Title: Student Organization Orientation and Training New Students
1Student Organization Orientation and Training
(New Students)
Welcome to SOOT!
2The Goals of SOOT
- Help you understand how to be a successful
student leader at Drexel University - Answer your questions related to student
organizations, finances, and event planning
3Before We Begin
- Questions Raise your hand and ask!
- Question Half-Sheets are located in the front of
the room - if we cant answer your question write it down
and I will find the answer and email you
- or -
4- All information presented today
can be found on the
Office of Campus Activities
Website!!! - (including this PowerPoint)
- www.drexel.edu/oca
Everything in RED on this PowerPoint is
clickable and linked to a website page where you
can find more information related to that topic!
5Office of Campus Activities (OCA)
askoca_at_drexel.edu ? www.drexel.edu/oca Phone
215-895-1328 ? Fax 215-895-2500 Creese Student
Center, Suite 215
Ari Hauben, Director Rebecca Dzara, Associate
Director for Campus Programming Walter Parrish,
Coordinator for Leadership and Community
Development Joe Gonzalez, Budget Coordinator of
Student Org. Accounts/SAFAC Kia J. Perkins,
Administrative Coordinator John Cooke, Assistant
Dean for Campus Engagement
6Office of Campus Activities (OCA)
- Mission Statement
- The Office of Campus Activities advances the
mission of Drexel University and the Division of
Student Life by providing students an enriched
collegiate experience through meaningful
opportunities to learn and develop leadership,
interpersonal, programming, and organizational
skills so that they may connect and contribute to
the University community. - The OCA staff will serve as student-focused
advocates, advisors, educators, and
administrators while working collaboratively to
support programs that meet the needs and
interests of students. - The 3 Pillars of how OCA supports students are
- Leadership Development
- Event Planning
- Financial Management
7Drexel Lingo
- OCA Office of Campus Activities
- SAFAC Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee
- CAP Commissions for Activities and Programs
- DUST Drexel University Student Technicians
- FY Fiscal Year (July 1 ? June 30)
- AY Academic Year (08-09)
8Outline of Workshop
- I. Finances
- II. Recognition
- III. Event Planning
- IV. Resources
- V. Hazing
- VI. Questions
9Student Organization Finances
- Joseph Gonzalez
- Budget Coordinator for Campus Activities/
- Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee Advisor
- Greenawalt Student Development Center Room 32F
- 215-895-1811
- safac_at_drexel.edu
- www.drexel.edu/safac
- Note Please allow 24-48 business hours for a
response to phone - messages or email.
10Student Organization Finances
- Cost Centers
- SAFAC Funding
- CAP Funding
- Fundraising, Dues, Donations
- Late/Night Weekend Funding
- Alumni Grant
- Deposits
- Travel Expenses
- Forms
11Cost Centers
- Each student organization will receive 2 cost
centers (accounts) - 17 Cost Center All SAFAC funds are deposited and
accessed from this cost center. - These funds are allocated and returned based on
FY - (17 cost center fund numbers begin with 17)
- 71 Cost Center All fundraising, dues donations
are deposited and accessed from this cost center. - These funds stay in your cost center until used
- (71 cost center fund numbers begin with 71)
12Cost Centers Cont
- Each Cost Center will have a name, fund number,
and org number - Example
- Org Name Fund Org
- Art Club 170001 - 2555
- Art Club 710545 3568
- Note Student Organizations are not allowed to
have off-campus bank accounts!
13Student Organization Funding Options
- SAFAC Funding
- Annual Allocation
- Reserve Funding
- CAP Funding
- Fundraising, Dues Donations
- Late Night / Weekend Programming
- Alumni Grant
- These will all be explained in more detail in the
following slides
14What is SAFAC?
- Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee
- Made up of 16 full time undergraduate students
- 12 liaisons
- One Secretary
- One Vice Chair
- One Chair
- One representative from USGA
- One Staff Member from the Division of Student
Life - The SAFAC Advisor
- Note Only the students have a vote on how the
money is distributed. - www.drexel.edu/safac
15Where Does SAFAC Money Come From?
Undergrad Students Pay 250 Student Activity Fee
on Tuition Bill. 150 of that fee goes to SAFAC
All paid activity fees get deposited into the
SAFAC Account
Student organizations apply for this money
through Annual Allocations Reserve Funding
SAFAC Committee distributes funds based on
16SAFAC Funding
Reserve Funding
Annual Allocations
- Recognized by OCA
- Must attend an Annual Allocation Information
Session - Must submit an Annual Allocation Request
- This process is separate from SOOT
- Recognized by OCA
- Did not receive an Annual Allocation, or
- Unforeseen expenses for groups that did receive
an annual allocation. (example Sports club
making a championship match) - Apply Event by Event
Can request Capital, Operational, Conference,
Activity expenses
Note All activities events must be open to all
17SAFAC Forms
Student Organization Purchase Request
- Used for Check Requests, Cash Reimbursements,
Credit Card Orders, Reserve Funding, and Late
Night/Weekend Funding Reimbursements. - Treasurer or President must sign.
- Advisor must sign if order is over 500
- Must be submitted for any and all requests
- Checks take 2-3 weeks
- Cash reimbursements take 1-2 business days.
- Credit Card takes 1-2 business days
- Note Sports Clubs will need to have all requests
approved by Dan Simmons in the Athletics
Department prior to submitting to SAFAC.
18SAFAC Forms Cont
Student Organization Deposit Form
- Used to deposit money into either 17 or 71.
- Must deposit any income into 17-account up to the
amount spent out of 17 account for any event.
example spent 500 from 17 account earned
1,000. 500 deposit into 17 and 500 into 71. - All other income or if you did not spend out of a
17 account is deposited into your 71 account. - Reminder Student Organizations can not have
off-campus bank accounts
19SAFAC Forms Cont
Reserve Funding Request
- If you did not receive an Annual Allocation or
did receive an Annual Allocation but have
unforeseen expenses. - Must submit a detailed listing of expenses with
supporting documentation - You will meet with the SAFAC committee to go over
your request - Money can be spent only on the event(s) approved
by SAFAC - No limit to how many times or how much you apply
for. - Must submit a request for each event individually
- Submit 4 weeks in advance
- Exists until money is gone
20Student Activity Fee Policies
- Cannot be used to purchase alcohol
- Cannot be used for contributions or donations to
the campaign or cause of any candidate, political
or religious movement - Cannot be used for contributions or donations to
charitable organizations - Cannot be used to pay honoraria, instruction or
service fees to employees or students of Drexel
University - Cannot be used for personal or individual
memberships in a national or professional
association. - Cannot be used for prizes and give-aways
21Student Activity Fee Policies
- Can be used for food if
- Part of on-campus event that is open to all
Drexel University students, - For contracted speakers or performers or
- For conference or competition travel
- Can be used for organizational membership in
national or professional associations - Can be used for conference attendance
- Can be used to host off-campus events with
approval from the Office of Campus Activities - Can be used for promotional items (club name
and/or logo required on product)
22Student Activity Fee Policies
- All payments for non-Drexel services must be
accompanied by a completed OCA contract - All transactions must be signed by the
organization President and/or Treasurer - All transactions over 500 must be signed by the
Advisor - All items purchased are the property of Drexel
University and must be used for official
organizational use only - An Off-Campus Event Form must be completed and
submitted prior to being reimbursed for any
conference, travel or away match. - Organization must be recognized by OCA or FSL
- Organizations may be subject to an audit by SAFAC
- The University reserves the right to freeze/seize
any and all funds of an organization that accrues
debt, misrepresents or violates University or
SAFAC policies in the spending of funds.
23Travel Expenses
- Student Organizations can have hotel and travel
accommodations placed on the university credit
card with the exception of rental vehicles. - Students must rent vehicles on their own credit
card and get reimbursed after the conference or
event. - You must make a half hour appointment with the
SAFAC Advisor to have any hotel and travel
accommodations placed on the university credit
card. (Student Organization Hotel/Motel
Information Form) - You must submit your request at least 5 business
days in advance of departure date. - Any request submitted for hotel and travel
arrangements submitted less than 5 business days
ahead of departure cannot be guaranteed
processing in time.
24Fundraising, Dues Donations
- Fundraise
- Selling of merchandise
- Hosting for profit events
- OCA Fundraising Manual
- http//www.drexel.edu/oca/raf/forms.asp
- Dues
- Collect membership dues from participating
members - Donations
- Solicit departments, colleges, and outside
companies for funding of specific events or
general support
25CAP Funding
Commission for Activities Programs
- Money comes for a of the money spent in all the
Coke machines on campus. - Money is given for specific purposes. Can not be
spent on anything else. - Applications must be submitted through the Office
of Retail Management (Creese 119). - All decisions are made by the Office of Retail
Management. - Contact
- Jackie Eliassen
- 215-895-6776
- Note Not handled through OCA or SAFAC
26Late Night/ Weekend Programming
- Up to 1,500 per event
- Event must occur Monday-Friday from 9pm-2am or
anytime on Saturday Sunday. - Must submit Application/Request
- Must make an appointment with Late Night
programming coordinator (Walter Parrish) - Apply 2 weeks prior to event
- Must be an alcohol free event
- Event must be held on campus
- Event must be open to all students
- Cannot be used for recruitment or fundraising
events - Exists until money is gone
- OCA will publicize the dates that money is
27Alumni Grant
- Up to 2,000 per term
- Overview of proposed program to include program
goals and objectives, expected attendance and
composition of intended audience - Outline of proposed publicity plan
- Summary of projected program revenues and
expenses - Suggested partnership opportunities to promote
Alumni Association programs and services - www.drexel.edu/alumni/grants
28Where can you get these forms?
- SAFAC Forms Purchase Request, Deposit Form,
Reserve Funding Request - www.drexel.edu/safac/forms.html
- CAP Funding / Late Night Weekend Forms
- http//www.drexel.edu/oca/raf/forms.asp
- Alumni Grant
- www.drexel.edu/alumni/grants
- Note Forms can also be picked up in the Student
Life Office (Creese 215) or outside of the SAFAC
Office (Creese GSDC 32F)
29Where do these forms get turned in?
- SAFAC Forms must be submitted to the SAFAC
Advisor in the Greenawalt Student Development
Center room 32F or in the SAFAC Mailbox located
in the Student Life Office (Creese 215) - CAP Funding requests must be submitted to the
Office of Retail Management (Creese 119) directly
across form the Creese Info. Desk - Alumni Grant requests must be submitted to the
Drexel University Alumni Association Paul Peck
Alumni Center 60-2 -
- Late Night / Weekend Programming requests must be
submitted to the Late Night Programming
Coordinator in the Greenawalt Student Development
Center room 48F or in the Late Night Programming
Coordinator Mailbox in the Student Life Office
(Creese 215)
30Financial Questions?
31II. Recognition
32Student Org. Recognition Process
- Step 1. Submit recognition paperwork to OCA
- Recognition Form and constitution (if changed
from previous year) - Step 2. Have your advisor return email sent to
them from OCA - Step 3. OCA will contact you to set up a meeting
with staff member to review any changes to your
constitution - Step 4. Make changes and resubmit your
constitution - Step 5. Attend SOOT workshop
- Undergraduate and Joint Organizations President,
Treasurer, and any one additional member - Graduate and Goodwin Student Organizations
President and Treasurer - Step 6. OCA notifies organization they are
Recognition Website
33Student Org. Recognition
- Starting with 2008-2009, student organizations
can be open to all types of students (undergrad,
graduate, part-time). - Organizations will no longer need to limit
membership for funding - Constitutions will need to reflect these changes
- Recognition is based on the Fiscal Year cycle for
full benefits - Student Organizations must apply for Recognition
every year - If your student organization is in debt, your
Recognition status may be placed on hold.
34Why get Recognized?
- The ability to apply for SAFAC, Reserve and CAP
Funding! - The ability to reserve space on campus through
Event Services! - The ability to use Sodexho, Facilities
Management, Public Safety, etc! - The ability to use the Office of Campus
Activities Resources! - The ability to use the Office of Campus
Activities staff to plan your event (i.e.
contract negotiation, advertising, etc.) - Permission to use the University name and logo
when identifying the organization in accordance
with University regulations and policies - Access to an organizational mailbox in the Creese
Student Center or in the Office of Recreational
Sports - Opportunity to acquire office/storage space on an
annual basis for student organization use - Opportunity to participate in the Activities
Unlimited Student Organization promotion/recruitme
nt fair during the Fall and Spring terms - Opportunity to acquire web space through the
Drexel portal and an organization designated
email address
More benefits of being recognized
35We are recognized
36III. Event Planning
37Event Planning
- Event Services Office
- Room/Space Reservations
- Tables and Chairs, Room Set-up, Building
Policies, etc. - Food/Catering/Sodexho
- Tech Support DUST/IMS
- Public Safety
- Personal Assistance
- Contracts
- Specific Types of Events
- Resources
38Event Services
Gillian Telford, Assistant Director for Event
Services reservations_at_drexel.edu
www.drexel.edu/eventservices 215-895-2520 or
215-895-0264 Creese Student Union, Room
001 Hours Monday through Friday, 800 am-500 pm
- Event Services serves as the primary point of
contact for recognized student organizations with
the following departments/services - Room Space Reservations
- Facilities
- Public Safety
Event Services Webpage
39Reserving a room/space
- Please use the reservation form on
www.drexel.edu/eventservices and provide the
following information (if the submit button
does not work, please download and save the pdf
file and email to our office as an attachment) - Organization name and co-sponsoring group (if
applicable) - Event Name
- Desired Date and alternate date
- Start time and end time of your meeting/event
- Any set-up time you may need (for more elaborate
events) - Preferred location
- Your student organization account number
- Description of the event
- Food/Catering (Pot Luck, Bake Sale, etc.)
- Attendance estimate
- A/V needs and DUST
- Guest Speaker
- Contact persons name, email, and phone number
- The contact person MUST be the contact person for
everything related to the meeting/event
(Catering, DUST, Public Safety, OCA, etc.) and
will be considered the event planner.
40Event Services (cond)
- Policies
- Requests are on a first come, first serve basis
- Please Allow Event Services a minimum of 48 hours
(2 business days) to respond to your room/space
request - Please give Event Services 2 weeks notice for
room reservations, especially for larger events.
Reservations may not be fulfilled for any event
within 48 hours of the start of the event. - Event planners from student organizations are
expected to take ownership of your events. You
need to have regular communication with Event
Services and OCA about the details of your event. - If we do not have enough information about your
event in sufficient time, your event may be
cancelled. - An actual reservation has not been confirmed
until a 5-digit reservation number has been
sent to you with a confirmation email!!! - Please review your confirmation details in the
attachment provided once your request is
confirmed. Please notify the office of any
changes or discrepancies.
41Example of a space/room reservation confirmation
from Event Services
Confirmation number
Your student organizations account number
(please make sure the account number is correct!)
Always check to make sure you have the correct
date, time, and location you requested!
42Commonly used locations
- The following space can be reserved on a
first-come-first-serve basis - (unless otherwise noted, spaces are available for
the full fiscal year beginning July 1st) - Creese Student Center and GSDC conference rooms
- Ross Commons
- Grand Hall and Main Auditorium
- Korman Quad
- Lounge 101 (Game room located in the basement of
the Main Building) - Residence Hall multi-purpose rooms (reservations
taken on a term-by-term basis starting the break
week prior to the respective term.) - Academic Classrooms (cannot be reserved during
the first two weeks of each term) - MacAlister 2019/2020
- The University Club (6th Floor MacAlister) - 50
charge - General Space on Campus
- Buckley Green and Field, DAC, Volleyball Courts,
BBQ Pits - Athletics/Intramurals gets first dibs on the
fields - Facilities fees may apply for set-up and clean-up
- BBQ Pit - 2 hour maximum
- Volleyball courts - 2 hour maximum
The use of these spaces must be approved by and
reserved through Dan Simmons, Assoc. Director of
Athletics, at des26_at_drexel.edu or 215-895-2025.
43Other spaces available for student organization
- Mandell Theatre
- Contact Josh Browns Theatre Manager
- 215-895-2528 or mandell_at_drexel.edu
- Academic Bistro
- Contact Adrienne Hall - Chef Instructor/Academic
Bistro Manager - 215-895-5872 or academic.bistro_at_drexel.edu
- Catering/food MUST be provided by culinary
students - Bossone Auditorium, Lobby, Atrium
- Contact The College of Engineering
- 215-895-2210
- Library Bookmark Café
- Contact DeVaughn Nelson
- 215-895-2750
- Paul Peck Alumni Center
- Contact Jeff Spence, Alumni Relations
- 215-895-2375
44 Event Services serves as the primary point of
contact for student organizations with the
following departments
Event Services Webpage
451. Facilities
- FY2009 Student Organization Rates
- Hourly Labor Rates Standard Overtime
Double time - Custodian 23.00 35.00 47.00
- Mechanic/Electrician 30.00 46.00 62.00
- Engineer 32.00 48.00 64.00
- Transportation 50.00 66.00 82.00
- (student organizations receive a 20 discount
from regular rates) - Standard Time - 800am-500pm, Monday-Friday
- Overtime - 501pm-759am, Monday-Friday and
Saturdays - Double Time - Sundays and Holidays
- Custodian rates apply for Custodians (Janitors),
Groundskeepers, and Utility Crew - Please verify other applicable rates with the
Event Services Office - (Utility (set-up/tear-down) and Shipping)
462. Sodexo/Catering/Food
- Sodexo is the exclusive on-campus caterer!
- They have an existing contract and insurance
certificate with the University (no additional
contracts needed when working with Sodexo) - How do I obtain Sodexo food at my event?
- You must have a space/room reserved prior to
contacting catering - Contact them at cad_at_drexel.edu or 215-895-6934
- You need to contact catering a minimum of 10
business days prior to the event, or there may be
late fees assessed to your food order - Please allow at least 48 hours (2 business days)
for a response - Tell them what you want (be very specific)
- Tell them how many people you are feeding at the
event - Requests within 72 hours of the event may have
extra charges
Sodexho-Catering Website
47- Four exceptions to this rule
- Sodexo gives you an exception/waiver! (usually
occurs with cultural, kosher, or vegetarian food) - Pot Luck!
- Bake Sale!
- Pizza! (for smaller group meetings only, larger
events need to use Sodexo)
- You must use Sodexo catering for any food at your
on-campus event!
Sodexho-Catering Website
48Sodexo Food Exception
- Request for Catering Policy Exception Form
- Request should be submitted a minimum of 20
business days prior to the event, to the Retail
Management office located in Suite 119 of the
Creese Student Center - Phone Number 215-895-1562
- Include specific reasons for the Exception
- If the Exception is provided, then you will work
with OCA to have a Contract and Insurance
Certificate completed and submitted with the food
49More food options
- Potlucks
- When you reserve space you must tell event
services you are having a pot luck - No reimbursement for food
- Cannot charge for food
- Must be for less than 50 people
- Bake Sales
- Reserve table through Event Services and inform
them you are having a bake sale - All baked goods separately wrapped
- Can charge for food
If you leave trash, your organization
will be responsible for the custodial charges!
Potluck Guidelines Website
Bake Sale Guidelines Website
50More food options PIZZA!
- Under 100
- You can order from a couple local pizza vendors
(ie only Eds Pizza, Powelton Pizza) without
having to do a contract (OCA has their insurance
on file for the year). - You must pay for the pizza on your own and then
get reimbursed afterwards! - Reimbursed with cash if paid by cash
- No contract needed through OCA!
- Over 100
- Must work with Sodexo or get an Exception
- Must be reimbursed with check (not cash)
51Food being Donated
- If food is being donated for your event
- You will need to simply complete/submit the
Exception so Sodexo/Catering know about what food
is coming to campus. - You will simply need to work with OCA to make
sure that a Contract and Insurance Certificate
are supplied for/from the food vendor
523. Public Safety
- Public Safety is usually needed at student
organization events if - More than 100 people are expected
- Large amount of money exchanged/collected
- Building is closed during event hours
- History of event
- The Office of Fire and Life Safety is to be
contacted 2 weeks prior to an event ,where one or
more of the following may be anticipated - Use of open flames
- Smoke/fog machines
- Tents
- Generators
- Capacities over 200
- Public safety is determined by Event
Services/OCA/Pubic Safety on a case-by-case basis!
- Costs
- 22.00 per hour per officer
- Minimum of 4 hours
Public Safety Webpage
534. DUST (Drexel University Student Technicians)
- Types of events DUST can support
- Indoor/Outdoor Movies
- Lectures/Speakers
- Bands
- Presentations
- Open Mic Nights
- Parties/Social Events
- Services include
- Microphones
- Projector/Screens
- Speakers/Sound
- Electricity/Power
- Lights
- Podiums
- DJ/Band Equipment
DUST Website
544. DUST (Drexel University Student Technicians)
- Policies
- Requests are accepted on a first come first serve
basis - Can serve as consultants for outside vendors
- DUST is FREE for student organizations if
- You provide them with at least one weeks notice
of the event (late requests possibility of 100
charge) - They have the equipment in stockif not, then you
will have to pay the equipment rental and
delivery charges (at no profit to DUST) - Your event ends prior to midnight and the DUST
crew is able to leave by midnightif not, then
your cost is 15 per DUST employee per hour until
they are finished
DUST Website
55Request for DUST Services Form (Click here to
download form) or pick one up in the DUST
Office! - Fill out form and submit to DUST in
Creese Lower Level Room 001 - Call/email and
confirm prior to event at 215-895-1330
or dusttech_at_drexel.edu
DUST Website
56Drexel University Transportation
- Facilities Management can provide shuttle and
charter buses for your event - There is a charge to reserve these means of
transportation - To reserve transportation please visit
http//www.drexel.edu/oca/raf/forms.asp - For 2007-2008
- 55/hour from 8am-5pm
- 65/hour from 501pm 759am
- 65/hour on Saturdays
- 75/hour on Sundays and Holidays
- Charges may apply for cancellations and fuel
surcharges - Facilities Management Phone Number 215-895-1700
- It is important for you to call them to confirm
the reservation
57OCA Contracts
- Why they are required
- Performers/Vendors and student organizations are
fully aware of the expectations and services to
be provided - Performers/Vendors know the terms of payment,
details of the event, etc. - Protect the students (putting University at
risk) - When they are required
- Contracts are required ANYTIME you are bringing
someone (or a service) to campus who is not a
member of the current existing Drexel community - Contracts are required even if you are NOT paying
the Performer - Timeline
- Submit Contract Request form at least 2 weeks (14
days) in advance of your organizations event - Any Requests submitted less than 2 weeks in
advance will only be processed on a case-by-case
scenario (no guarantee) - OCA needs to sign any/all contracts
- Students should not sign any agreements/contracts
on behalf of your organization/event (you will
be personally liable)
58Contracts are needed for the following
- Including, but not limited to
- Lecturers, speakers, presenters, etc.
- Caterers
- DJs
- Bands
- Carnival Games and Rides
- Blood and Bone Marrow Drives
- Government Officials
- Any Performer (dance troupe) or Media Group
(radio station) - Sponsorships
- (OCA will not do contracts for alcohol because
student organization money is not to be used for
purchasing alcohol)
How to Obtain A Contract for Your Event
59Request for Contract Form
This form must be completely filled out for
the OCA to process a contract for your
organization!!! Incorrect and incomplete forms
cause delays in the contract process!!!
Must provide your event services space/room
confirmation number
Very important to fill out this section in detail
60Off-Campus Events/Activities
- Events can be held off-campus
- (1) in case it can not physically be held on
Drexels campus and/or - (2) with the approval from OCA
- OCA needs to sign any /all contracts
- Students should not sign any agreements/contracts
on behalf of your organization/event - Contracts may also still need to be processed
through OCA for certain services, since this is a
Drexel University student group event (ie DJ,
inflatable rides, etc) - Student organizations may not hold events at
off-campus venues that generate 50.1 or more of
its revenue from alcohol (ie bars, taverns,
etc) - Student activity fees (17 account funds) can be
used for off-campus events with OCA approval
61IV. Resources
62OCA Websitewww.drexel.edu/OCA
- OCA Search Engine
- Org Directory
- Leadership Resources
- Recognition
- Event Planning
- Policies
- Leadership Assistants
- How to Promote your Org
- Advisor Section
- Downloadable Resources and Forms
63Ways to Promote Your Org Visit the OCA
Website for detailed information
- The Triangle
- Posting Policy
- Residence Halls
- Poster Maker
- Display Case
- Sandwich Boards
- Get Connected Surveys
- Activities Unlimited
- InfoNet (LCD Screens)
- Daily Digest
- Drexel One
- OCA Memos
- Honors Newsletter
- Commuter Listserv
- Fraternity Sorority Life Listserv
64Virtual Leadership Library
- OCA has a wide variety of resources to help
- you to become an effective leader!
- Tip Sheets!
- Teambuilding, Officer Transition, Conflict
Resolution, etc - PowerPoint presentations
- Seven Secrets of Success, Military Strategies,
etc - Tutorials
- Officer Transition, Running a Successful Event,
etc - Videos (CEO workshops online)
- Links to world-wide leadership development
resources - National Organizations
- Leadership and Character Development websites
65Resources for student organization use from OCA
- Popcorn machine
- Karaoke machine
- Game show buzzers
- Helium
- Leadership Library
- Poster printers
- Monster games (golf, tennis, etc.) and board
- Teambuilding supplies (training workbooks, balls,
blindfolds, etc) - Ballot/donation box
- Large bulletin board/mural paper
- Sandwich boards/A-frames
For use or reservations of OCA resources please
contact OCA at
askoca_at_drexel.edu or 215-895-1328 as soon as
Small fee required for more than 1 Must
reserve ahead
OCA Resources Website
66More resources for student organization use
How does my student organization get
- Web-space?
- Email accounts?
- Office space?
- Flyers approved?
- Our student orgs events on OCAs event calendar
on website? - Transportation?
- Fax machine in OCA
- GSDC Lower Level
- Computers
- Fridge and Microwave
- Copy Machine (.05 per copy)
- Die cut machine
- Paper cutter
OCA Resources Website
67Web Space and Email Address
- 1. Once recognized, the organization president
must request a student organization computer
account by emailing accounts_at_drexel.edu or
215-895-1958. - 2. IRT will confirm with OCA that your
organization is recognized. - 3. IRT will then walk you through the process for
obtaining web space and an email address. - The president of the student organization is
personally responsible for the organizations
website content and email address.
IRT Website Web Space and Email Address
68Office space
- The Space Allocation Committee (SAC) will
announce the student office space allocation
process for the upcoming fiscal year by Spring
Term - Student organizations desiring new space or
wishing to retain previously assigned space for
the new year must fill out and submit an
application during the Spring Term timeline with
OCA in 215 Creese - Organizations will be notified by the end of
Spring Term whether or not they have received
office space and/or storage space -
- A student organization whose application for
re-assignment has been denied must vacate the
space by the end of June - Student organizations may move into their new
office and/or storage space in July
Space Allocation Committee Website
69Flyers Approved
- All Flyers/posters on campus
- Â
- Must be approved and stamped by the Creese
Information Desk (Student Union Operations). - Â
- Free to all recognized student organizations
(outside groups charged .20 per flier). - Â
- Up to 60 flyers can be approved at the
information desk at one time - All flyers are stamped for 14 days maximum
- Flyers should not exceed 11 X 18 without
permission from Student Union Operations. - For further information and to see the policy in
its entirety please refer to the Student Union
Operations web site http//www.drexel.edu/creeses
tudentcenter/infodesk/policyforms.html - Â
- Posters can only be placed in the 80 approved
posting locations/bulletin - boards, which are marked across campus.
- Residential Living (RLO) can approve around 100
posters for the residence halls. Go to RLO in
Towers Hall for the Approval Form
70Student Union Operations (SUO)
- SUO is here to help make your event a success!
- Please come to the Information Desk with
questions or call the building manager at
215-783-2371. - Please do not move furniture around in the rooms.
- Failure to abide by this may mean an extra charge
for your group. - Try your best to leave the space just as you
found it (i.e. throwing away trash, taking
materials with you, etc.) - SUO now reserves the Display Case in the Creese
Student Center. To make a reservation please fill
out the Display Case reservation form - http//www.drexel.edu/creesestudentcenter/infodesk
/DisplayCaseRequest.pdf.pdf - A group can reserve the space for up to two (2)
weeks at a time. - SUO helps student organizations that would like
to place a donation box or container to collect
items in the Creese Student Center - Please go to the Information Desk and fill out a
form. Groups can reserve space for two (2) weeks
at a time.
71OCAs Event Calendar
- Recognized student organizations can submit
events to be placed on the calendar by emailing
askoca_at_drexel.edu. - Events MUST be submitted at least 1 week in
advance! - Events MUST be open to all students!
- In the email include specific details of your
event including name of organization, date, start
and end time, location, cost, and contact
information for the student running the event.
Click here to view the current OCA calendar of
- Advisors can play a valuable and supportive role
for your organization - We recommend that student leaders meet with their
Advisor to determine the most effective role - Use the Advisor Role Checklist that can be
downloaded from the OCA website (see link below) - OCA has also produced a more comprehensive
Advisors Manual, and we hope that - http//www.drexel.edu/oca/so/advisors.asp
73CEO/CEO II Programwww.drexel.edu/OCA/Leadership
- The CEO Program is a Leadership Development
Series Providing the Skills Needed to Succeed
Personally and Professionally - Over 120 leadership development workshops are
provided each year - This is the central way that OCA provides
leadership training for student organizations
leaders and members - The CEO Program was originally designed for
student organizational leaders and members, in
order to build and develop student with vital
interpersonal and organizational management
skills - Excellent Organization Certificate Awarded to
student orgs that have 5 or more members earn any
individual CEO Certificate in a given year. Orgs
earn up to 500.
74Star Leaders/Organizations
- OCA honors and recognizes the achievements of our
Star student leaders, organizations, and
professionals on a monthly basis, for making a
positive contribution to campus life at Drexel
University. - We applaud the Star Leaders and Organizations and
believe that their example should be highlighted
in the Drexel community. - It is our privilege to receive nominations from
you our student leaders - http//www.drexel.edu/oca/l/star_leader.asp
75Student Leader Survey
- For the first time this decade, OCA created and
distributed a survey to all of the 2007-2008
student organization leaders - This survey will be sent out yearly in the Spring
Term - This is your opportunity to share Your Voice and
Your Input about our office and other services
around campus. - We are looking forward to receiving your
feedback, so we can include your opinions in our
future goals - The survey was/is sent from askoca_at_drexel.edu
with a link to SurveyMonkey (it can take up to 20
min.) -
76V. Hazing
- Pennsylvania Anti-Hazing Law (1986) Act
175P.S. 5352 - Drexel University Student Handbook
- Definition of Hazing ...any action taken or
situation created, intentionally, whether on or
off University premises, to produce mental or
physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment,
or ridicule. Such activities and situations
include paddling in any form, creation of
excessive fatigue, physical and psychological
shock... or any other such activities, wearing
publicly apparel which is conspicuous and not
normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts
and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating
games and activities, late work sessions which
interfere with scholastic activities not
consistent with the educational institution. - Individuals and/or organization as a whole found
in violation of this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action.
77Office of Campus Activities (OCA)
askoca_at_drexel.edu ? www.drexel.edu/oca Phone
215-895-1328 ? Fax 215-895-2500 Creese Student
Center, Suite 215
Ari Hauben, Director Rebecca Dzara, Associate
Director for Campus Programming Walter Parrish,
Coordinator for Leadership and Community
Development Joe Gonzalez, Budget Coordinator of
Student Org. Accounts/SAFAC Kia J. Perkins,
Administrative Coordinator John Cooke, Assistant
Dean for Campus Engagement
78Evaluation of SOOT
- In the coming 1-2 weeks, we will send an email
from askoca_at_drexel.edu with a link to
SurveyMonkey -
- Only a handful of questions
- We will use your feedback to make SOOT and your
student leadership experience more effective
79VI. Questions?