Afhangende van die tipe en stadium daarvan, kan longkanker behandel word met chirurgie, chemoterapie of ander medikasie, bestralingsterapie, plaaslike behandelings soos laserterapie, of 'n kombinasie van behandelings.
Afhangende van die tipe en stadium daarvan, kan longkanker behandel word met chirurgie, chemoterapie of ander medikasie, bestralingsterapie, plaaslike behandelings soos laserterapie, of 'n kombinasie van behandelings.
Afhangende van die tipe en stadium daarvan, kan longkanker behandel word met chirurgie, chemoterapie of ander medikasie, bestralingsterapie, plaaslike behandelings soos laserterapie, of 'n kombinasie van behandelings. Kombinasiebehandeling of multimodaliteitsbehandeling verwys na meer as een tipe behandeling. Mense wat rook het die grootste risiko van longkanker. Die risiko van longkanker neem toe met die tyd en aantal sigarette wat gerook word. Om op te hou rook, selfs nadat jy vir baie jare gerook het, verlaag die kanse aansienlik om longkanker te ontwikkel. Longkanker kan ook voorkom by mense wat nog nooit gerook het nie.
N dory endometria Michael J. Hala ka Gynekologicko-porodnick klinika 2. LF UK Praha, FN Motol Onkogynekologick odd len FNM Nezhoubn n dory endometr ln ...
Indikace k transplantaci hematopoetick ch kmenov ch/progenitorov ch bun k Prof. RNDr. Ilona Hromadn kov , PhD. Odd len molekul rn biologie a patologie bu ky
MGMT status v glioblast moch. INI1 prote n v rabdoidn ch tumoroch. Oligodendrogli my a ... MLPA (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification komercn kity) 1p ...
Title: L iva Author: Vlastimil Van k Description: Dostupn z Metodick ho port lu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovan ho z ESF a st tn ho rozpo tu R.
(bevacizumab) v l b 1.linie metastazuj c ho karcinomu kolorekta Srpen 2005 Obsah Novotvorba c v a VEGF VEGF a patologick angiogeneza v n doru Inhibice VEGF ...
Veterin rn mikrobiologie Sou st medic nsk mikrobiologie (bakteriologie, virologie a mykologie) Objevy a objevitel Hippocrates (4.stol.) epidemiologick ...
Title: Project of the Medical Virtual Library (MEDVIK) in the Czech Republic Author: Bouzkov Helena Last modified by: 25124 Created Date: 9/4/2002 12:38:49 PM
Acute myeloid leukaemia: pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment Tomas Kozak Department of Clinical Haematology, University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady
Acute leukaemias: pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment Tomas Kozak Department of Internal Medicine and Haematology, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in ...
Hypertermie Pavel Lstiburek L ba hypertermi Definice Historie Princip Termoradioterapie Termochemoterapie Metody hypertermie Prosp ch a rizika hypertermie ...
Title: Ven z Tromboemboli Risk Fakt rleri ve Profilaksi Author: Halit ngen Last modified by: a Created Date: 3/31/2004 1:15:27 PM Document presentation format
... preoperative cytostatic treatment in patients with locally advanced solid tumors; ... used in the treatment of cancer interfere with the production ...
Title: Prezentace aplikace PowerPoint Author: Iva Last modified by: Iva Created Date: 2/25/2006 6:15:17 PM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce
Gastric & Rectal Cancer D. Genovesi Radiation Oncology Department CHIETI * * * * * Metastatic nodes: less than 5mm in 50% Dworak et al ...
Exploring the need of oncology nurses to use current awareness services (CAS) ... Enabling oncology nurses & health care professionals to exploit WWW CAS ...
Action of and Resistance to drugs and toxic metals by E. B rje Lindstr m This learning object has been funded by the European Commissions FP6 BioMinE project
UO-Ematologia CTMO Fondazione Policlinico, Mangiagalli Regina Elena, ... the goal of chemoterapy was purely palliative in intent. alkylators were the only therapy ...
This learning object has been funded by the European ... in organic mercury , C-Hg, Hg is first removed with the enzyme lyas. Mercuric resistance, cont. ...
This learning object has been funded by the European Commissions FP6 BioMinE project ... NAM NAG NAM NAG NAM NAG. L-ala. D-glu. L-lys. D-ala. D-ala ...
Tumore della cervice uterina Prof. Guido Ambrosini Universit degli Studi di Padova Eziologia del carcinoma del collo dell utero Infezioni virali del collo dell ...
Prior / concomitant RT. Age. Previous cardiac disease. Hypertension. Other drugs ... Switching from concomitant to sequential is a pharmacologically sound option to ...