Title: The Civil War
1TheCivil War(1861-1865)ThroughMaps,
Charts,Graphs Pictures
2North vs. South in 1861
North South
Advantages ? ?
Disadvantages ? ?
3Rating the North the South
4Slave/Free States Population, 1861
5Railroad Lines, 1860
6Resources North the South
7The Union Confederacy in 1861
8Men Present for Duty in the Civil War
9Ohio Military Service
10Soldiers occupations North/South Combined
11Immigrantsas a of a StatesPopulationin1860
12The Leaders of the Confederacy
Pres. Jefferson Davis
VP Alexander Stevens
13The Confederate White House
14The Confederate Seal
MOTTO ? With God As Our Vindicator
15A Northern View of Jeff Davis
16Overviewofthe NorthsCivil WarStrategy Anaco
17The Anaconda Plan
18Lincolns Generals
Winfield Scott
Joseph Hooker
Ulysses S. Grant
Irwin McDowell
George McClellan
George Meade
Ambrose Burnside
George McClellan,Again!
19McClellan I Can Do It All!
20The Confederate Generals
Stonewall Jackson
Nathan Bedford Forrest
George Pickett
Jeb Stuart
James Longstreet
Robert E. Lee
21Battle of Bull Run (1st Manassas)July, 1861
22The Battle of the Ironclads,March, 1862
The Monitor vs.the Merrimac
23Damage on the Deck of the Monitor
24Buy Your Way Out of Military Service
25War in the East 1861-1862