Diapositive 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositive 1


EUROPE WHAT UNITES US? The Celts The Greeks The Romans Christianity Charlemagne Napoleon – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositive 1

  • The Celts
  • The Greeks
  • The Romans
  • Christianity
  • Charlemagne
  • Napoleon

The Celts 500 BC to 43 AD
A Celtish Chieftain
Who were The Celts?
The Celts 500 BC to 43 AD
Modern Celts, reliving the past
The Celts 500 BC to 43 AD
Celtish History and Influence
  • in 500 BC, Celts were dominant European power
  • they had expanded from southern Germany
  • not a nation, more a conferation of tribes with
    shared culture
  • influence stretched from Spain to Britain,
    Germany and Northern Italy and as far as
  • they were tribal farmers gathered around their
    Chiefs strongholds
  • they were bound together by the Druids learned
    priests, lawmakers, bards sages
  • Celts also had artists, musicians metalworkers
  • they traded with Rome, Greece other countries,
    but were not much influenced by them
  • conquered by Romans, then Anglo-Saxons, they left
    lasting culture

The Celts 400 to 800 BC
The Celts 500 BC to 43 AD
  • each Celt was a freeman with individual rights
  • Druidic justice was famous and tribal bonds
  • chiefs were elected by tribespeople, and
    high-kings by the Chiefs
  • both could be deposed if not doing well
  • they were fierce warriors and used iron for
    weapons and tools
  • in 390 BC they sacked Rome in 280 BC they
    raided Greece Anatolia
  • they also fought amongst themselves the Romans
    exploited this when invading Gaul (France)
  • the British leader (Caractarus) was betrayed by
    other Celts
  • disunited, the Celts lost their independence in
    43 to 80 AD
  • they later accepted Roman rule and fought for
    them against Germanic barbarians

(The Celts their languages - the Breton
The Celts Today
  • Celtic culture is well documented and preserved
  • millions of people on different continents
    identify with the culture
  • something of a Celtic Renaissance is taking place

What is a "Celt"? Someone who
  • claims Celtic ancestry
  • identifies with Celtic culture
  • wishes to think of themselves as being Celtic,
    or even as a Celt

The Celts Today - Where are they?
  • Irish Gaelic, a Celtic language, is one of the
    official languages of Ireland
  • Gaelic is taught in schools
  • there are "Gaeltacht" areas, as in parts of Co.
    Donegal, where the use of Gaelic by native
    speakers is officially encouraged by the
  • according to the World Book Encyclopedia, one in
    five people in Ireland can speak Gaelic (about
    700,000 people), and one in 20 speak Gaelic every
    day (about 100,000 people)
  • the World Almanac says that the majority ethnic
    group of Ireland is "Celtic," and that there is
    an English minority
  • economic regeneration has helped the renaissance
    of the culture
  • Ireland is claimed by some to be the world's only
    Celtic nation state

The Celts Today - Where are they?
  • millions of Americans claim Irish descent
  • Irish immigrants have always valued their Gaelic
  • presidents often travel to Ireland to trace their
    roots, e.g. Kennedy
  • St. Patrick's Day has become a general
  • Irish pubs are very fashionable
  • there is even a professional basketball team
    named after the Celts
  • till recently (9/11), many Irish Americans
    supported the IRA

The Celts Today - Where are they?
  • great resurgence of Welsh nationalism in recent
  • revived interest in Welsh language taught in
    schools popular television station broadcasts
    all its programs in Celtic Welsh Welsh cartoon
    series and animated programs for children
  • Welsh flag shown prominently on many occasions
  • government obliged to use bilingual road signs
  • some towns renamed with old Celtish version
    Dyfed, Clwyd, Gynedd, and Powys
  • cultural festivals such as the annual
    Eistedfod extremely popular

The Celts Today - Where are they?
  • over 80,000 people still speak Scottish Gaelic,
    mostly in highlands and islands
  • other Celtic elements include references to the
    clans, bagpipe music, interest in tartan plaids
    and kilts, Scottish field games, and Scottish
  • strong nationalist element in Scotland 1999,
    creation of Scottish Parliament

  • pan-Celtic festival held annually in Lorient
  • several times a year there are celebrations
    called Pardons which preserve Celtic Breton
  • many links between Brittany Ireland
  • many Irish pubs with regular live Celtic music

A United Europe? A Common Heritage?
The Legacy of Antiquity
Classical Greece 600 to 337 BC
  • independent city-states (polis) grew up
  • surrounding mountains provided protection
  • they built encircling walls and a fort
    (acropolis) was built on a high place inside
  • Athens Sparta were the two most important of
  • each had own customs, laws forms of government
  • they tended to expand towards Black Sea Africa
  • they were very competitive with each other
  • they fought hard for freedom, especially against
    the Persians
  • they were traders, sailors adventurers
  • also philosophers influenced many faraway
  • built philosophies based on observation, reason

Classical Greece 600 to 337 BC
(the importance of the Battle of Marathon)
A biography ofAlexander the Great
  • they triumphed at Battles of Marathon Salamis
    around 480BC
  • from 431 they spent over 25 years fighting each
    other in the Peloponnesian War
  • Sparta feared the growth of Athenian power, so
    the city-states never became a united country
  • city-states united to fight off the Persians
  • disunity resulted in invasion by Philip II of
    Macedonia, father of Alexander the Great They
    gave us language, architecture, philosophy and
    democracy ..

More photos of Ancient Greece
The Elgin Marbles
The Parthenon one / two / three
  • sons of freemen went to school
  • girls were taught weaving household skills by
  • at 6 or 7, boys learned reading, writing, music,
    dancing athletics
  • they wrote on wax tablets, using a stick called
    a stylus

  • a new Greek colony is established
  • Inside the city wall will be a marketplace,
    temples, law courts, houses, workshops and
    council chambers

A United Europe? A Common Heritage?
Rome - Republic Empire
The Founding of Rome - 753 to 509 BC
  • legend has it that Rome was founded by local
    tribespeople who camped on Rome's 7 hills
  • the people were Sabines and Latins Romulus was
    their first King
  • they were influenced by their neighbours the
    Etruscans and traders from Greece Carthage
  • the Etruscans, from Etruria, lived in city-states
    emerging around 800 BC
  • they were farmers, metalworkers, seafarers
    traders, and liked music, games gambling
  • they were greatly influenced by the Greeks and
    worshipped Greek Gods

The Founding of Rome - 753 to 509 BC
  • early Rome was ruled by Kings, who formed armies
    to defend Rome
  • the kings had disputes with the patricians, the
    leading families
  • the patricians were more representative of a
    changing, more urbanised Rome
  • they eventually overthrew the monarchy in 509
    BC, leading to the Republic
  • this was the first republic in the world

The Roman Republic 509 to 27 BC
  • Rome was run in the 5th century BC by
    patricians (lords, the ruling class)
  • there was a struggle between Patricians and
    Plebians (ordinary people)
  • this led to the writing of a legal code and the
    Roman Republic
  • Rome embarked on wars that led to control of all
    the Italian peninsular
  • Rome clashed with Carthage over trade in the
    Mediterranean, leading to Punic Wars lasting 60
  • Rome established new cities, organisation and
    prosperity, giving conquered peoples Roman
    citizenship if they cooperated
  • by 44 BC they ruled France, Spain, Europe south
    of the Danube, Anatolia Northern Africa

The Roman Empire built on military power
the sad story of Hannibal Carthage
(No Transcript)
The Roman Empire 27 BC to 475 AD
  • in 100 BC, friction arose between patricians and
    plebians again
  • power struggles between generals led to civil war
  • in 44 BC, Julius Caesar became Emperor for Life,
    but alarmed Republicans assassinated him, and
    the Republic collapsed
  • Romans chose dictatorship to chaos, and Octavian
    gradually took control
  • under him, trade extended as far as East Africa,
    India China
  • the Empire expanded and built roads, towns and
  • Emperors relied more on the army than on the
  • most Emperors chose their successors some were
    deposed by soldiers
  • from 100 AD, Rome was ruled by strong Emperors
    Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Marcus Aurelius
  • by 117 AD, the Empire had grown too large
    soldiers could no longer be paid with booty,
    slaves and land taken from those conquered
  • the last conquests were in Britain, Syria,
    Palestine Egypt most conquered people adapted
    to Roman life

The Romans great builders of antiquity
The Romans were master bridge- builders, not only
for transport of people and goods, but also for
water. They built magnificent aquaducts all
over theirEmpire, and some arestill in use
Hadrian's Wall between Scotland England
The Romansgreat builders of antiquityfamous
  • fast communications, meaning good roads, were
    one of the Romans greatest assets in the
    conquest and control of their Empire
  • most of their roads were straight many of the
    routes they followed can still be seen to this

The Roman Empire, 2nd century AD
The Roman Empire built on military power
The Roman Empire built on military power
The Roman Empire built on military power
The Battle of Alesia - 52 BC
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
The Roman Empire at its height under Trajan, 337
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
The Importance of Latin
  • Latin brought to Italy about 1000 BC by
    Indo-European immigrants from Northern Europe.
    As people in Latium developed into organized
    community, city of Rome in, according to legend,
    753 BC
  • Latin quickly spread over much of Italy, in
    direct correlation to Roman conquests
  • with foundation of Roman Empire, large portion of
    western world came to speak various forms of
    Latin or combine it with own tongues
  • "classical" Latin developed in city of Rome and
    environs a spoken vernacular form of Latin was
    carried by Roman army to all Roman provinces
  • Latin thus superceded pre-Roman dialects of
    Italy, Gaul and Spain
  • some expressions of the original languages
    remained and, once mixed with the spoken Latin,
    gave birth to new languages known as the Romance
  • only the deeply rooted Greek language resisted
    Latin domination and continued to be spoken in
    its original form

The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
The Importance of Latin
  • Latin also survived fall of Roman Empire as
    centuries passed it continued to be an
    international language of educated and social
    elite, accompanying the modified tongues of the
    common people
  • Latin often an international Lingua Franca
    between different peoples use among educated
    people survived for centuries
  • the sole language of the Catholic Church was
  • all scholarly, historical, or scientific work was
    written in it up to end of Renaissance
  • when Middle Ages ended, the west experienced a
    cultural Renaissance interest in Antiquity
    classical Latin as a means of artistic and
    literary expression grew
  • during and after this period of rebirth, forms of
    Latin even transplanted to the Western
    Hemisphere today, the people of Mexico, Central
    America, and South America are called Latins or

The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
The Importance of Latin
  • Latin is the bedrock of Western European
  • the Romance languages of Spain, France, Italy,
    Portugal, and Romania developed from a hybrid
    version of spoken Latin and native tongues
  • each also influenced in turn by other tongues,
    such as Slavic, Norse and many Germanic dialects
  • of these modern languages, Romanian, not Italian,
    remains the closest living language to the
  • without Latin, very few of today's European
    languages would be possible or recognizable in
    their current forms

The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
The Latin Language
amo I love amas you love amat he/she
loves amamus we love amatis you love amant they
insula nominative (subject) insula you
love insulam accusative (object) insulae genitive
insulae dative insula ablative
AMARE to love
INSULA an island
  • an amateur photographer
  • ( lover of photography)
  • an amorous look
  • Im not enamoured of
  • an example of insular thought
  • I live on a peninsular. (pen almost)
  • The machine is poorly insulated.

The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
The Latin Language noun inflections
insula nominative (subject) Insula bella
est. insula you love O insula, te
amo insulam accusative (object) Insulam
amo insulae genitive Insulae dicit. insulae dati
ve Historiam insulae amo insula ablative Puer
insulae est.
INSULA an island
. . .
Some latin phrases
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
Roman monuments can be found in most parts of
Western Europe. They are very familiar to all
Europeans, and a permanent reminder of the Roman
Roman Architecture
The Colosseum, Rome
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
Roman Architecture
The Colosseum, Rome
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
Roman Architecture
Roman baths at Bath, England
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
Aqueduct, Segovia, Spain
The Cultural Linguistic Legacy of Rome
Le Pont du Gard, Nîmes, France
A Christian Europe?
  • Christianity fundamental to the history of Europe
  • around time JC was born, many different sects in
    Roman Empire
  • by 400 AD, Christianity dominant
  • Jews had long believed a Saviour would be born to
    lead them
  • Jesus in Nazareth under Roman rule
  • little known of early life, but in 27 AD he began
  • told many parables and performed miracles of
  • the Jewish authorities accused him of blasphemy
  • the Romans under Pontius Pilate tried and
    crucified him
  • believed to have come to life again after three
    days (Resurrection)

Jesus Christ - Preacher
"The Last Supper" - by Leonardo da Vinci
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Romans
  • Christians were persecuted for their faith
  • many died cruelly in the Romans' amphitheatres
  • the Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity
    in 313 AD
  • said to have adopted the Christian symbol by
    painting it on his soldiers' shields before a
    successful battle
  • thanks to him, Christianity became deeply rooted
    by the 5th century

The Carolingian Empire under Charlemagne 814
Napoléon Bonaparte
David, Jacques-Louis 1748-1825
Napoléon's Empire 1812
Napoléon Bonaparte
  • born in Corsica joined French army general by
    age 26 captured North Italy 1797
  • invaded Egypt, but Nelson destroyed fleet ain
  • 1799 returned France seized control,
    appointing three Consuls to run France
  • 1804 crowned himself Emperor
  • many reforms europe-wide laws, better
    educational system, reorganized government,
    created national bank
  • believed in Meritocracy founded "Légion
  • had vast conscript army - up to 750,000 men
  • lost Battle of Trafalgar against Nelson in 1805
  • invaded Spain 1808 expelled by Duke of
    Wellington of Britain 12 1812
  • brilliant general, but disaster in Russia in
    1812 only 10,000 men survived out of 500,000
  • defeated at Leipzig by Allies led by Prussians
    under von Blücher
  • France invaded 1814, Napoléon went into exile
  • escaped, landed in France for the the "100 days"
  • defeated at Waterloo by Wellington
  • exiled to Saint Helena, died in 1821

Napoléon Bonaparte - his legacy
  • Code Napoléon was the French civil code,
    established March 21, 1804
  • based on Roman law - the first legal code to be
    established in a country with a civil legal
  • followed Justinian's Corpus Juris Civilis in
    dividing civil law into
  • - personal status
  • - property
  • - acquisition of property
  • other countries soon copied idea, and developed
    their own codes, of which Swiss,
  • German and Austrian codes were most influential
  • civil law systems of the countries of modern
    Europe, with the exception of the United
    Kingdom, Ireland, Russia, and the Scandinavian
    countries have, to different degrees, been
    influenced by the Napoleonic Code - Code has thus
    been the most permanent legacy of Napoleon
  • intention behind Napoleonic Code was to reform
    the French legal system in accordance with the
    principles of the French Revolution before the
    Code, France did not have a single set of laws -
    The vestiges of feudalism were abolished, and the
    many different legal systems used in different
    parts of France were replaced by a single legal
  • Code dealt only with civil law issues other
    codes were also published dealing with criminal
    law and commercial law

The Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Napoléon Bonaparte - his legacy
  • dragged much of Europe into modern world
  • His reforms marked definitive end of feudal era
  • created concept of professional army
  • plunged Europe into war for 15 years
  • gave France an authentic and enduring hero

1. Anguilla2. Antigua and Barbuda3. Australia4. Bahamas5. Bangladesh6. Barbados7. Bermuda8. Bhutan9. Botswana10. Brunei 1. Afghanistan2. Albania3. Algeria4. American Samoa5. Andorra6. Angola7. Argentina8. Armenia9. Aruba10. Austria
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