Title: Sutler Store Civil War Oregon
1 Milk Creek Mercantile Co
2Milk Creek Mercantile Co.
- The Milk Creek Mercantile is a renowned store,
well known for providing the quality
reproductions from the civil war era. Our
collection of products includes uniforms,
reenactor supplies, leather goods, etc. Log on to
Milkcreek.com to place an order for your needy
3 Civil War Equipment and Supplies
We offer unique quality of uniforms, hats,
leather goods and arms, all of civil war era at
affordable prices. Milk Creek Mercantile is one
of the renowned providers of civil war equipment
and supplies in the area. You can browse
milkcreek.com to buy your favorite products
4 Sutler Store Civil War Oregon
Milk Creek Mercantile Co. Is considered to be
the renowned sutler store in Oregon, where you
can find the best quality reproductions of Civil
War. Shop today, according to your needs
5 Accessories of Civil War Soldiers
Get yourself in a much comfortable zone with us
as we are here to provide you with the quality
soldier supplies of civil war era. Contact us
today whether you need guns, uniforms and other
related things at affordable prices. For
additional details, you can log on to
6- Milk Creek Mercantile Co
- PO Box 898
- Mulino, OR 97042
- Phone (503) 829-3678
- Fax (503) 829-7220
- Clackamas County
- Websitehttp//www.milkcreek.com/