Title: Orientation of the library student staff
1Orientation of the library student staff
- LIBR 120
- Fall Quarter, 2003
- Kaye Manly
- Welcome to the Quincy Junior High Library Staff.
Each year, the student staff includes 10-14 8th
graders who run the library, doing most of the
daily jobs and taking care of most of the
patrons needs. Were glad you signed up, and we
look forward to working with you. We hope your
experiences in the library will be worthwhile and
enjoyable. - As a member of the library student staff, the
following privileges are yours - Storage area for coats and personal items.
- No due dates
- Check-out privileges for items not regularly
circulated. -
3- 2. As a member of the library student staff,
the following privileges are yours - Storage area for coats and personal items.
- Check-out privileges for items not regularly
circulated. - Access to all library areas.
- All-year, anytime pass to the library.
- Use of library scrap materials.
- Inclusion in activities and parties held in the
library when you are on duty.
4Staff Policies
- Library Staff Policies
- Think of the library as a business and yourself
as a professional. - Patrons are more important than jobs.
- Follow the school rules.
- A quiet atmosphere is a must.
- Do not do things that patrons are not allowed to
do in the general area. - When in the halls or classrooms on library
business, do not disturb others. - Keep things in order and put things away. Clean
up after yourself.
5- During classes, be sure to check all students
hall passes. - Be sure all books taken out of the library have
due dates or staff slips in them. - Eating and drinking are not allowed in the
library except on special occasions - Being professional requires appropriate dress and
good grooming. - Be on time.
- Staff people are always courteous and helpful
(not matter how painful it may be).
6Library Tour
- In order to work efficiently, you must know your
environment well. If you dont know where things
are and how the library is organized, how can you
help teachers and students find what they need
When you have a break from library duties, one of
the best things you can do is explore the library
and become familiar with what is available here. - Be sure you know where the following areas are
- Circulation desk and book drops
- librarians desk and office
- AV room,
- computer area
- library staff workroom,
7- library staff
- storage area
- teachers workroom
- computer lab
- periodical storage room.
- Be sure you can identify and locate the following
items - Unabridged dictionary,
- card catalog
- new arrivals display
- periodical display rack
- intercom, clocks
- pencil sharpeners
- laminator
- paper cutter.
8Review of the Dewey Decimal System
- Every book in the library is given a unique call
number to serve as an address for locating the
book on the shelf. - Dewey Decimal Classification
- The Dewey decimal system coordinates materials on
the same subject and on related subjects to make
items easier to find on the shelves by using a
combination of letters and numbers.
9- The Dewey system has ten main classes, which are
listed below. - 000 Generalities
- 100 Philosophy and Psychology
- 200 Religion
- 300 Social Science
- 400 Language
- 500 Natural Science and Mathematics
- 600 Technology (Applied Sciences)
- 700 Arts
- 800 Literature
- 900 Geography and History
10- Each of the above classes each have ten
divisions. These divisions are further
divided--and then further divided. Each division
becomes more specific. The more numbers, the more
specific the subject. In this way, the Dewey
classification system progresses from the general
to the specific. For a detailed summary for each
number see theDewey Decimal Classification System
The decimal place is used to make the number even
more specific. - Sites to learn more.
- Kids Click
- Lets Do Dewey
- There are three main sections of our library and
each one is different. For example, books in the
reference section do not circulate. Books in the
non-fiction section are arranged numerically. - Some things that may help you remember the system
better - The second numbers (the tens) in the 400
(language) section will indicate the specific
language the book deals with 420s English,
430s German, and so forth. - The second number in 800 (language) indicates
the genre.
The fiction section looks easy beside the
numerical sections. They are arranged
alphabetically by the authors last name and if
there are more than one book with the same author
then arrange the titles alphabetically.
12- Shelve books at the beginning of each period
according to the call number on the spine of the
book. - Care of the books on the shelves.
- Never crowd books together. This bends
bindings. Dont fill the shelves completely
full. - Never shelve books with ripped pages or broken
bindings. Bring them to the librarian. - Support the books with the book ends. But dont
pack them too tightly. If you need bookends
ask the librarian. - With large books that wont fit on the edge,
place the book so the spine faces the ceiling. -
13Checking books out
- Looking at the computer it should be in the
Check-out mode. - In the barcode binder find the students name and
scan or type the students number and hit return. - Check screen to make sure the correct name show
up. - Scan the books barcode or type it in and hit
enter. - Check screen to make sure the correct title shows
up. - The computer indicates when the item is due.
Inform the patron of the due date. - Patrons are not allowed to check out books if
they have an overdue item.
14Checking items in
- Make sure the computer screen is in the check-in
mode. - Scan title bar-code number or type number in and
press enter. - Check screen to make sure transaction is
completed accurately. - Put checked-in items on correct cart
15Jobs for student staff everyday
- Be sure library is in order at the beginning of
the period. Books, papers, and magazines picked
up, and chairs and tables straightened. - Check shelving area and put away books in your
assigned section. Check shelves for order and
neatness. Keep books pulled to the front of the
shelf. (faced) - Keep magazines checked in and put away in proper
place. - Keep books checked in and put on the shelving
cart. - Keep an eye on the circulation desk to see that
students are taken care of. The desk should be
manned at all times for checking out materials
and signing passes. - If idle, always check with the librarian for
jobs. - Straighten the magazines out in the library
racks. - If you are assigned a special project, do it
every day without being told, until it is
16- Every day your section of books should be put in
and kept in order on the shelves. I will not
always tell you when I will be grading. - Do not socialize with your friends at the expense
of your job. Your behavior is part of your
grade. - Help students use the card catalog on the
computer and find books on the shelves they want. - Get magazines from the back room for students and
teachers. - Deliver small equipment and software to
classrooms. - Check out and check in AV equipment.
- Keep AV area and back office neat and orderly.
- Put magazines away
- Clean up behind desk
- Straighten up media center
17Guide for Library Assistants
This guide is designed to help you learn library
procedures. Consult it when in doubt about any
procedure. Library work requires patience,
accuracy, and paying attention to small details.
Take all the time you need to perform library
tasks accurately. This is especially true of
reshelving books and magazines. Do the job right
the first time.
- Etiquette at the desk.
- Always be courteous to those who come to the
library. - Do not keep people waiting at the desk
18 3. Be consistent in enforcing library
rules. 4. If I am out of the library and there
is a real emergency, press the intercom button
and summon someone from the office. 5. If you
dont understand your duties, ask me. There are
no dumb questions.
19What to do when the librarian is absent.
If you arrive before the substitute librarian,
have someone in the front office let you in.
Start your routine duties as usual. In the event
the substitute librarian cannot make it, the
student staff takes over the runs the library.
The library will be closed to students, but you
will need to take care of teachers' needs and
keep the routine work from stacking up. All
students who are not on the staff should be sent
elsewhere back to class or to the main office.
You should not have the responsibility of
overseeing other students. Your regular jobs
should be done. Here are some things to
remember. ALL PERIODS Be professional at all
times. The library
20Should be run as if the librarian were there.
One person should wait until someone from the
next period arrives so that the library is not
left unwatched and so that someone is always
there to take care of patrons needs. (This is
only if the library door is unlocked. If you are
late to class explain the situation and ask them
to check with office. Do not be any later
necessary. Notify the office if you have problems
or need help. FIRST PERIOD Get someone from the
font office to unlock the doors. Dont forget
you will need all the doors to the following
areas unlocked to do all your jobs. Main
entrance, teachers workroom door, periodical
room, and library's workroom. Take care of
business as usual, particularly your special
first-period jobs.
21SECOND AND THIRD PERIODS Do your special jobs
and take care of desk work and shelve your
books. FOURTH PERIOD The library will be closed
for all lunches. Just be around to take care of
teachers. You should not allow students into the
library even your fiends. Shelve books and do
your special jobs. FIFTH AND SIXTH PERIODS Same
as second and third periods. SEVENTH PERIOD
Take care of your jobs and any jobs that have
been left undone. Since you are the last period
of the day, be sure to see that the following
closing procedures are carried out Make sure
things are turned off. The laminator, computers,
turn off light in all the back rooms and close
the doors. Have someone from the office come and
lock all the doors including the main door to the
library. Wait in the office for the bell to ring.