Title: Mexico Merida, Yucatan (1)
Este capitala statului Yucatán, supranumita
orasul alb din cauza fatadelor caselor care
pâna nu demult erau doar albe, dar si datorita
camasilor albe barbatesti guayabera Se spune ca
orasul are 320 de zile cu soare si a fost fundat
în anul 1542 pe vestigiile unui oras maya numit
Ichcaanziló sau Tho, folosindu-se pentru
constructia sa pietrele sfinte ale templelor
maya Mérida (Spanish pronunciation is the
capital and largest city in Yucatan state in Mexic
o, as well as the largest city of the Yucatán
Peninsula. Carved Maya stones from ancient T'ho
were used to build the Spanish colonial buildings
which are numerous in downtown Mérida these
stones are visible, for instance, in the walls of
the main cathedral. Much of Mérida's architecture
from the colonial period through the 18th century
and 19th century is still standing in the centro
historico of the city.
de México !
- Peninsula Yucatán, împartita azi între Mexic,
Belize si Guatemala, a fost ultimul refugiu al
civilizatiei maya - Partea mexicana a peninsulei Yucatán este formata
din trei state - Campeche, cu capitala Campeche
- Yucatán, cu capitala Mérida
- Quintana Roo, cu capitala Chetumal
- The Yucatán Peninsula comprises parts of Belize
and Guatemala, as well as three separate Mexican
states Yucatán, Quintana Roo and Campeche.
4Monumento a la Bandera Lucrarea lui Rómulo Rozo
povesteste în piatra roz de Ticul istoria
însângerata a Mexicului
5Monument to the flag and to the Yucatecan culture
by Rómulo Rozo
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7Mérida has been nicknamed "The White City" (La
Ciudad Blanca)
8House of Montejo
9La casa de Montejo, construita între anii 1543
1549 Orasul spaniol a fost fondat în anul 1542 de
Montejo (supranumit El Mojo) House of Montejo
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12Cathedral of Mérida
13Catedrala San Ildefonso, construita între anii
1556-1599, cu pietrele piramidelor distruse, este
cea mai veche biserica de pe continentul
american În biserica se afla marele Crist al
reconcilierii, sculptat din lemn Cathedral of
Mérida (1556-1599). The massive crucifix behind
the altar is Cristo de la Unidad (Christ of
Unity), a reconciliation symbol between those of
Spanish and Maya heritage
14Ayuntamiento (City hall)
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16Mérida, capitala statului Yucatán, este
considerat cel mai linistit si pasnic oras
mexican si astfel multe persoane se muta aici din
Ciudad de México, dar si din USA sau
Canada Mérida and the state of Yucatán have
traditionally been isolated from the rest of the
country by geography, creating a unique culture.
The conquistadors found the Mayan culture to be
incredibly resilient, and their attempts to
eradicate Mayan tradition, religion, and culture
had only moderate success. The surviving remnants
of the Mayan culture can be seen every day, in
speech, dress, and in both written and oral
17Palacio de Gobierno, inaugurat în anul 1892
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23La "El Borrego Acurrucado"
24Viva México cabrones!
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26Fotografii Sanda Foisoreanu Sanda
Potrovita Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
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