Transnational Terrorism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transnational Terrorism


Transnational Terrorism – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Transnational Terrorism

Transnational Terrorism
  • What is transnational terrorism?
  • Is terrorism a new phenomenon?
  • Significance of September 11 attacks
  • What is Al-Qaeda?
  • Why is Al-Qaeda significant?
  • Impact of terrorism
  • Economic, social, political
  • Can transnational terrorism be managed?
  • ASEANs efforts
  • Intl efforts
  • Nurturing an environment that censures terrorism

What is transnational terrorism?
  • Recall the IRA and LTTE
  • They used terrorism to strike fear in the people
    and weaken ruling government
  • Their aims are nationalistic in nature
  • Their attacks are localised

What is transnational terrorism?
  • Transnational terrorism involves the unlawful use
    of force or indiscriminate violence by
    internationally-linked groups against persons and
    properties in many different parts of the world
  • International membership
  • Conducts activities in many countries
  • Targets international community
  • Aim to bring about regional or global political
    and social change

Is terrorism a new phenomenon?
  • NO!
  • Terrorist acts carried out by state
    agents/non-state organisations
  • State agent Bomb planting on a South Korean
    airline by North Korean agents in 1987 which
    killed all on board, bombing of a US airliner
    over the UK by Libyan agents in 1988 which killed
    270 people including those on the ground
  • Non-state agent LTTE, IRA, the 1995 sarin gas
    attacks on Tokyo train system by Aum Shinrikyo,
    terrorist acts in India in 1980s and 1990s by the
    Khalistan movement-including the assassination of
    Indias PM Indira Gandhi on 31 Oct 1984

TerrorismPast Vs. Present
Past Present
Small-scale Big-scale
Did not cause mass casualties Causes mass casualties
Localised attack Regional/international attack
E.g. LTTE, IRA, Aum Shinrikyo, Khalistan E.g. 9/11 attacks, 1978 terrorist attack in Iran
Aum Shinrikyo- Who are they?
  • Aum Shinrikyo, now known as Aleph, is a Japanese
    new religious movement organization.
  • The name "Aum Shinrikyo" (?????? Omu Shinrikyo),
    roughly means "True Principle Teachings". In
    2000, the organization changed its name to
    "Aleph" (the first letter of the Hebrew and
    Arabic alphabet), changing its logo as well
  • The core of Aum doctrine is Buddhist scripture.
    Other religious texts are also used, including a
    number of Tibetan Buddhist sutras, Hindu yogic
    sutras, and Taoist scriptures. However, there is
    controversy over whether to call Aum a Buddhist
    group or to apply other definitions, such as a
    'doomsday cult'.

Aum Shinrikyo- Who are they?
  • The movement was founded by Shoko Asahara in his
    one-bedroom apartment in Tokyo's Shibuya ward in
    1984, starting off as a Yoga and meditation class
    known as Aum-no-kai ("Aum club") and steadily
    grew in the following years. It gained the
    official status as a religious organization in
    1989. It attracted such a considerable number of
    young graduates from Japan's elite universities
    that it was dubbed a "religion for the elite".

Aum Shinrikyo What did they do?
  • On the morning of 20th March 1995, Aum members
    released sarin in a co-ordinated attack on five
    trains in the Tokyo subway system, killing 12
    commuters, harming 54 and affecting 980 more
  • 5,000 people were injured by the sarin
  • At the cult's headquarters in Kamikuishiki on the
    foot of Mount Fuji, police found explosives,
    chemical weapons and biological warfare agents,
    such as anthrax and Ebola cultures, and a Russian
    military helicopter. Police also found labs to
    manufacture drugs such as LSD, methamphetamines,
    and a crude form of truth serum, a safe
    containing millions of dollars worth in cash and
    gold, and cells, many still containing prisoners

Aum Shinrikyo What happened to them?
  • During the raids, Aum issued statements claiming
    that the chemicals were for fertilizers. Over the
    next 6 weeks, over 150 cult members were arrested
    for a variety of offenses
  • In 1995, the group had 9,000 members in Japan,
    and as many as 40,000 worldwide. As of 2004, Aum
    Shinrikyo/Aleph membership was estimated at 1,500
    to 2,000 people

Khalistan Movement Who are they?
  • The Khalistan movement (East Punjabi ????????,
    West Punjabi ????? ???????) is a movement in
    Indian Punjab in the 1970s and '80s to create
    "The Land of the Pure" as an independent state in
    all Punjabi-speaking areas which include Indian
    Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and some other
    Punjabi speaking parts of states like Gujarat and

Khalistan Movement What did they do?
  • On the morning of 31 October 1984, Prime Minister
    Indira Gandhi was shot-dead by two Sikh security
    guards in New Delhi. The assassination triggered
    violence against Sikhs across north India. It was
    alleged that State-operated national television
    was used by the state to incite violence against
    the Sikhs. Sixteen politicians were named as
    organisers of the riots.

Khalistan Movement What happened to them?
  • The Central government attempted to seek a
    political solution to the grievances of the Sikhs
    through the Rajiv-Longowal Accord, which took
    place between the late Prime Minister Rajiv
    Gandhi and Harchand Singh Longowal, the then
    President of the Akali Dal, who was assassinated
    a few months later. The accord recognised the
    religious, territorial and economic demands of
    the Sikhs that were thought to be non-negotiable
    under Indira Gandhis tenure. While the agreement
    provided some basis for a return to normalcy, it
    was denounced by Sikh militants who claimed that
    the Indian state could not be trusted.
  • The present situation in Punjab is generally
    regarded as peaceful, and the militant Khalistan
    movement weakened considerably. The Sikh
    community maintains its own unique identity and
    is socially assimilated in cosmopolitan areas.
    India presently has a Sikh Prime Minister
    Manmohan Singh, who is highly regarded by both
    the left and right wing sections of the political
    spectrum. The present situation remains peaceful
    to a large extent, though support for an
    independent homeland may remain strong in Punjab.
    The movement is popular in the Sikh diaspora in
    Europe and North America.

Operation Blue Star
Lords Resistance Army
  • The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) was formed in
  • It is a rebel guerrilla army operating mainly in
    northern Uganda and parts of Sudan.
  • The group is engaged in an armed rebellion
    against the Ugandan government in what is now one
    of Africa's longest-running conflicts.
  • Leader Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself a
    spirit medium, and apparently wishes to establish
    a state based on the Ten Commandments and Acholi
  • The LRA is accused of widespread human rights
    violations, including mutilation, torture, rape,
    the abduction of civilians, the use of child
    soldiers and a number of massacres.

Every night, across northern Uganda an estimated
50,000 children leave their homes and travel as
far as 10 miles away to city centers in search of
a safe place to sleep. They flee their homes out
of fear of being abducted and forced into combat
and sexual slavery by the Lord's Resistance Army.
9/11 Attacks
Location New York City, U.S. (1st 2nd)Arlington Co, VA, U.S. (3rd)Near Shanksville, PA, U.S.(4th)
Target World Trade Center and The Pentagon (fourth target is unknown, but suspected to be a location in Washington, D.C. Al-Qaeda claims it was to be the United States Capitol
Date Tuesday, September 11, 2001846 am 1028 am (UTC-4)
Victims Death toll 2,993 (including 19 terrorists) Injured 6,291
9/11 Catastrophe
9/11 Attacks
  • Four commercial airliners were hijacked en route
    to California from Logan International, Dulles
    International, and Newark airports. Each of the
    airliners had a jet fuel capacity of nearly
    24,000 U.S. gallons (91,000 liters). Two of the
    airliners were flown into the World Trade Center,
    one each into the North and South towers, one was
    flown into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed
    near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
  • American Airlines Flight 11, crashed into the
    northern side of the North Tower of the World
    Trade Center (WTC) at 84630 a.m. local time,
    hitting at the 94-98th floors.
  • United Airlines Flight 175, crashed into the
    78-84th floors of the South Tower at 90259 a.m.
    local time, an event covered live by television
    broadcasters and amateur filmers from around the
    world who had their cameras trained on the
    buildings after the earlier crash.
  • American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the
    Pentagon at 93746 a.m. local time.
  • United Airlines Flight 93, crashed in a field in
    southwest Pennsylvania just outside of
    Shanksville, about 150 miles (240 km) northwest
    of Washington, D.C., at 100311 a.m. local time.
    The crash in Pennsylvania resulted from the
    passengers of the airliner attempting to regain
    control from the hijackers.

9/11 Attacks
  • Three buildings in the World Trade Center Complex
    collapsed due to structural failure on the day of
    the attack. The south tower (2 WTC) fell at
    approximately 959 a.m., after burning for 56
    minutes in a fire caused by the impact of United
    Airlines Flight 175, and the north tower (1 WTC)
    collapsed at 1028 a.m., after burning for
    approximately 102 minutes. A third building, 7
    World Trade Center (7 WTC) collapsed at 520
    p.m., after being heavily damaged by debris from
    the Twin Towers when they fell

(No Transcript)
Significance of September 11 Attacks
  • Landmark in the history of terrorism
  • Victims from more than 30 countries died in the
  • The attacks showed that
  • Terrorists were well-trained and could coordinate
    simultaneous mass attacks
  • Terrorists were willing to target civilians
    indiscriminately and die for their cause

Impact of 9/11 Attacks
  • Loss of lives
  • Collapse of two 110 storey-tall towers
  • New York City covered in dust and debris of the
    ruined buildings
  • Psychological and economic impact on USA and the

How many of you have heard of Osama bin Laden?
  • Did you know that

Osama's son wants to be 'peace ambassador'
Associated PressPosted online Friday , January
18, 2008 at 025059Updated Friday , January
18, 2008 at 030638
  • Cairo, January 17 Omar Osama bin Laden bears a
    striking resemblance to his notorious father -
    except for the dreadlocks that dangle halfway
    down his back. Then there's the black leather
    biker jacket.
  • The 26-year-old does not renounce his father,
    al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, but in an
    interview with The Associated Press, he said
    there is better way to defend Islam than
    al-Qaida's militancy Omar wants to be an
    "ambassador for peace" between Muslims and the
  • Omar raised a tabloid storm in Britain last year
    when he married a 52-year-old British woman, Jane
    Felix-Browne, who took on the name Zaina Alsabah.
    Now the couple say they want to be advocates,
    planning a 5,000-kilometre horse race across
    North Africa to draw attention to the cause of

Omar Osama bin Laden and Jane Felix-Browne
What is Al-Qaeda?
  • Al-Qaeda means the base (Althe, Qaedabase)
  • An organisation created in 1989 by Osama bin
    Laden out of a network of Arab volunteers who had
    gone to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight against
    Soviet Communism
  • Osama fell out with the Saudi ruling family and
    they rejected his offer to lead an army of
    militants to liberate Kuwait in 1990. Saudi
    turned to the US for help instead.

What is Al-Qaeda?
  • Osama was unhappy with this and retaliated by
    carrying out anti-state activities. The Saudi
    government eventually expelled him from the
    country and this provoked Osama to carry out
    campaigns against the Saudi government, the US
    and its allies
  • Goal of Al-Qaeda
  • Rid Muslim countries of the influence of the
    West, particularly the US
  • Establish a global Islamic caliphate, based on
    extremist misinterpretations of Islamic teachings
  • How to achieve these goals?
  • The use of terrorism against US and its allies

Why is Al-Qaeda Significant?
  • Epitome of the new form of transnational
    terrorist organisation. Features
  • Multi-national membership, scattered all over the
  • Utilises globalisation, such as the use of
    internet and international banking, to plan and
    carry out attacks across continents
  • Attacks are designed to ensure maximum casualties

Why is Al-Qaeda Significant?
  • Post 9/11 attacks, US declared a global war on
  • Osama bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda members were
    believed to be in Afghanistan and the Taliban
    government refused to give them up to the
    coalition forces
  • US-led coalition forces went into Afghanistan in
    October 2001 to attack the terrorist training
    camps and Al-Qaeda terrorists

American consumers are snapping up action figures
of Osama Bin Laden and US President George W
Bush. (BBC News, 19 April 2002)
Why is Al-Qaeda Significant?
  • However, Al-Qaeda was still capable of launching
    terrorist attacks because it has many groups
    associated with it
  • Al-Qaeda shares expertise, resources, strategy
    and even conducts joint operations with these
  • Main reason for Al-Qaedas continued resilience
    deliberate and effective spread of its ideology
    based on the misuse and misinterpretation of
    religious concepts
  • It claims that Islam sanctions and requires
    Muslims to undertake violence against the West
    and its allies, which also includes killing

Why is Al-Qaeda Significant?
  • Al-Qaedas ideology is rejected by Muslims and
  • After the September 11 attacks and disruption of
    JI terrorist network in Singapore, more than 120
    Muslim organisations in Singapore issued a joint
    public statement to condemn the misuse of Islam
    for terrorism
  • The Mufti of Singapore, Tuan Haji Syed Isa Semait
    condemned the act of terrorism staged by
    terrorists who subscribed to Al-Qaedas ideology
    and carried out suicide bombing in Jordan in
    November 2005

Why is Al-Qaeda Significant?
  • In the Bali bombing incident (2002), 200 people
    were killed and 300 injured
  • These attacks were carried out by JI, a group
    linked to Al-Qaeda
  • Significance
  • Attacks could happen even with increased security
    and vigilance
  • Terrorists were now targetting soft targets,
    such as night clubs and shopping centres
  • In 2005, Bali was again bombed by terrorists

Where has Al-Qaeda/organisations linked to
Al-Qaeda launched attacks?
Impact of Terrorism
  • Economic Impact
  • Governments have budgeted more money to increase
    their countries security
  • Governments deployed troops and police to guard
    areas, such as airports, embassies and other
    vulnerable spots
  • Emergency exercises were also conducted to ensure
    citizens are prepared and know what to do, if
    they are faced with terrorist attacks
  • E.g. In January 2006, Singapore conducted
    Exercise Northstar V, led by Singapore Civil
    Defence Force, to simulate 5 bomb explosions and
    one simulated chemical attacks, involving the
    closure of 13 MRT stations and service disruption
    of three hours. The operation involves 2,000
    personnel from 22 agencies and thus far is the
    largest civil emergency exercise

Exercise Northstar V
Impact of Terrorism
  • Economic Impact
  • a. 9/11 Attacks
  • The 9/11 attacks claimed many lives and
    properties. Insurance companies had to pay about
    US40 billion in compensation of the loss
  • Airline industry lost money because people were
    afraid of flying
  • US government had to give economic aid to the
    airline companies to prevent them from going out
    of business

Financial performance of US airlines before and
after 9/11
Impact of Terrorism
  • Economic Impact
  • b. Bali Bombing (2002)
  • Balis main source of income was tourism
  • After the 2002 bombing incident, tourists arrival
    to Bali dropped by more than 50
  • Many Balinese lost their livelihood
  • The Indonesian government faced pressure to
    relieve the economic hardship of the Balinese

Impact of Terrorism
  • 2. Social Impact
  • Act of terrorism may create suspicion and tension
    among various ethnic and religious groups
  • Governments worldwide have put in measures to
    ensure that terrorism would not hurt the social
    cohesion in their countries
  • PM Lee Hsien Loong on 9 Feb 2006 introduced the
    Community Engagement Programme as a long term
    measure to ensure Singaporeans will maintain
    social cohesion and harmony. Aim to bring
    together Singaporeans from different communities,
    to strengthen inter-communal bonds, to put in
    place response plans to help deal with potential
    communal tensions after the incident, be it
    terrorist attack of a civil emergency

911 and the JI Arrest Impacted Singapores Social
but we were able to talk about the issues openly
Impact of Terrorism
  • 3. Political Impact
  • Governments have the responsibility to keep
    citizens safe from terrorists
  • Thus, governments need to tighten various
    controls, such as stepping up border security to
    ensure that terrorists do not slip into the
  • Greater checks on travellers identities and
  • Intrusive legislation aimed at countering
    terrorism have been introduced
  • Critics argue that such measures will curb
    individual freedom and invade personal privacy
  • Nevertheless, such trade-off is necessary to
    ensure security

Can Transnational Terrorism be Managed?
  • ASEANs efforts to manage terrorism
  • ASEAN views terrorism as a major threat to
    international peace and security and a direct
    challenge to the achievement of peace, progress
    and prosperity in ASEAN
  • ASEAN governments pledged their determination to
    cooperate against transnational terrorists
    through join police and intelligence measures

Can Transnational Terrorism be Managed?
  • ASEANs efforts to manage terrorism
  • ASEAN pledged to enhance information and
    intelligence exchange on terrorists and terrorist
  • Information provided by Singapore has helped
    Philippine authorities to arrest JI bomb-maker
    Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi in 2002. Fathur was
    involved in the bombing of the Light Railway
    Train in Manila (Dec 2000) and he was a lead
    character in the Al-Qaeda plot to bomb western
    targets in Singapore

Can Transnational Terrorism be Managed?
  • ASEANs efforts to manage terrorism
  • In Jan 2007, Southeast Asian leaders agreed to
    commit their national security and law
    enforcement agencies to work closely to fight the
    threat together
  • The Convention on Counter-terrorism, signed by
    ASEAN leaders at the annual summit in Cebu,
    Philippines, is the first legally binding
    anti-terrorism accord

Can Transnational Terrorism be Managed?
  • 2. International efforts to combat terrorism
  • UN passed a series of resolutions to get all
    member countries to freeze financial assets of
    terrorist and their supporters, deny them travel
    and safe haven, prevent terrorist recruitment and
    weapons supply and cooperate with other countries
    in information sharing and criminal prosecution
  • The UN set up Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC)
    to monitor member countries adherence to the
    resolutions as well as to strengthen the
    counter-terrorism capacity of UN member states.
    CTC also provides technical assistance to
    countries that require help in implementing the

Can Transnational Terrorism be Managed?
  • 2. International efforts to combat terrorism
  • Have these measures been successful?
  • Member countries managed to freeze more than
    US200 million in terrorist funding
  • 4,000 terrorist suspects arrested through the
    sharing of information among member countries
  • However, international community has not been
    that successful because
  • Terrorists are able to evade security
    restrictions imposed by governments
  • Terrorists are able to continually recruit new

Can Transnational Terrorism be Managed?
  • 3. Nurturing an environment that censures
  • terrorism
  • Terrorists usually operate on hate and enmity,
    and instigate and falsely sanction a person/ a
    group to commit such acts of violence
  • Thus, there is a need for society to stand firmly
    against ideas that fuel terrorism, otherwise
    these ideas will gain legitimacy in the society
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