Title: The Chemistry of Life Author: Trial User Last modified by: mary drexler Created Date: 7/10/2005 2:41:45 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Macromolecules The chemical basis of life. CHNOPS - elements most commonly found in organic molecules organic molecules contain carbon Most Common Organic Compounds ...
Macromolecules 7.6.4. Types of Inhibitors with Examples Chemicals other than intended reactant bonded to the active site or changing the shape of the active site.
Macromolecules The building blocks of life Macromolecules Cells are composed of several types of biological macromolecules. These function as energy-storage ...
Macromolecules Section 2.3 Notes * * A little chemical review Molecules Compounds Bonding Organic means Carbon Organic compounds make up all living things.
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: SANTA MONICA CCD Last modified by: Mary Colavito Created Date: 11/10/2000 1:32:00 PM Document presentation format
Macromolecules GIANT MOLECULES Made up of thousands of single organic molecules known as monomers. Formed by a process known as polymerization, in which large ...
What is a condensation reaction? Reaction used to link monomers to build polymers by the removal of water. All macromolecules are built using this reaction!
Macromolecules Organic Compounds Compounds that contain CARBON are called organic. Macromolecules are large organic molecules. Carbon (C) Carbon has 4 electrons in ...
MACROMOLECULES Macromolecules (1000 s of atoms and weigh over 100,000 daltons) 4 Kinds of macromolecules: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids (know ...
Macromolecules Organic Compounds Compounds that contain CARBON are called organic. Macromolecules are large organic molecules. Carbon (C) Carbon has 4 electrons in ...
Final Jeopardy These ... back Click a Dollar Amount to Choose a Question back Nucleic Acids 1000 These four nitrogenous bases make up the alphabet of DNA ...
C, H, and O occur in a ratio that is ALWAYS. Are the major source energy for all cells. ... Figure 46.13b Oogenesis. Figure 46.9x Ovary (left) and follicle (right) ...
Macromolecules The chemical basis of life. CHNOPS - elements most commonly found in organic molecules organic molecules contain carbon Most Common Organic Compounds ...
Carbon can form covalent bonds with as many as 4 other atoms (elements) ... cellulose (lettuce, corn) glucose. glucose. glucose. glucose. glucose. glucose. glucose ...
Macromolecules Obj 3.2.1 Organic VS Inorganic Organic compounds contain carbon and found in living things Exceptions: hydrogencarbonates (bicarbonate HCO3 ...
Macromolecules What are they? What to include in your notes In chart format Columns Name of macromolecule Name of Building Block/ Monomer Structure of building ...
alanine. H3C H. H3C-CH2-CH-C-COO- NH3. isoleucine. Group I. Non-polar side chains. H ... arginine. histidine. N. N. H. H. H3N-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-C-COO- NH3 NH2 ...
Macromolecule Notes Biology Per.2 Proteins Enzyme = most important protein Structural roles: Cartilage, bones, tendons. Contain collagen Amino Acids: the building ...
What are the main types of foods that you eat? How ... Alanine. Serine. Section 2-3. Figure 2-16 Amino Acids. Amino group. Carboxyl group. General structure ...
Biochemistry - Macromolecules Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates Body s most important source of energy Plants are our source of ...
Properties of Macromolecules Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleotides Lipids Trans vs. Cis fatty acids Properties of lipids: nonpolar, hydrophobic, long ...
Notes 3- Macromolecules Review of Terms Molecule Two or more atoms joined by chemical bonds Macromolecule Large polymer made of repeating monomer units Four types of ...
Subunit of any macromolecule is called a monomer. There are ... This cicada. is molting, shedding its old. exoskeleton and emerging. in adult form. ...
Macromolecules. Biology. What does organic mean? Organic Molecules contain both ... In order to become stable, a carbon atom forms four covalent bonds that fill its ...
Digesting macromolecules lab Outline of the day Turn in your lab reports at the front More than 10 minutes late = bad Any questions on last week s lab?
OH. OH. CH2OH. CH2OH. CH2OH. CH2OH. Cellulose structure. Fig. 2-15. Macromolecules. 4 major classes: ... A five-carbon sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) A phosphate group ...
Composed of chains of amino acids ... Each different protein has its own order, or 'sequence,' of amino acids ... Primary structure: amino acid sequence ...
Class Notes 3: Macromolecules I. Macromolecules Macromolecules are really big molecules. There are 4 main types in living things: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and ...
Organic Chemistry and Macromolecules What makes a molecule organic? Carbon How many bonds does carbon want? Carbon can form molecules of all different sizes and shapes
Title: Carbohydrates Author: Timberlake Last modified by: Tara and Eric McIntyre Created Date: 10/8/1999 8:39:55 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Carbon can form covalent bonds with as many as 4 other atoms ... glycogen (beef muscle) cellulose (lettuce, corn) glucose. glucose. glucose. glucose. glucose ...
Dehydration synthesis removing water from two monomers to make them ... Water fearing. Make up cell membranes. Form a bi-layer to protect the cell. Proteins ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Jianpeng Ma Last modified by: Jianpeng Ma Created Date: 1/4/1970 3:53:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
IDENTIFYING MACROMOLECULES IN FOOD LAB Madison Southern High School Biology Introduction Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all essential nutrients.
Organic Chemistry Macromolecule Structure Review Carbohydrates Made of C-H2O Main source of energy Simple Sugars Starches Glucose... Ribose... A Starch...
Macromolecules. HW pg 54 #1-10, 15-17, 22. Pg 48 # 1-3. Read 58-76. Test Review. Test ... Macromolecules. A macromolecule is a polymer of high molecular weight. ...
Title: The Structure and Function of Macromolecules Author: Ruth Gleicher Last modified by: Tracy Blondis Created Date: 7/7/1999 3:11:16 PM Document presentation format