Title: CREW Network Council Meeting
1CREW NetworkCouncil Meeting
February 3, 2006Austin, TX
22006 CREW Network President
Beth Lambert-Saul
Archon Group, L.P.
3Thank You
42006 Board of Directors
- Marianne Ajemian
- Boston
- Nutter, McClennen Fish, LLP
- Ginger Bryant
- San Francisco Silicon Valley
52006 Board of Directors
- Amy Clement
- Charlotte
- Real Estate Strategic Solutions, LLC
- Janice Hawkins
- Indianapolis
- NAI/Olympia Partners
- Victoria Joly
- Toronto
- Brascan Financial Real Estate Group
62006 Board of Directors
- Lynny Osenbaugh
- Houston
- Osenbaugh Associates
- Shawn Rush
- Seattle
- Group Mackenzie
- Amy Durfee West
- Denver
- Durfee West P.C.
72006 Board of Directors
- Kathy Wilke
- Tucson
- GMAC Commercial Mortgage Corp.
- Gail S. Ayers, PhD
- CREW Network
82006 CREW Foundation Board of Trustees
Chair - Anne Lawler, CREW Seattle Past Chair -
Irene Hosford, CREW Dallas Gail Ayers, CREW
Network Tina Essegian, CREW San Francisco Mary
Fiore, NEWIRE Boston Anne Lawless, CREW
Atlanta Marianne Ajemian, NEWIRE Boston Ginger
Bryant, CREW San Francisco Collete English Dixon,
CREW Chicago Roberta Fuhr, CREW Seattle Julie
Kimble, MNCREW Jean Meilinger, CREW Chicago Susan
Nichols Novie, CREW Silicon Valley
Lynny Osenbaugh, CREW Houston Karen Priesman,
CREW Orange County Chris Reed, CREW Washington,
DC Karin Shulz, CREW Louisville Gabrielle
Tierney, CREW San Francisco Julie Williamson,
CREW Miami M. Maureen Anders, AZCREW Dottie
Cunningham, NY CREW Network Bonnie Gottlieb, CREW
Washington, DC Jodi Hartley, NEWIRE
Boston Diana Parker, CREW Miami Eliza Solender,
CREW Dallas
9CREW Network Works!
Thank you to all 2005 Committees Task Forces
11(No Transcript)
122006 CREW Network Immediate Past
PresidentNominating Committee Chair
Ginger Bryant
132006 Nominating Process
- March/April Inform members
- April/May Committee reviews questions/ process
- May Initial call for nominations
- June Reception in Charlotte
142006 Nominating Process
- July Candidates accept and submit resumes
- August President-Elect interviews and committee
- September Delegates approve slate
15What do we ask?
- Describe a leadership accomplishment
- Discuss your involvement with CREW
- Where do you think CREW Network should focus its
- Share a strategy that would support CREWs
strategic plan
16What do we look for?
- Strategic thinking and ability to execute plans
- Company support for your commitment
17Other questions
- How many positions are open?
- How many candidates usually apply?
- What is it like to be a director?
- Im interested what do I do?
- How does CREW Foundation select Trustees?
182006 Nominating Committee
- Ginger Bryant
- Immediate Past President (Chair)
- Beth Lambert-Saul
- President
- Marianne Ajemian
- President-Elect
- Gail S. Ayers
- CEO (Advisor)
19Proposed Delegate Members
2006 Nominating Committee
- Susan Hill
- CREW Houston
- Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, L.P.
- Tracy Allen
- CREW Northern Virginia
- ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC
- Collete English Dixon
- CREW Chicago
- Prudential Real Estate Investors/Prudential
- Jennifer Marler
- CREW St. Louis
- Sonnenschein Nath Rosenthal LLP
- Kathy Hansen
- CREW Dallas
- Spenser Commercial Real Estate, LLC
20February 3, 2006
Consent Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
- Approval of Delegate Members of 2006 Nominating
- CREW - Northern Colorado
- CREW Akron
21CREW Network Chapters
222006 CREW Events
232006 Council Meetings
- Spring Meeting
- Charlotte, NC
- June 11, 2006
- Fall Meeting
- Atlanta, GA
- October 18, 2006
242006 Regional CREW Events
252006 CREW Regional Events
Texas Connection
April 3 - 4, 2005The Ashton HotelFt. Worth, TX
26Texas Connection
- Nearly 200 attendees expected
- Ft. Worth, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio,
New Orleans
- Joanna Cloud, 817-335-5741
27Midwest Regional Conference
May 4 - 6, 2006Hyatt (Old Arcade)Cleveland, OH
28Midwest Regional Conference
- Debora Lasch, 216-241-2880
- CREW Cleveland
- CREW St. Louis
- IndyCREW
- CREW Columbus
- Wisconsin CREW
- CREW Cincinnati
- CREW Detroit
- CREW Chicago
- CREW Denver
- CREW Louisville
- Kansas City CREW
- CREW Pittsburgh
29California Regional Conference
May 11 - 12, 2006Fairmont San JoseSan Jose, CA
30California Regional Conference
- Mary Figlioli, 714-957-6152
- Nancy Brandt, 408-286-5800
- CREW Silicon Valley
- CREW Los Angeles
- CREW Orange County
- CREW Sacramento
- CREW San Diego
- CREW San Francisco
- East Bay CREW
31Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
May 11 - 12, 2006Omni HotelRichmond, VA
32Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
- Muriel Rodriguez, 804-649-7035
- CREW Richmond
- CREW Northern Virginia
- CREW Hampton Roads
- CREW Washington, DC
- CREW Maryland Suburban
- Triangle CREW
33Northeastern Regional Conference
May 11 - 12, 2006Hotel TBDBoston, MA
34Northeastern Regional Conference
- Janet Pirrello, 617-570-4415
- NEWIRE Boston
- NY CREW Network
- ICREW New Jersey
- CREW Philadelphia
- CREW Baltimore
- The Real Estate Exchange - Connecticut
352006 CREW Network Annual Convention Marketplace
October 18 21, 2006Hyatt Regency
AtlantaAtlanta, GA
362006 Annual Convention Marketplace
- New Professional Development Workshops
- Negotiation How to Become the Best Negotiator
You Can Be - Fundamentals of Real Estate Asset Management
- Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
372006 Annual Convention Marketplace
- Expanded Networking Exchange Tables from 10 to 20
382006 Annual Convention Marketplace
- Author of 2 international best sellers on
productivity - New book, Think Big Act Small, identifies the
practices of the best-performing businesses in
392006 Annual Convention Marketplace
- CNN news anchor
- Trainer and communications consultant will
empower you to have greater impact every time you
402006 Annual Convention Marketplace
- Cultural anthropologist,
lecturer, writer and
commentator - Adaptation to change and development
of thinking skills - Audiences have described as
inspiring, thought-provoking, humorous,
energizing, and quite
simply, brilliant
412006 Annual Convention Marketplace
- Senior VP at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, and Director of the Seven
Revolutions Initiative - Expert in geopolitical and country risk
assessment - Will share his knowledge of the driving forces of
change that will transform and govern our
422006 Annual Convention Marketplace
43New Directions
Updates on New Programs Initiatives
44Envisioning the Future
2006 Priorities
45CREWs Envisioned Future
- Women Influence Our Industry
- CREW Creates Opportunities for Women and Members
- Parity Creates a Competitive Advantage
- Associating with CREW Brings Success
462006 Priorities
- Influence and Empowerment of Members
- Communicating the Benefit of Membership
47Industry Research
48Industry Research Study
Gather Data/ Compare Results
Create Benchmark
Research Agenda Cycle
Inform Industry
Train Members/ Companies
Connect the Dots
Develop Relevant Programs/Tools
- Research Committee
- Smaller, focused studies
- White papers
49Research Successes
- Total Circulation 3,250,316
- Total Impressions (number of people who see the
articles shared copies) 11,376,106 - Total Media Contacts 542
50Research Successes
51Industry Research
- Advancing Our Research Agenda
- Communicate Study Results
- Online Toolkit
- Chapter Presentations
- Company Resources
- How have you used this study?
52(No Transcript)
53CREW Careers
Atlanta Charlotte Houston Orange
County Orlando Minneapolis Sacramento
St. Louis Seattle Silicon Valley Tampa
Bay Toronto Tucson Washington, DC
Boston Dallas Miami Philadelphia San Francisco
54CREW Careers
- Cushman Wakefield - 100,000
- KeyBank - 50,000
- Starbucks Coffee Company - 25,000
- Guggenheim - 10,000
- McCarthy Building Companies - 10,000
- NAIOP - 10,000
- CREW Miami - 5,000
- Perkins Coie LLP - 5,000
55CREW Careers
- Anne DeVoe Lawler, CREW Foundation Chair
- Irene Hosford, CREW Foundation Past Chair
- Lanette Stineman, CREW Foundation/ Development
56Membership/DuesTask Force
57Membership/Dues Task Force
- Standardize language for vendor and affiliate
members - Establish membership transfer program
- Provide optional dues discounts
- Students
- Public agencies/not-for-profits
- Retired members
- Increase years of experience
58Membership/Dues Task Force
- Increase minimum commercial real estate
experience from two years to five years - Amend and restate bylaws to incorporate all prior
59Task Force Rationale
- Improved market perception
- More accurate reflection of our members
experience - All chapters meet the proposed requirements
- Better quality/brand controls for expanding the
Network - May attract more senior members if they recognize
our members as their peers
60Task Force Rationale
- More concise
- Updated working document
61Membership/Dues Task Force
- Open discussion at Winter Meeting
- Distribute proposed language and Amended and
Restated Bylaws April 2006 - Delegate Vote Spring Meeting 2006
62Committee Opportunities
63Aligning the Committee Structure with Our
Strategic Plan
64New Committee Structure
- Nominating Committee
- Audit Committee
- Editorial Advisory Committee
- Recognition Committee
- Member Education/Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Finance Committee NEW
- Industry Research Committee NEW
65Resource Allocation
- Recognition Janice Hawkins
- Member Education/ Development Shawn Rush
- Development Amy Clement Amy West
- Finance Kathy Wilke
- Industry Research Victoria Joly
66How Will it Work
- Committee Chair(s) Members Selected
- Evaluate Current Structure
- Plot Committee Direction Based on Updated
Strategic Plan
- Establish Preliminary Agenda
67New Committee Structure
- Why Serve on a Committee?
- Enhance your leadership skills
- Increase your knowledge
- Expand your business network
- Directly impact the future of CREW
- Position yourself for Network leadership
68New Committee Structure
- How to Register Your Interest
- Complete the Committee Interest Form at your
table - Submit to CREW Network by February 15, 2006
69Networking Break
70Strategic Discussion
Enhancing the Network/Chapter Partnership
71Network/Chapter Partnership
- Expand chapter-to-chapter
communications - More effective training
development programs - More effective interaction,
more often - Better system for transferring
chapter Network information - Provide a direct link to the Network
- Enhance the Delegate role
- Keep information current relevant
72Evaluating Chapter Visits
- Connecting with the Network was a High Priority
88 - Chapter leaders want members to better understand
the value of the Network 64 - Chapter visits were effective in creating
enthusiasm for the Network (72) and for sharing
Best Practices (56) - Frequent ready to go PowerPoint presentations
73Evaluating Chapter Visits
- Leadership/training sessions at regional meetings
66 - Encouragement of chapter leaders to attend
training sessions at council meetings 51 - Sister Chapters 53
- More access to staff (49) and more regular calls
with Network board, staff, and other chapters
74Network/Chapter Partnership
What Were Doing
- Individual Professional Skills Training
- Board-Directed Dine Arounds at Winter Spring
- Flash Multimedia Presentations
75Chapter Liaison Program
- Board Member/Chapter Assignments
- Initial Introduction and Open Discussion during
Dine Arounds - Establish a Communication Plan
- Identify Best Practices
76Chapter Liaison Program
- Utilize Board and Staff Resources and Expertise
- Create Direct Links Chapter to Chapter, Chapter
to Network, Network to Chapter - Your Thoughts Open Discussion
77Open Dialogue
CREW Network Flash Presentation
782006 CREW Network President
Beth Lambert-Saul
Archon Group, L.P.
Victoria Joly
Brascan Financial Real Estate Group
2006 CREW Network Director
79Objectives of Using Flash
- Entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide have taken
advantage of multimedia Flash presentations to
get their message and brand out to their market
and help them achieve goals easier and faster.
- Our Flash presentation features a collection of
high-end visuals and a custom-scripted voice
track that describes who CREW Network is, our
core purpose, vision, the work we do, our
philanthropic focus and benefits of membership
and sponsorship
80Objectives of Using Flash
- The Flash presentation is intended to empower you
and your chapter in presenting the Power of Your
Connection message for use with
- Members (existing and new)
- Corporate sponsors
- Philanthropic donors or underwriters
- Board and committee members
- Speakers and presenters
- Raising your profile within your market and
81Next Steps for Flash Presentation
- We will be making improvement to our first
production and focus on improving
- The message
- The visuals
- The timing and length of the presentation
- We would benefit from your input and feedback
- Let us know if you could use this type of
82(No Transcript)
83Targeted Flash Questions
- What segment of the Flash presentation impressed
you most?
- What segment of the Flash presentation did you
feel was unnecessary or unclear?
- What do you believe is missing?
84Luncheon ProgramSuccessfully Branding Your
Ballroom D
85Training Sessions
- Chapter Leadership Training Session
Your Plan.
Make it Happen.
Ballroom BC
- Amy Clement, CREW Board Member
- Victoria Joly, CREW Board Member
- Professional Development Training Session
- Negotiation Plus for Women
- Ballroom A
- Lee E. Miller, Managing Director of
86Networking Reception
500 pm 630 pmBallroom Foyer
87(No Transcript)