... Chlorophyta Green Algae Spirogyra being eaten by a heterotroph Amoeba proteus-unicellular protozoan- Rhizopoda Rhizopoda amoebas-using pseudopodia Rhizopoda ...
Rhizopoda yang hidup di laut memiliki cangkang keras untuk melindungi selnya yang terbuat dari silikon (contoh Radiolaria) atau kalsium karbonat (misal Foraminifera).
PROTOZOOSES Protozooses Ameb ase Rhizopoda Giard ase - Zoomastigophora Doen a de Chagas - Zoomastigophora Leishmaniose - Zoomastigophora Mal ria - Apicomplexa ...
... penyatuan gamet, konjugasi Kista (sel tidak aktif) Rhizopoda (Sarcodina) 1. Alat gerak: pseupodia 2. Ada yang telanjang maupun bercangkang 3. Bentuk sel ...
Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity Fred Searcy Broward Community College Kingdom Protista Phylum Rhizopoda Phylum Actinopoda Phylum Foraminifera Phylum Apicomplexa ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation - Lab 12 Review Author: Michael Shaw Last modified by: Michael Shaw Created Date: 1/29/1996 3:34:37 AM Document presentation format
KINGDOM PROTISTA Biology 106 By: Sameera Haq Professor Taylor Anderson-McGill Its function is to regulate water and salt balance Is this eukaryotic or prokaryotic?
Protista Seperti Tumbuhan / Algae Protista Seperti Hewan / Protozoa Protista Seperti Jamur Ada yang uniseluler atau multiseluler Tubuh algae multiseluler disebut ...
Biological Classification * Why classify? Humans have developed classification systems in order to make sense of the abundant biological diversity that exists in nature.
Highly diverse in nutrient acquisition and lifestyle. Some are involved in symbiotic relationships ... Paramecia life cycle. Plasmodium vivax. life cycle ...
Protists on Parade Living things are classified into Six Kingdoms: Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protists Fungi Plants Animals We have discussed bacteria, which fit into ...
PROTISTA Aditya Pusparajasa, S.Si PROTISTA??? Protista adalah kelompok makhluk hidup eukariotik uniseluler atau multiseluler yang belum terdeferensiasi menjadi ...
Protozoa Intestinal By: dr. Nurhayati, M. Biomed (Parasitologi FK UNAND) PROTOZOA jasad renik (mikro organisme) hewani, satu sel, hidup sendiri/ dalam bentuk koloni ...
Kingdom Protista Chlamydomonas are actually unicellular and flagellated. Fungus-like protists, Myxomycota and Oomycota are decomposers. Phylum Myxomycota are made up ...
PROTOZOA Marlia Singgih Wibowo Pendahuluan Protozoa berarti first animal , suatu bentuk sederhana kehidupan hewan Dapat hidup bebas di laut, air tawar ...
Kingdom Protista Chlamydomonas are actually unicellular and flagellated. Fungus-like protists, Myxomycota and Oomycota are decomposers. Phylum Myxomycota are made up ...
... Phylum Apicomplexa All parasites Transmitted through blood-eating insects or feces Malaria One of ... kidney failure or brain damage Malaria and fake drugs: ...
REGNO DEI PROTISTI Prof.ssa Elena Truffo Anno scolastico 2004/05 Caratteristiche Eucarioti Per la maggior parte sono unicellulari, alcune alghe (in particolare rosse ...
PROTISTA By: Hari Prasetyo Pyrophyta/Dinoflagellata Disebut dengan ganggang api karena Beberapa spesiesmampu berpendar (fluoresence) shg tampak bercahaya di malam ...
Kingdom Protisata Protista Seperti Tumbuhan Protista Seperti Jamur Protista Seperti Hewan * * * * * Memahami prinsip-prinsip pengelompokkan makhluk hidup.
Hipermastigotos Filo Diplomonadida A maioria s o simbi ticos, com poucos de vida livre; Normalmente com oito flagelos; Sem mitoc ndrias. Filo Chlorophyta Algas ...
Lecture 3 The Living Foraminifera The protoplasm of a foraminiferid comprises a single cell differentiated into an outer layer of clear ectoplasm and an inner layer ...
The Diversity of Life Classification, Viruses, Prokaryotes, Protists and Fungi Magnet: Parts of Chapters 20-23 Honors: Parts of Chapters 17 -20 Ecological Impacts of ...
Most have mitochondria, chromosomes. Reproduce asexually and sexually. Diversity of Protists ... Early classifications into plant or animal split the protists ...
phylum protozoa 1. definisi protos : pertama zoion : hewan uniseluler tubuh 1 protozoa --- sel --- metazoa 2. bentuk umum protozoa ---- tdk. terbatas : simetri ...
BAB V PROTISTA Contoh Protista yang Menyerupai Jamur Saprolegnia Saprolegnia yang menempel pada tubuh ikan Plasmopora viticola yang menyerang buah anggur Siklus hidup ...
Neutralismo (0,0) - Poblaciones espacialmente distantes - Poblaciones fuera de sus h bitats naturales - Condiciones de no crecimiento - En estado de reposo
... gatunensis is the dominant limnetic crustacean in Gatun Lake and has the largest body length. ... Crustaceans in lowland tropical lakes. Are there general ...
GENERAL PROTOZOOLOGY By Dr. Emad AbdElhameed Morad Lecturer of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Protozoa are Unicellular organisms. Structurally equivalent to a ...
Phylogeny Review District AP Biology Session Phylum Echinodermata The only invertebrate, nonchordate deuterostomes Sessile or slow moving Spiny skin Water vascular ...
Protists Chapter 18 What are protists? Common features Endosymbiosis/ Lynn Margulis Theory of endosymbiosis proposes that mitochondria originated as symbiotic ...
Protists and Fungi Kingdoms Chapter 9 What is a protist? A single or many-celled organism that lives in moist or wet surroundings. What are properties of the protist ...
Eukaryotes Protista What do Eukaryotes have that Prokaryotes do not? Membrane-bound nucleus Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and endomembrane system Cytoskeleton Flagella ...