1I cambiamenti climatici sono importanti? PROGETT
2ClimateClimate statistics about the
weather Climate is the average weather pattern
over a longer period of time
100 anni
3Climate changes (weather, patterns, icy sea
level, rising temperature) Climate changes have a
significant importance in the weather patterns.
Considering a longer period of time we find that
many changes has already happened before.
100 000 anni
4Greenhouse warming the atmosphere heating
effect on the planet
5 Climate changes
External causes Sun activity Earth orbit
Internal natural causes Retroaction Vulcanic
eruption Natural phenomena Unexpected result
Internal anthropic causes Exhaust Gases
greenhouse effects Particles/clouds
Deforestation, erosion
6Greenhouse effect gases
Stay in the atmosphere for 100 years
The particles Give mainly a cooler effect
They stay in the atmosphere only one week
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8The carbon bi-oxide is used to explain how the
human being affects climate changes
- ? Easy statistical usage
- ? Easy to compare with historical climate
- ? There are other greenhouse effect gases
natural and anthropic - ? The greenhouse effect gases are not the only
ones which affect climate
9Variation in temperature in the next 100 years
similar to a glacial era,backwards
Year 2100?
10Temperature used to measure climate changes
? Easy statistical usage ? Easy to compare with
historical climate ? The climate temperature can
be confused with the daily temperature ? The
climate changes are also based on rainfalls,
humidity, winds,etc
11For mesuring climate changes we use the
- Temperature itself is not important
- Consequences are more important
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16Rising temperature.Increasing evaporation.Bigger
rainfallsSea level rising, melting glaciers,
bigger extreme meteorological phenomenaPlants
and animals submit or disappear.People and
society accept the situation.
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18The mankind self deception
Are climate changes natural! When we
understand all the physical mechanism, we could
stop them People must reduce gas emissions
19Step by step..well get..
20Wiser energy usage Renewable energy Bi-oxide
21Le condizioni metereologiche cambianoquando,
dove, con che frequenza, in che misura
La temperatura media sale
Le precipitazioni sono più forti e più
frequenti Inondazioni, frane
Aumenta levaporazione Siccità , erosione, incendi
22IL TRAFFICO DELLE CITTAcontribuisce al
cambiamento climatico
INQUINAMENTO PollutionTraffic Jam Pollution
- To save the biodiversity in the world (every part
of the word) we need to limit the discharges of
gases in the atmosphere.
- The city traffic produces lots of dangerous
substances and we have to control and regulate
this problem. There are different ways to solve
these causes by individual or collective action.
26Piccole polveri e rischi per la salutePM10
- PM10 sono le polveri che misurano meno di 10
micron di diametro , lOMS fissa il limite a 90
mig/m3 , l EU lo fissa invece a 40 mig/m3 . - Il PM10 proviene dai fumi dei motori diesel e
dalla combustione del carbone . - Nessuna città europea dovrebbe superare i 35
sforamenti per anno .
27LUE non applica sanzioni
- Ma nessuno si preoccupa che
- 5 mig /m3 in più significano19 morti premature
in più ogni 100.000 abitanti allanno .
- Problem to follow these limits. New rules for the
type of AIR. Less strict rules are easier to
follow. - To be able to have adequate rules (till
2010),there are new laws. - Is this correct ? What about polluted air?
- Is there any problem for health?
- What about sanitary organization? (OMS)
- What gases are very dangerous for the air?
- Which are your solutions?
- The causes of pollution are the limits
European community gave to the countries. Nobody
can go over these rules .Country entering the has
to adopt these rules compulsory. - Countries may go over these limits only once
a while (35-55 day) - to avoid emission exhaust gases are dangerous.
- In Europe now there are new laws
- Tickets to enter the city.
- Car parking with tickets.
- Special bus track.
- Pedestrian zones (0.31m per inhabitants)
- Cycling track.
- Walking day.
- Catalytic engine.
- When you use a car with other people, so you
divide the cost and you pollute less. - BUS TRACK
- There are special tracks for buses so they can go
without traffic. Less pollution and buses on
- Usage of new kind of petrol for example oil
coming from vegetal plants (a combination of
them), but the problem is they are expensive to
be prepared. - More usage of GPL that is a special combustible
oil (Butane or propane) which is low in gas
exhausting, it also reduce of 75 the emission of
carbon dioxide and 1/3 the volatile substance.
34Sotto accusa anche Freni e asfalto
- Freni , pneumatici e manto stradale lusura di
questi elementi porta alla produzione ogni anno
di circa 11500 tonnellate di PM10 (polveri
sottili ) responsabili di danni al sistema
35Punti deboli
- Il blocco del traffico per un solo giorno non
porta a abbassamenti di inquinanti duraturi nel
tempo. - Spesso sono concesse numerose deroghe
- Non esiste un piano nazionale unico la lotta
allinquinamento che è un problema comune a tutto
il paese , è affidata alle iniziative delle
Regioni e dei singoli Comuni .
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37I cambiamenti climatici hanno
Un tempo di frenata lungo