Title: Tudors and Stuarts
1Tudors and Stuarts
Prepare for the most gruesome information ever!
- London had changed little since 1480. Houses were
tightly packed together and conditions in
sanitary - ideal conditions for the plague to
spread, particularly during the hot summer of 1665
3The plague swept through EuropeÂ
4- In 1347 refugees from Genoese settlements in the
Crimea brought a new disease to Italy. Within
five years, anything up to half of the population
of Europe had died from the plague. Most deaths
were from bubonic plague, which caused swellings
and was spread by fleabites, or pneumonic plague,
which infected the lungs and spread through
contact with other victims. Both were caused by
the same bacterium, carried by fleas parasitic on
black rats.
5The Flea that caused The Black Death
By 1348 the plague had reached England. The
overall death rate was around one in three, while
at the extremes of population density its impact
was even greater the cities were devastated,
while many small villages simply ceased to exist.
Further outbreaks, the worst in 1361, brought the
overall death toll to around half of the
population of England, which had stood at four or
five million.
6 Â Â Â Â Â Dead littered the streets
everywhere. Cattle and livestock roamed the
country unattended. Brother deserted brother.
7By James B. and Philip G.
Written By James B Philip G Written At Loders
CE VC Primary School Helped By Mrs. Buckland
Mr. Kite Jackdaws