Title: Rococo and Enlightenment Artists
1Rococo and Enlightenment Artists
2Francois Boucher (1703 - 1770) Nationality
FrenchMovement RococoMedia PaintingInfluences
BiographySon of an artist, Francois Boucher
learned many techniques as a child before
receiving his formal art education from Francois
Lemoyne. His initial job was as an engraver,
producing replicas of Watteaus drawings.
However, he also was a successful painter and one
the Prix de Rome in 1723. He then studied
throughout Italy and began receiving royal
commissions and a position as court artist.
Boucher also worked for high profile, Madame de
Pompadour, creating portraits and decorating her
palace. Because Boucher was primarily painting
for others, his work was consistently focused on
pleasant, mythological subject matters and scenic
3Crossing the Bridge
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5The Love Letter
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7The Washerwoman
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9Reclining Girl
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11The Toilet of Venus
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13Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin
14Chardin may possibly have been the greatest still
life painter to ever pick up a brush. Though of
the Rococo era, there is little of its
lighthearted gaiety in his work. Instead,
Chardin's genre scenes depict the everyday life
of middle-class France, while his still lifes are
of commonplace objects. His (presumed he kept it
a secret) technique of slowly combining thick
layers of paint with thin glazes to show light
inspired van Gogh, Cézanne, Matisse and Braque,
among many others.
15Basket of Wild Strawberries
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17Still Life With Game
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19The Ray
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21The Silver Goblet
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23The Silver Tureen
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25The Smoking Salon
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27The Governess
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29The Washerwoman
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31Soap Bubbles
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33Grace Before the Meal
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35Jacques-Louis David(1748-1825)
36Oath of the Horatii
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38Death of Socrates
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40Death of Marat
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42Lictors Bringing Brutus the Bodies of his Sons
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44Portrait of Mme. Recamier
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46Napoleon Crossing St. Bernard Pass
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48Napoleon in his Study
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