Title: Archaebacteria
By Tyler Bailey Nicole
2Archaebacteria cells
Thermophilus aquaticus
Is a bacteria that can withstand high
temperatures T. Aquaticus is the source of the
enzyme, Taq DNA Polymerase, which is heat
resistant. T. Aquaticus belongs to the group
called Deinoccocus-Thermus
4The role of Archaebacteria
Archaebacterias role in the world is somewhat
reclusive. No other organism in the world can
fill the role of archaebacteria. As an example
cows require the work of methanogens, an
archaebacteria, to extract energy from cellulose.
Similar organisms help termites eat wood.
Archaebacteria has been around for a VERY, VERY
long time. It is one of those organisms that is
never really thought of but is still very
important in how things work in the world.
5Characterstics for shared Archaebacteria
- Common Charaecterics
- Single celled
- Major group of micro organisms
- No nucleus
- They are prokaryotes
- They look like bacteria but they are different
- They lack the cell wall part called the
6Heated Homes
- Volcanoes
- Geysers
- Hot Springs
- Oil wells
- Black smokers
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermus_aquaticus
- http//www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/mole00/mole
- http//www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/mole00/mole0
0310.htm - http//waynesword.palomar.edu/trfeb98.htm