We need to find evidence on
- promoting reflection and students teaching in
classrooms - advantages and disadvantages of ICT