Title: Civil War
1María Paulina Gutiérrez. September 2014.
Civil War
2 Civil War for 5th grade students.
- Objective (s) Students will be able to
- Recognize important events previous to the Civil
War. - Learn significant events that occurred during
the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865. - The heroes and main characters of the Civil War.
- Discuss the consequences of the Civil War.
- They will learn all these through a series of
dynamic and fun activities like watching a video
and playing a trivia game.
3Anticipatory Set.
- During the transition time, the teacher will say
to the students the following we will now watch
a short video about slavery - During the History class, the teacher will put a
short video which shows the time period after the
American revolution, specially focusing in
slavery. After the video, we will begin a
discussion on the students opinion about slavery
and make a pros and cons chart. - On the map of the United States, with the help of
the teacher, we would mark the states that are
pro slavery and the states that are against
slavery. - At this point the teacher will explain the
meaning of the word abolitionist and make a
connection to the subject we are about to review.
- Link to the video https//www.youtube.com/watch?v
- These are some of the concepts the student will
have to learn and will begin the class with the
following information - The Southern slave states individually declared
their secession from the United States and formed
the Confederate States of America, known as the
"Confederacy" or the "South. They grew to
include eleven states, but were never recognize
by a foreign country. - The eleven states of the deep south were
Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana Mississippi,
South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina,
Tennessee and Virginia.
Confederate States Flag.
- The war began with the firing on Fort Sumter,
April 12, 1861. - The Confederate States wanted to preserve
slavery, states rights, and political liberty
for whites. - The President of the U.S was Abraham Lincoln,
from the Republican party, opposed the expansion
of slavery into U.S territories. - The abolitionist was a movement who wanted to end
slavery whether formal or informal.
- The Confederate States economy was based in
cotton plantations, and needed slavery in order
to maintain it. - King Cotton was a slogan used by the Confederate
in hopes of gaining support from France and
Britain. -
- The Underground Railroad was a network of secret
routes and safe houses used by slaves to gain
freedom, with the aid of abolitionist.
- The Union soon controlled the border states and
formed a naval blockade that crippled the
shouthern economy. - Robert E. Lee was a Confederate General and
leader. - Ulysses S. Grant commanded the Unions army.
Portrait of Ulysess S. Grant.
- Important battles Battle of Antietam, Battle of
Fort Sumter, Battle of Gettysburg. - With the Siege of Petersburg the Confederate,
were surrounded by Union soldiers, forcing Lee
and his soldiers to surrendered. - After four years of combat the Confederate
9Civil War
The teacher will have a poster with a big map of
the United States all showing the Union and
Confederate States.
11Guided Practice.
The teacher will review the facts from the
previous class with this map, like a graphic
journey of the Civil War, so the students can see
what happened and where it did happened, all
this the students help.
12Independent practice.
The teacher will explain the following activity
to the children They would form groups of three
and they will choose a name for the group. The
name has to be related to the civil war, for
example The Lincoln Team or The Gettysburg
Team. After they formed the teams, the teacher
will explain the rules for Civil War Trivia.
13Civil War Trivia.
- As a team they will choose 1 of the 4 categories.
Every category has different points. - The category that has the least points are the
easiest questions, the ones with the most points
have difficult questions. - The team will earn as many points as they choose,
if they answer correctly. - They can only talk and discuss amongst their team
mates. - Students can review their notes during the game,
but can not answer a question reading from the
notes. Questions have to be answer in their own
words. - Each team takes turn answering questions, if a
team is unable to answer, the fellow team, that
raises their hand first, could steal the points
if they answer the question correctly. - No mockery or down talk is allowed.
- The team with the most points will have 3 extra
points, the second team will have two extra
points, and the team who has the least points
will have one extra point for the final exam.
14Civil War Trivia.
The teacher will have the following display of
flashcards on the blackboard. Under each
flashcard are the question referring to their
category. There will be three flashcard for each
Heroes and Main characters.
Who, What, Where and When?
- The teacher will hand to the student a blank map
of the United States with the states border and
name. - Draw with red the Confederate States and with
blue the Union States. - Each student will have to name 5 events that
occured during the Civil War and mark where it
happeneded, and who where the heroes or main
characters of that event. Also a brief summary of
the event. - Extra points could be earn if they also write the
date of that event, month and year.
16Blank map of the U.S in 1861
- For the closing activity the teacher will ask
each student, what was their favorite or most
interesting event, and their favorite heroe from
the Civil War as to why they chose it. - We will also have a discussion about what
consequences had the Civil War on America. - And a final discussion on their thoughts of a
possible Civil War in recent day United States
and what could be the reason for it.
- www.wtv-zone.com/civilwar
- http//delta.cs.vt.edu/civil
- http//www.patriottoursnyc.com.
- www.history.com
- www.wikipedia.org.
- www.americanhistory.about.com
- The complete idiots guide to American History.
Fifth Edition. Alan Axelrod.