Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne


Scholastica was Benedict's sister. She became a nun and headed the first convent in Europe. She used Benedict's guidelines for women in religious communities ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne

Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne
  • Many Germanic kingdoms succeeded the Roman Empire
    were reunited under Charlemagnes Rule

Germanic Tribes 500- 1500 A.D.
  • Germanic invasions in the western Roman Empire
    led to a series of changes is government,
    economy and culture.

Invasions Trigger Changes in Western Europe
  • Disruption of trade Business collapsed and the
    economy fails and money becomes scarce.
  • Downfall of cities The cities lose their
    importance as centers for administration and
    economic activity.
  • Population shifts Nobles retreated into the
    countryside. City dwellers fled to the rural
    areas and sought protection from the nobles.

Cultural Changes
  • Decline of Learning The knowledge of Greek and
    Latin was nearly lost. Very few people of this
    time could read and write.
  • Loss of a Common Language The Latin language
    began to change as people from many areas began
    to mix. Many different dialects were developed.
    Eventually, whole new languages were formed.

Concept of Government Changes
  • There was a shift from the Roman concept of
    loyalty to the state toward loyalty to ones
    family. People no longer lived in crowded
    urban areas. They began to live in smaller
  • Warrior chiefs arose as the new leaders. Each
    chief was supported by his own band of warriors.
    They fought hard for their own chief but they
    had no loyalty to a chief that they did not know.

Frankish King- Clovis
  • In 496, Clovis led an army in a battle against
    another Germanic tribe. He appealed to the
    Christian God for victory.
  • After the successful battle, Clovis and 3,000
    of his warriors asked to baptized into the
    Christian faith.

The Church an the King
  • After Clovis conversion, the Church welcomed him
    and began to support his military campaigns.
  • By 511, Clovis had united the Franks into one
  • This cooperation between Clovis and the Church
    marked the beginning of an important partnership
    between the Church and earthly leaders.

Germanic Peoples Adopt Christianity
  • Politics played a key role in the spreading of
  • By 600, the Church, with the help of the Frankish
    rulers, had converted nearly all of the Frankish
  • Monasteries were established throughout their

St. Benedict
  • Around 520, a monk , Benedict, began to write
    down the rules for monastic life. These rules
    became the guidelines for religious life
    throughout all of western Europe.

St. Scholastica
  • Scholastica was Benedicts sister. She became a
    nun and headed the first convent in Europe. She
    used Benedicts guidelines for women in religious

Monasteries Become the Centers of Education
  • Monasteries become Europes best-educated
  • The monks began to make beautiful copies of old
    religious writings. In this way they were able
    to preserve a little of Romes history and

Pope Gregory I Expands Papal Power
  • Under Gregory, the papacy became a worldly power
    involved in politics.
  • The pope used Church revenues to raise armies,
    repair roads and help the poor.

Expansion of Church Influence
  • The pope also negotiated peace treaties.
  • The Influence of the Church eventually led to a
    unification of most of Europe under the oversight
    of the Church. This was a spiritual kingdom,
    ruled by the pope.

Charles Martel
  • Charles Martel, as a major domo, had more power
    than the king that he served. He was able to
    extend the power of the Franks.
  • His greatest accomplishment is that he defeated a
    raiding Muslim army at the Battle of Tours.

Battle of Tours 732 A.D.
  • The Battle of Tours is a defining moment in the
    history of Christendom.
  • In this battle, Martels army halted the Muslim
    invasion of Europe and made Martel a Christian

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Pepin the Short- king by the grace of God
  • After Charles Martel died, his son Pepin
    became king.
  • He cooperated with the Church to drive out the
    Lombards out of central Italy.

The Church Crowns a King
  • As a reward for his help, the pope crowned Pepin,
    king by the grace of God.
  • This is a monumental moment in history as the
    Church takes the role of king maker.
  • This is the beginning of the Carolingian Dynasty
    that ruled from 751 - 987

  • Pepins son, Charlemagne become king in 771.
  • He takes control of the whole Frankish empire.

Charlemagne Takes Center Stage
  • Charlemagne fought Muslims in Spain and other
    tribes from other Germanic kingdoms.
  • He conquered new lands, spread Christianity and
    reunited much of the old western Roman Empire
    under his power.
  • He became the most powerful king in western

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Coronation of Charlemagne
  • In 800, Pope Leo III Crowned Charlemagne, Roman
  • This event signaled the joining of Germanic
    power, the Church and the heritage of the Roman

Charlemagnes Government
  • Charlemagne strengthened his power by limiting
    the power of the nobles.
  • He set up a system by which government agents
    made sure that the wealthy landowners,Counts,
    managed their counties fairly.

Hands on King
  • He visited all parts of his kingdom.
  • He settled disputes, judged cased and rewarded
    faithful followers.
  • He encouraged learning within his empire. He
    ordered monasteries to open schools to train
    future monks and priests.

Louis the Pious
  • A year before Charlemagne died, he crowned his
    son, Louis the Pious, emperor.
  • He was a better monk than ruler.

Louis Successors
  • Upon Louis death, his three sons, Lothair,
    Charles the Bald and Louis the German, fought
    each other for control of the empire.
  • To settle the dispute, the Treaty of Verdun was
    signed giving each brother a share of the
    kingdom. Charlemagnes empire became three
  • Within a very short time, the Carolingian kings
    lost their power as central authority broke down.

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The End
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