O viaţă întreagă veţi mărturisi cu mândrie: ”Şi eu am fost la Alba Iulia !” Fiii fiilor voştri vor chezăşui puternic și fericiţi, rostind: ”Şi părinţii noştri au fost la Alba Iulia!”
Staicu Mircea anul 1, gr. 4B Adobe Illustrator este un program cu un mediu complex bazat pe grafica vectoriala, dezvoltat si comercializat de catre compania Adobe.
SEMIOLOGIE MEDICAL Anul II Stomatologie Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Romo an Emfizem pulmonar SINDROMUL MEDIASTINAL - disfonie - disfagie - tumori - superior AO ...
SEMIOLOGIE MEDICAL Anul II Stomatologie Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Romo an Examenul obiectv al abdomenului Examenul obiectiv al abdomenului 1. hipocondrul drept 2 ...
SEMIOLOGIE MEDICAL Anul II Stomatologie Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Romo an SEMIOLOGIA FICATULI I C ILOR BILIARE Explorarea paraclinic a ficatului Sindromul de ...
Romulus Guga (1939-1983), poet, prozator şi dramaturg român, redactor-şef al revistei Vatra, pe care a înfiinţat-o (serie nouă, mureşeană), în anul 1971. „…o, cine va ști c-am trecut ca o lacrimă pe obrazul acestei planete albastre?”
Cholula (statul Puebla) face parte din istoria însângerată a Mexicului, fiind celebră şi datorită „măcelului de la Cholula”. În anul 1519 Hernan Cortés intră în oraş şi „le dă o lecţie” locuitorilor, ucigând în numai două ore mai mult de 3.000 de localnici de oarece luptaseră împotriva lui. La Cholula a existat cea mai mare piramidă din lume, piramida Tepanapa, construită în cinstea lui Quetzalcoatl, şarpele cu pene de quetzal. Ea a fost ridicată în mai multe etape, până la anul 800 d.C. A fost distrusă aproape în totalitate de spaniolii care au construit în anul 1666 cu pietrele ei, deasupra, biserica Nostra Señora de los Remedios
Raiffeisen BANK Banca ta de incredere! Airinei Ioan, anul IV, grupa 4A Recunoastere prin Global Finance Prestigioasa revista Global Finance a desemnat ...
Patologia gastro-duodenal Curs anul IV M.G. REFLUXUL GASTROESOFAGIAN Refluxul gastroesofagian (RGE) este definit ca ntoarcerea unei cantit i de con inut ...
Registrul Potentialilor Contractori (RPC) Planul sectorial, lansat in anul 2004 raspunde, prin proiectele componente, unor necesitati ale Ministerului Educatiei si ...
Vlad Calugarul, Radu Paisie, C. Mavrocordat si Grigore al II-lea Ghica, dau manastirii ajutoare traditionale in bani: intre 4.000 si 6.600 aspri anual.
Elefantul de savană, Loxodonta africana – elefantul african face parte din ordinul Proboscidae, familia Elephantidae. Elefanţii africani pot fi văzuţi mai ales în parcurile naţionale sau rezervaţiile din sudul Africii. Elefanţii sunt ierbivori, hrănindu-se cu toate tipurile de vegetaţie: ierburi, frunze, fructe, coajă de copac Cu fildeşii extrem de ascuţiţi, elefantul African nu este atât de prietenos pe cât îl consideră lumea. Omoară mai mult de 500 de oameni anual. Un singur exemplar cântareşte mai mult de 6 tone.
Situated on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, between the cities of Victoria Falls and Livingstone, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1989 Situată la graniţa dintre Zimbabwe şi Zambia, între oraşele Victoria Falls şi Livingstone, Cascada Victoria a fost declarată în anul 1989 monument al naturii UNESCO Cascada este numită de către băştinaşii Kolo Mosi-oa-Tunya „Fumul tunător“, iar numele reprezintă ceaţa provenită din pulverizarea apei, care se ridică până la 30 de m înălţime, fiind vizibilă de la o distanţă de 30 km
Suedia Maciovan Liana Clasa a VI-a E2 Caracteristici generale Suprafa a total : 449 964 km Popula ia: 9,2 milioane Capitala: Stockholm Anul ader rii la UE: 1995 ...
Din anul 1990, n vestul Madagascarului, la ini iativa UNESCO, a fost creat i inclus n Patrimoniul Mondial, Bemaraha National Park. 752 km de peisaje ...
Ford Fiesta Mk5 este o generatie a modelului Ford Fiesta, lansata pe piata in anul 2002. Acest model a fost construit pe baza unei platforme complet noi si a fost disponibil intr-o configuratie de caroserie hatchback.
SILVIA VL SCEANU Absolvent al Institutului Politehnic Bucure ti, Facultatea Energetic (1986) n anul 1998 a absolvit i Academia de Studii Economice, Marketing
Ford Fiesta Mk5 este o generatie a modelului Ford Fiesta, lansata pe piata in anul 2002. Acest model a fost construit pe baza unei platforme complet noi si a fost disponibil intr-o configuratie de caroserie hatchback.
Ford EcoSport este un SUV subcompact popular care a fost lansat în anul 2012 și a devenit rapid un favorit al consumatorilor. În ultimii ani, modelele Ford EcoSport din 2019-2021 au câștigat și mai multă popularitate datorită caracteristicilor lor îmbunătățite și a designului modernizat.
Monte Albán („muntele alb”) este oraşul cel mai reprezentativ pentru civilizaţia zapotecă şi îşi datorează numele florilor albe ale unor copaci care cresc aici. Situat la 8 km vest de Oaxaca la o altitudine de 2000 m, pe un platou cu o înălţime de 400 m de-asupra oraşului. Arheologii au stabilit 6 perioade distincte de ocupaţie începând din anul 500 î.C şi au descoperit artefacte care denotă strânse legături cu civilizaţia coastei olmece, urmată apoi de legături cu civilizaţia Teotihuacan în perioada 300 - 700 d.C
SEMIOLOGIE MEDICAL Anul II Stomatologie Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Romo an EXAMENUL OBIECTIV STAREA PREZENT = EX. OBIECTIV = COMPLET ( Examinarea din cre tet p n ...
The Albert Memorial was commissioned by Queen Victoria as a tribute to her late consort, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The high-gothic monument was completed in 1876, 15 years after prince Albert died at the age of 41. The Albert Memorial is situated in Kensington Gardens, London, England, directly to the north of the Royal Albert Hall. It was commissioned by Queen Victoria in memory of her beloved husband, Prince Albert who died of typhoid in 1861. The memorial was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the Gothic Revival style. Opened in July 1872 by Queen Victoria, with the statue of Albert ceremonially "seated" in 1875, the memorial consists of an ornate canopy or pavilion containing a statue of the prince facing south. The memorial is 176 feet (54 m) tall, took over ten years to complete, and cost £120,000 (the equivalent of about £10,000,000 in 2010). The cost was met by public subscription.
Title: Presentaci n de PowerPoint Author: zak Last modified by: pcasas Created Date: 10/6/2006 8:42:23 AM Document presentation format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)
NOUTATI DIN AGRICULTURA ECOLOGICA Dr. ing.Teodora ALDESCU Director executiv Asociatia EcoR Partener Centrul Pentru Promovarea si Marketingul Produselor Ecologice ...
The Cathedral of Siena (Italian: Duomo di Siena), dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian church and now to Santa Maria Assunta (Most Holy Mary of Assumption), is a medieval church in Siena, central Italy. The cathedral itself was originally designed and completed between 1215 and 1263 on the site of an earlier structure. It has the form of a Latin cross with a slightly projecting transept, a dome and a bell tower. The dome rises from a hexagonal base with supporting columns. The lantern atop the dome was added by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The nave is separated from the two aisles by semicircular arches. The exterior and interior are constructed of white and greenish-black marble in alternating stripes, with addition of red marble on the façade. Black and white are the symbolic colors of Siena, etiologically linked to black and white horses of the legendary city's founders, Senius and Aschius.
The Albert Memorial was commissioned by Queen Victoria as a tribute to her late consort, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The high-gothic monument was completed in 1876, 15 years after prince Albert died at the age of 41. The Albert Memorial is situated in Kensington Gardens, London, England, directly to the north of the Royal Albert Hall. It was commissioned by Queen Victoria in memory of her beloved husband, Prince Albert who died of typhoid in 1861. The memorial was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the Gothic Revival style. Opened in July 1872 by Queen Victoria, with the statue of Albert ceremonially "seated" in 1875, the memorial consists of an ornate canopy or pavilion containing a statue of the prince facing south. The memorial is 176 feet (54 m) tall, took over ten years to complete, and cost £120,000 (the equivalent of about £10,000,000 in 2010). The cost was met by public subscription.
Mérida is the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, and the largest city in southeastern Mexico. Mérida is also the cultural and financial capital of the Yucatán Peninsula. The city's rich cultural heritage is a product of the syncretism of the Maya and Spanish cultures during the colonial era. The Cathedral of Mérida, Yucatán was built in the late 16th century with stones from nearby Maya ruins and is the oldest cathedral in the mainland Americas
Rata de solu ionare a dosarelor An/luna Nr. dosare solu ionate Nr. dosare intrate Rata solu ionare IANUARIE 688 806 85,35 % FEBRUARIE 761 560 135,89 % MARTIE 899 ...
Mérida is the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, and the largest city in southeastern Mexico. Mérida is also the cultural and financial capital of the Yucatán Peninsula. The city's rich cultural heritage is a product of the syncretism of the Maya and Spanish cultures during the colonial era. The Cathedral of Mérida, Yucatán was built in the late 16th century with stones from nearby Maya ruins and is the oldest cathedral in the mainland Americas
The city founded in 1486 by the troops of the Aztec emperor Ahuizotl, bore the name of Huaxyacac, which means "the place where los huajes grow " (a plant whose fruits sound like castanets and the dancers catch them around their legs) and was conquered by the Spaniards. in 1532. Today it is called Oaxaca de Juárez, it is the capital of the poorest state of Oaxaca in Mexico, and has 380,000 inhabitants. Oaxaca, 1545 m altitude Porfirio Diaz and Rufino Tamayo were born in Oaxaca
The name of the pagoda comes from a legend: a long ago, an old woman appeared on the hill where the pagoda stands today. She told local people that a Lord would come and build a Buddhist pagoda for the country's prosperity. Lord Nguyen Hoang, on hearing that, ordered the construction of the pagoda of the "Heavenly Lady".
The Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster, commonly known as the Big Ben, is one of London's most famous landmarks. The name Big Ben actually refers to the clock's hour bell, the largest of the clock's five bells, the others being used as quarter bells.
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: daian Last modified by: Elev Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Emperor Khai Dinh (1885-1925) ruled Vietnam for 9 years. His tomb took 11 years to complete. Construction began in 1920 and was completed in 1931. Under Khai Dinh, Western culture and influence began to seep into Vietnam. The king himself visited France in 1922. As a result, his tomb has many elements of Western architecture. In fact, of all the tombs, Khai Dinh's probably least resembles oriental architecture
Established in 1992, the Holy Cross Monastery is located two kilometers away from the city of Oradea, in a place where in a short time it was build a truly monastic ensemble. Since the beginning of the eighteenth century dates the first church of the monastery, a wooden church, a historical monument. It was brought from the village Corbesti, Bihor County, in a condition of advanced decay, but by its restoration it was regained the brilliance of old times.
Hoang Thanh (Royal Citadel): The Imperial City is located in the centre of the Citadel where established highest offices of Viet Nam's feudalism and sanctums honoring the cult of decreased Emperors. The Citadel, also has a nearly square form, with more than 600m long for each side, built of brick 4m high, 1m thick, around which is ditched a system of protection trench. Access to the Imperial City can be made by four entrance gates. Noon Gate is only used for the King. Royal Palace consists of more 100 beautiful constructional works divided many sectors. Further in, there are the halls of the mandarins on either end - military mandarins on one side and civil on the other. These halls were where the mandarins dressed in their ceremonial robes for royal functions. One of them had a small museum with elaborately embroidered robes on display.
The pagoda is situated on Ha Khe hill, on the left bank of the Perfume River, in Huong Long village, 5km from Hue city. It was built in 1601, and then Lord Nguyen Phuc Tan had it renovated in 1665. In 1710, Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu had a great bell cast (2.5m high, 3.285kg) and in 1715, he had a stele (2.58 m high) erected on the back of a marble tortoise.