Title: NASA Exploration Team Message
1NASAs Earth Science Planning Updatepresented
at the Joint Meeting of Ocean Sciences and
Surface Water Hydrology in Support of Wide-Swath
Altimetry MeasurementsOctober 30, 2006
Lucia Tsaoussi, Deputy Associate Director for
Research, Earth Science Division NASA Headquarters
2Presentation Outline
- NASAs Science Plan
- Development and review
- Focus On Earth Science Issues
- Earth Science planning timeline, recommendations
- Next Steps
- Near-term planning for plan amendment
3Why a New Science Plan?
- NASA released a new 2006 NASA Strategic Plan in
February 2006, in keeping with the triennial
requirement in the Government Performance and
Results Act - The Science organizations follow with a strategic
document describing their implementation of the
NASA Strategic Plan - The Space and Earth Science Enterprises produced
strategy documents in 2003 it is timely now for
the Science Mission Directorate to produce its
first strategy document - The Congress requires NASA to produce such a plan
in the 2005 NASA Authorization Act signed last
4NASAs Strategic Goals
- Strategic Goal 1 Fly the Shuttle as safely as
possible until its retirement, not later than
2010. - Strategic Goal 2 Complete the International
Space Station in a manner consistent with NASAs
international partner commitments and the needs
of human exploration. - Strategic Goal 3 Develop a balanced overall
program of science exploration, and aeronautics
consistent with the redirection of the human
spaceflight program to focus on exploration. - Strategic Goal 4 Bring a new Crew Exploration
Vehicle into service as soon as possible after
Shuttle retirement. - Strategic Goal 5 Encourage the pursuit of
appropriate partnerships with the emerging
commercial space sector. - Strategic Goal 6 Establish a lunar return
program having the maximum possible utility for
later missions to Mars and other destinations. - 2006 NASA Strategic Plan
5NASAs Strategic Goals
- Strategic Sub-goal 3A Study Earth from space to
advance scientific understanding and meet
societal needs. - Strategic Sub-goal 3B Understand the Sun and
its effects on Earth and the solar system. - Strategic Sub-goal 3C Advance scientific
knowledge of the origin and history of the solar
system, the potential for life elsewhere, and the
hazards and resources present as humans explore
space. - Strategic Sub-goal 3D Discover the origin,
structure, evolution, and destiny of the
universe, and search for Earth-like planets. - Strategic Sub-goal 3E Advance knowledge in the
fundamental disciplines of aeronautics, and
develop technologies for safer aircraft and
higher capacity airspace systems. - Strategic Sub-goal 3F Understand the effects of
the space environment on human performance, and
test new technologies and countermeasures for
long-duration human space exploration. - 2006 NASA Strategic Plan
6Purpose of NASA/SMD Science Plan
- Respond to Authorization Language
- NASA Authorization Act for 2005 (S.1281)
- Title I Section 101
- (d) SCIENCE. (1) IN GENERAL.The Administrator
shall develop a plan to guide the science
programs of NASA through 2016. - (2) CONTENT.At a minimum, the plan developed
under paragraph (1) shall be designed to ensure
that NASA has a rich and vigorous set of science
activities, and shall describe (A) the missions
NASA will initiate, design, develop, launch, or
operate in space science and earth science
through fiscal year 2016, including launch dates
(B) a priority ranking of all of the missions
listed under subparagraph (A), and the rationale
for the ranking and (C) the budget assumptions
on which the policy is based, which for fiscal
years 2007 and 2008 shall be consistent with the
authorizations provided in title II of this Act.
7Purpose of NASA/SMD Science Plan (2)
- Respond to Authorization Language
- NASA Authorization Act for 2005 (S.1281) cont
- (3) CONSIDERATIONS.In developing the science
plan under this subsection, the Administrator
shall consider the following issues, which shall
be discussed in the transmittal under paragraph
(6) (A) What the most important scientific
questions in space science and earth science are.
(B) How to best benefit from the relationship
between NASAs space and earth science activities
and those of other Federal agencies. (C) Whether
the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SIM-Planet
Quest, and missions under the Future Explorers
Programs can be expedited to meet previous
schedules. (D) Whether any NASA Earth observing
missions that have been delayed or cancelled can
be restored. (E) How to ensure the long-term
vitality of Earth observation programs at NASA,
including their satellite, science, and data
system components. (F) Whether current and
currently planned Earth observation missions
should be supplemented or replaced with new
satellite architectures and instruments that
enable global coverage, and all-weather, day and
night imaging of the Earths surface features.
(G) How to integrate NASA earth science missions
with the Global Earth Observing System of
8Science Plan Draft Outline
- Preamble The NASA Science Story
- Purpose Progress
- Summary of Science Questions and Prioritized
Missions - Principle requirement in the NASA Authorization
Act - Common Elements of Strategy
- Research Areas
- Bulk of the Plan a section for each of the four
science areas - Science Enabling and Enabled by Human Exploration
- Summary On the Brink of Understanding
- Appendices
9SMD Science Plan Schedule 10/5/06
Mars NRC Report
Earth (Internal Draft)
Mars to NRC
Solar System
Solar System (Exec Sum)
SMD Management Review
Draft of Common Elements Sections
Roadmap Presentations to Subcommittees
Status / Content Presentation to NAC / SC
Draft of Science Division Sections
Draft 3 for SC, Subcommittees, NRC, Industry
Italics change from prior version of the
Meeting of SSB ad hoc Review Committee
Draft 3.5 for Sept. Subcommittee Meetings
Comments from NRC, NSAG, etc.
Draft 4 for NAC/SC, Other Agency Review
Final Discussion with NAC / SC
Table top review with PAE
Table top review with OMB, OSTP
SSB report on impacts of FY07 request
Draft for Agency OMB clearance
Deliver to Congress
AGU 12/11-15
NAC Science Committee
2/7-8 HQ?
2/8-9 HQ
5/17-18 JPL
7/19-20 JSC
10/10-12 GSFC
Science Subcommittees
Chairs telecon - 4/7
5 mtgs in mid, late Sept
5/3-4 Conference
Draft 3.5 for Sept. Subcommittee Meetings
Detailed Schedule for Completion of SMD Science
Plan 10/5/06
HS Mtg
9/25-26 PSS Mtg
9/27-28 ES Mtg
AS Mtg
Critical window for revising draft
Comments from NRC, NSAG, etc.
SMD Senior Mgmt Mtg to Confirm Mission Priorities
Draft 4 for NAC/SC Review
Provide Draft 4 for review by other Agencies
Comments from Other Agencies
Cut off for external comments from all sources
Italics change from prior version of the
Draft 4.X if needed for NAC, other Agency comments
Table top review with PAE
Table top review with OMB, OSTP
Draft 5.0 for editing by PD
Draft 6.0 for layout by TAJ
Layout doc for editing
Doc ready to start Mgmt concurrence
Approved Doc (pre-pub)
Deliver to Congress post pdf version send to
Printed copies available
11External Review Groups
- NAC Science Committee Subcommittees
- National Research Council / Space Studies Board /
Committee on Review of NASA Science Mission
Directorate Science Plan - NASA Science Associates Group (major industrial
contractors) - Partner US Government Agencies
12NASA Advisory Council Structure
13FYI - NRCs Review Team
- A. Thomas Young Chair
- Spiro K. Antiochus NRL
- Ana P. Barros Duke U
- James L. Burch SRI
- Antonio J. Busalacchi U Md
- Jack D. Farmer Arizona State
- Margaret G. Finarelli GMU
- John P. Huchra Harvard- SCA
- Ralph Lorenz Univ of Arizona
- Daniel McCammon UW-Madison
- Anneila I. Sargent CIT
- Jessica Sunshine U Md
- Carl Wunsch MIT
14Earth Science Approach and Key Issues
20-30 page section
- ESD Roadmap and Decadal Survey in progress
- Legacy Science Focus Area roadmaps available and
draft Research Plan (Jan 2005) reviewed by ESSAAC - Plan to implement missions that are currently in
development and formulation - Utilize SFA Legacy roadmaps to initiate mission
concept studies in a preparatory process to
respond to decadal survey report - Continue to work interagency planning and
collaborative programs
15Earth Science
2006 Science Plan Earth Science section
(Interim Report)
6 Science Focus Area roadmaps yet to be
integrated into a single Earth Science roadmap
16Chapter 4 Earth Science
- 4.1 Intellectual Foundation
- 4.2 Science Objectives and Outcomes The Six
Science Focus Areas - 4.2.1 Atmospheric Composition
- 4.2.2 Weather
- 4.2.3 Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems
- 4.2.4 Water and Energy Cycle
- 4.2.5 Climate Variability and Change
- 4.2.6 Earth Surface and Interior
- 4.2.7 Interdisciplinary Science
- 4.3 Mission Summaries
- 4.3.1 Mission Classes
- 4.3.2 Missions in Formulation and Development
- 4.3.3 Planning for Future Missions
- 4.3.4 Representative Future Mission Elements
17Chapter 4 Earth Science (cont)
- 4.4 Program Elements
- 4.4.1 Research and Analysis Program
- 4.4.2 Applied Sciences Program
- 4.4.3 Technology Program
- 4.4.4 Modeling and High-End Computing
- 4.4.5 Data and Information Systems
- 4.4.6 Suborbital Science Program
- 4.4.7 Earth Observation and Science Partnerships
- 4.4.8 Earth Science Education and Public Outreach
- 4.5 Earth Science Beyond 2016
18Section 4.1 Intellectual Foundation
- The compelling nature of Earth Science leading to
NASAs strategic goal study planet Earth from
space to advance scientific understanding and
meet societal needs - The unique role of NASA among other US government
agencies and contributions made by NASA programs - Program essential to the implementation of 3
major Presidential initiatives (CCSP, GEO, AOP).
19NASA Strategic sub-goals
- 3A.1 Understanding and improving predictive
capability for changes in the ozone layer,
climate forcing, and air quality associated with
changes in atmospheric composition. - 3A.2 Enable improved predictive capability for
weather and extreme weather events. - 3A.3 Quantify global land cover change and
terrestrial and marine productivity, and improve
carbon cycle and ecosystem models. - 3A.4 Quantify the key reservoirs and fluxes in
the global water cycle and improve models of
water cycle change and fresh water availability. - 3A.5 Understand the role of oceans, atmosphere,
and ice in the climate system and in improving
predictive capability for its future evolution. - 3A.6 Characterize and understand Earth surface
changes and variability of the Earths
gravitational and magnetic fields
20Science Questions and Focus Areas
Precipitation, evaporation cycling of water
Atmospheric constituents solar radiation on
Clouds surface hydrological processes on
Weather variation related to climate variation?
Weather forecasting improvement?
Global ocean circulation varying?
Changes in land cover land use?
Consequences of land cover land use change?
Improve prediction of climate variability
Ecosystems, land cover biogeochemical cycles?
Motions of the Earth Earths interior?
Changes in global ocean circulation?
Coastal region impacts?
Ozone, climate air quality impacts of
atmospheric composition?
Global ecosystems changing?
Atmospheric composition changing?
Atmospheric trace constituents responses?
Carbon cycle ecosystem change?
Regional air quality impacts?
Ice cover mass changing?
Sea level affected by Earth system change?
Change in water cycle dynamics?
Earth surface transformation?
Predict mitigate natural hazards from Earth
surface change?
Climate Variability and Change Atmospheric
Composition Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems
Weather Water and Energy Cycle Earth
Surface and Interior
21(No Transcript)
22Earth-Sun Systems Earth Science FY07 Budget
23Earth Science Mission Priorities and Rationale
Highest priority is given to missions that
fulfill Legislative or Executive Branch mandates
and inter-agency commitments. Systematic
mission priorities are based on the importance of
the measurement to global change research and the
maturity of the operational transition
plan. These are followed by missions that will
make first-time global measurements two
pathfinder missions having been selected within
the same competitive process have a relative
priority inferred by the launch order. The
representative future measurements are not listed
in priority order. The forth-coming first NRC
decadal survey for Earth science will identify
science community priorities for future
measurements, as well as begin to address issues
arising from recent changes in the NPOESS
program. Also influencing the eventual priorities
is the US Integrated Earth Observation Strategy,
which plans the US contribution to the Global
Earth Observation System of Systems.
24Table 2.2.a Earth Science Mission Priorities and
NPOESS Preparatory Project (2009) Strategic mission - Systematic measurement Required for continuity of several key climate measurements between EOS and NPOESS
Landsat Data Continuity Mission (2010) Strategic mission - Systematic measurement Required for continuity of long-term global land cover change data plan for post-LDCM acquisition operational agency in work
Ocean Surface Topography Mission (2008) Strategic mission - Systematic measurement Required for continuity ocean altimetry planned as part of a transition to operational agencies
Glory (2008) Strategic - Initializes a systematic measurement Addresses high priority objective of the US Climate Change Science Program
Orbiting Carbon Observatory (2008) Competed mission - Earth System Science Pathfinder First global measurement of CO2 from space
Aquarius (2009) Competed mission - Earth System Science Pathfinder First global measurement of sea surface salinity from space
Global Precipitation Measurement (2012) Initializes a systematic measurement Extend spatial coverage to global and temporal coverage to every 3 hours with constellation
Earth System Science Pathfinder TBD (2014) Competed mission - 2008 solicitation for 2014 launch subsequent TBD Could address one of the future representative mission elements below focus and relative priority to be determined using decadal survey
25Section 4.3.3 Planning for Future Missions
- Mission Profile w/ESSP every two years
- Medium Class Systematic missions every other year
starting 2017 (5 missions thru 2025) - ESSP mission every other year starting 2014 (6
thru 2025) - Mission Profile w/ESSP every four years
- Medium Class Systematic missions start 2016 (6
thru 2025) - ESSP missions every four years starting 2014 (3
thru 2025) - Mission Profile w/ESSP every four years includes
Large Mission - Large mission in 2021 (1 thru 2025)
- Medium Class mission starting 2016 (4 thru 2025)
- ESSP mission starting 2014 (3 thru 2025)
26Table 4.3 Potential Mission Elements/Measurements
for Each Focus Area
Focus Areas Potential Element / Measurements Implementation Approach
Climate Variability and Change Sea surface and terrestrial water levels radar alt/ wide swath/ delayed doppler
Climate Variability and Change ICESat Follow-on (Detailed Ice elevation, ice sheet mass)
Climate Variability and Change Next Generation Ocean Surface Winds Advanced scatterometer
Earth Surface and Interior Wide Swath All Weather Geodetic Imaging L-Band InSAR
Earth Surface and Interior Land Surface Imaging spectrometers UV/vis, near-IR, thermal IR
Earth Surface and Interior Advanced Gravity Measurements GRACE-like satellite pairs, gradiometer constellation
Earth Surface and Interior Geodetic Observing System SLR/VLBI/GNSS ground networks
Earth Surface and Interior Ionospheric Dynamics and Atmospheric Surface Pressure GNSS Remote Sensing/Magnetometry
27Table 4.3 Potential Mission Elements/Measurements
for Each Focus Area
Focus Areas Potential Element / Measurements Implementation Approach
Water and Energy Cycle Global Soil Moisture Active Passive L-band (microwave) remote sensing system
Water and Energy Cycle Surface Water Runoff dual Ka-band SARs
Water and Energy Cycle Measurement of Snow and its Water Equivalent active Ku-band SAR passive microwave radiometer (K or Ka band)
Water and Energy Cycle Changes in Groundwater Storage Constellation of GRACE satellite pairs
Weather Global Wind Observing Sounder Hybrid (coherent and direct detection) Doppler wind lidar
Weather Geostationary Synthetic Thinned Aperture Radiometer Synthetic aperture microwave radiometer
Weather Active Temperature and Humidity Sounder Combination active (i.e. lidar) and passive IR sounder
Weather Geostationary Precipitation Radar Precipitation radar
Crosscutting Advanced Remote-sensing Imaging Emission Spectrometer Hyperspectral, high horizontal resolution IR and visible grating spectrometer imager sounder
28Table 4.3 Potential Mission Elements/Measurements
for Each Focus Area
Focus Areas Potential Element / Measurements Implementation Approach
Atmospheric Composition Sentinel multispectral atmospheric composition GEO or L1 spectrometers UV/vis, near-IR, thermal IR
Atmospheric Composition Next Generation Aerosol Measurements Multi-angle multi-spectral imaging polarimeter High sensitivity backscatter lidar
Atmospheric Composition Atmospheric Composition for Climate and Transport Advanced microwave sounder mid-earth orbit
Atmospheric Composition Systematic Upper Trop/lower Stratospheric Composition Micro-FTS Solar Occultation
Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Vegetation 3-D Structure, Biomass Disturbance In priority order 1) Profiling lidar P-band SAR 3) InSAR? Optimal Combination of 1 and 2 or 3
Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Global Ocean Carbon, Ecosystems, and Coastal Processes LEO spectrometer and aerosol instrument 20 aggregate bands in 350-1400 nm region with 5nm resolution from UV to 800nm 1km spatial resolution
Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Physiology Functional Groups Polar-orbiting imaging spectrometer(s) (340-2500 nm) -- with aerosol lidar for atmospheric correction. over ocean
29NAC Subcommittee Plan Review
- The NAC Science Committee discussed the draft
Science Plan outline and approach in May and the
draft (3.0) in July - (see next slide on the NACs recommendation and
NASAs response) - The Science Subcommittees reviewed the draft
(3.0) in their July meeting(s) and provided
comments - These comments were incorporated in Draft 3.75
- Most Science Subcommittees reviewed how we
addressed their comments in their September
meetings - Findings addressed in letters to the NAC SC
- The NAC Chairman identified two issues with draft
3.0 - In his view, the draft was not well written.
- NASA plans two rounds of professional editing
before completion - The draft did not adequately address lunar
science - Draft 4.0 articulates next steps in lunar science
planning in each Science chapter. Chapter 8 is
substantially revised in this direction
- Adopt scenario of medium mission/2yrs, ESSP/4yrs
- First open mission in current plan is an ESSP
in 2014 examine trade-off of scheduling medium
mission instead - Atmospheric composition continuous( gair
quality) global ( gclimate) measurement should be
top priority, implies sentinel orbit (L1 or GEO).
- Better discuss cross-cutting opportunities in
instruments platforms across focus areas,
importance of complementary technology (example
InSAR) - Flesh out Earth Science objectives beyond 2016
- Observation/prediction of rapid environmental
change - new technologies for Earth observation
(microsatellites) - Earth system modeling
- Better articulate science purpose of suborbital
program, esp. UAVs - Legacy road maps move to Appendix. New road
maps in 2007 (after decadal survey input) - Overall document needs executive summary
- Acronym list at beginning of each chapter
31National Research Council Overview
- Supportive of NASAs approach to mission
prioritization - the committee does not believe that NASA should
or could produce a prioritized list across
disciplines at this time. - Concerned with NASAs ability to carry out the
plan given the budget - Extensive reference to the NRC report An
Assessment of Balance in NASAs Science Program
SSB view of FY07 budget request - Recommendations are cast in terms of
recommendations on the implementation and
viability of the draft Science Plan - Several are not comments on the Plan per se, but
on actions SMD should take e.g., on RA and
controlling mission cost growth - Several good comments that will improve the
document. These are now in work by the Science
Plan team for incorporation in draft 4.0
32NRC Findings
- The draft NASA Science Plan successfully
demonstrates that a major NASA objective is
conducting scientific researchPortions of the
plan do an excellent job of outlining the reasons
that NASA carries out science missions - The committee supports the plans treatment of
priorities on a discipline-by-discipline basis
and concludes that NASA should not or could not
produce a prioritized list across disciplines - the current draft overemphasizes
mission-specific work at the expense of
strategies and steps for achieving goals in
mission-enabling areas - The draft Science Plan often declares an
intention to implement a program or identifies a
goal or mission as a top priority, but it does
not indicate what steps it would take to achieve
the goals (issue of mission cost growth, risk,
schedule) - lacks a strategy for an integrated synthesis of
the variety and volume of Earth observations
generated by NASAEarth system modelslinking and
cross-cutting the six ES interdisciplinary
science focus areas
33NRC Recommendations
- compare the key aspects of its 2003 Earth and
space science plans with the 2006 plan in a list
or table - provide some indication of the strategy it will
use to determine how critically needed
technologies will be developed for future
missions - explicitly address realistic strategies for
achieving the objectives of the mission-enabling
elements - Undertake appropriate studies through its
advisory structure in order to develop a
strategic approach to all of its RA programs - Develop a strategic plan to address computing
and modeling needs, including data and
information stewardship - NASA should improve mechanisms for managing and
controlling cost growthundertake independent,
systematic, and comprehensive evaluations of the
cost-to-complete of each of its space and Earth
science missions - NASA/SMD should move immediately to correct the
problems caused by reductions in the base of RA
programs, small missions, and initial technology
34NRC Recommendations for Earth Science Plan
- NASA/SMD should incorporate into its Science Plan
the recommendations of the NRC Earth science
decadal survey interim report, and should
incorporate the recommendations of the Earth
science decadal survey final report when it is
completed. - NASA/SMD should develop a science strategy for
obtaining long-term, continuous, stable
observations of the Earth system that are
distinct from observations to meet requirements
by NOAA in support of numerical weather
prediction. - NASA/SMD should present an explicit strategy,
based on objective science criteria for Earth
science observations, for balancing the
complementary objectives of (i) new sensors for
technological innovation, (ii) new observations
for emerging science needs, and (iii) long-term
sustainable science-grade environmental
35Impacts of the NPOESS Nunn-McCurdy Certification
- Presidential Decision Directive/NSTC-2 of May 5,
1994 created the National Polar-orbiting
Operational Environmental Satellite System
(NPOESS) - In 1999 NASA and the NPOESS Integrated Program
Office (IPO) agreed on the NPOESS Preparatory
Project (NPP) as an alternative to the second
round of Earth Observing System (EOS) mission - Due to a variety of technical problems, the
completion cost for NPOESS grew by more then 25
initiating the Nunn-McCurdy process in December
2005 - The restructured program was certified on June 5,
2006 - Restructured NPOESS deletes much of the climate
research observing capability - Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
asked for a white paper on the subject on June
25, 2006
36NPOESS Nunn-McCurdy Certification Content
37Summary of N-M Reductions and Actions
- De-manifested Sensors OMPS Limb Subsystem, TSIS,
ERBS, Ocean Altimeter (ALT) and APS. - Reduced Coverage Sensors VIIRS and CrIS
- Reduced Capability Sensor Conical Scanning
Microwave Imager (CMIS) - Navy tasked with providing mitigation plan for
ALT - NASA developed white paper now in review with
NOAA for joint paper submission - OSTP request for costs and schedules to restore
the original capabilities preliminary costing
completed - NASA/Navy/NOAA continuing discussions for joint
future altimetry mission
38Next Steps
- Accommodate Science Plan reviews (including other
agencies and White House Offices) to generate
Version for NASA final approval and submit to
Congress Dec. 2006 - Release of the Decadal Survey (DS) by the NRC to
NASA (and other sponsoring agencies) late 2006 - Assessment evaluation of NPOESS N-M impact by
WH and NRC panel report - Develop Earth Science roadmap following DS
priorities and mission studies results - Develop amendment for the Earth Science plan and
submit to Congress mid-2007
39Back up
40Certified NPOESS Program Schedule
41Science Mission Directorate Organization
Associate Administrator (AA) (M. Cleave) Deputy
AA (C. Hartman)
Deputy AA for Programs(M. Luther)
Deputy AA for Technology (G. Komar-Act)
Chief Scientist (P. Hertz)
Chief Engineer (K. Ledbetter)
Management Policy DivisionDir. (R.
Maizel)Deputy (Vacant)
HeliophysicsDivision Dir. (R. Fisher)Deputy (C.
AstrophysicsDivision Dir. (R. Howard-Act)Deputy
Planetary Science Division Dir. (J.
Green-Act)Dep. (S. Wojnar-Act)
Earth Science Division Dir. (B.
Cramer-Act)Deputy (J. Kaye-Act)
Flight (T. Hammer-Act)
Mars Program(D. McCuistion)
Budget (C. Tupper)
Policy (Vacant)
Applied Science (M. Frederick- Act)
Administration (Vacant)
Research (J. Kaye)
As of October 1, 2006
42Coordinating External Advice
- The standing advisory committees chartered to
give advice to the Agency are - NASA Advisory Council (NAC)
- Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP)
- ISS Independent Safety Task Force
- The NAC is the primary external group advising
NASA on its implementation of national space
policy - All other (formerly) independent groups and
committees have been brought under the purview of
the NAC - In this way, advice to NASA is coordinated and
provided to the Administrator - The NRC performs studies at the request of the
Congress or NASA, but is not part of the standing
advisory process - Responsibility and accountability for planning
and executing NASAs programs resides with NASA
43NAC Science Committee Members
- Dr. Edward David Chair - NAS/NAE, EDD Inc.
- Dr. Owen Garriott - Skylab Spacelab astronaut
- Dr. Alan Stern - SWRI NH-Pluto PI
- Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson - AMNH- NY
- Dr. Bradley Jolliff - Washington U/St. Louis
- Dr. Mark Robinson - Arizona St. Univ.
- Dr. Lennard Fisk - NRC Space Studies Board
chair (ex officio)
44NAC Science Committee Subcommittees
SMD agrees and has prepared a first external
review draft of the Science Plan based on the
President's FY 2007 budget for NASA. Initial
review of the NAC Science Subcommittees was
generally positive. The entire NAC will receive a
revised draft for review at its October meeting.
Note NASA cannot use OMB budget guidelines
in a document to be publicly released before the
budget is approved. The FY 2008 budget will be
presented in February 2007.
- Develop the Science Plan draft using the
- following guidelines
- Define key scientific questions for each area
- Define reasonable progress in each area by 2016
- Describe the roles of major project elements
(RA, technology, large and small missions, etc)
in each area. It is understood that the means
will differ from question to question - Use OMB budget guidelines as the financial
envelop to - - Define missions and specific programs
- - Define ST investments that need to be
made now to enable a robust set of
program/mission options in 2011 - - Use this planning exercise to inform FY08
budget formulation
45SMD Participation in the Vision for Space
- SMD has the lead for the robotic Mars, solar
system, and planet finding components of the
Vision - SMD is working with ESMD on planning for science
that enables and is enabled by the human
exploration portion Vision - SMD is sponsoring an NRC study of Lunar science
priorities interim report delivered, final to be
delivered in May 2007 - SMD and ESMD are jointly supporting the NASA
Advisory Councils Lunar Science Workshop planned
for Feb 26-March 2, 2007 - SMD is funding the Moon Mineralogy Mapper mission
on Indias Chandrayaan-1 mission - EMSD is funding a radiation environment
instrument on SMDs Mars Science Laboratory - SMD is funding an open solicitation for Lunar
sortie science concepts for the early human lunar
missions proposals due Oct. 27 - The Discovery and New Frontiers Programs both
currently provide opportunities for the science
community to propose missions to accomplish lunar
science investigations - SMD plays a program scientist role in LPRP
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) data sets will
be archived in the PDS and available to the
community starting 6 months after the end of
prime mission. - As funds can be identified, SMD plans to initiate
a Lunar Data Analysis Program
46NSAG Consensus Views
- General Reactions
- a very good document
- answers the mail in responding to Congress
with considerable justification for the approach
the Agency is taking - can be improvedincreasing use of graphics,
adding greater description of societal benefits,
and a more comprehensive discussions of the
interactions between SMD and ESMD plans, esp.
lunar science - Clearly a difficult task to develop an Earth
science plan absent an NRC decadal survey some
detailed comments in Consolidated Comments - Responsiveness to Congressional Direction
- addresses the Congressional direction in spirit
while not necessarily to the letter - the NSAG supports SMDs approach of presenting
its prioritization by disciplines - creation of a single chart, showing all
divisions missions togetherthrough 2016 - NASAs Prioritization Rationale
- generally appear to be internally
self-consistent and consonant with Congressional
47NSAG Consensus Views (contd)
- Technology Development and Insertion
- does not focus much attention on the technology
development needed - The Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) and
the New Millennium Program could be described in
greater detail - Industry possesses a wealth of applicable
technology, and NASA should address this resource
and how it can be tapped in this plan - Mission Size Mix
- better define what is meant by large or
small missions - The plan shows a decrease in launch rate of AO
missionsthere is a consensus that this class of
mission is very valuableit is not our intent to
make a specific recommendation in this regard - Industry-NASA Relations
- provide a clear statement of the value of the
industry-government partnership - Greater collaboration with industry is
recommended in order to get industry inputs and
analyses early on in the process of
conceptualizing architectures, missions, and
relevant technologies
48Ocean Altimeter (ALT)
- Oceans exert great influence on climate huge
sink for solar energy - Transport heat in ocean currents, release it back
into the atmosphere as water vapor, transport it
in the atmosphere, condenses, and returns as rain
or snow the hydrologic cycle - Satellites offer a synoptic view of oceans
starting with Seasat (1978), Geosat (1985),
TOPEX/Poseidon (1992), JASON-1 (2001), and OSTM
(2008) - NOAA and Navy are planning future operational
missions - NASA is working with the Navy and NOAA on an
advanced altimetry mission that is backward
compatible with OSTM and includes a Ka-Band
interferometer ocean altimeter to provide wide
swath coverage and greater spatial resolution - This approach enables the examination of land
surface water (rivers and lakes) as well as
costal waters that are not presently available
with OSTM
49Interim Report Recommendations
- Proceed with the GPM and the Atmospheric
Soundings from Geostationary Orbit (GIFTS)
missions - Evaluate plans for transferring needed
capabilities to NPOESS (Ocean Vector Winds, LDCM,
GLORY) - Develop a technology base for future Earth
observation - Reinvigorate the NASA Earth Explorer Missions
Program - Strengthen research and analysis programs and
- Strengthen baseline climate observations and
climate data records.
- Recommendation 2 addressed
- Recommendation 1 has not been addressed
- Recommendations 3,4, and 6 are mentioned but
without providing objective, as well as strategic
and tactical vision - Recommendation 5 is not addressed at all.